John F. Kennedy

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See Jimi Get Experienced for $39.95
See Jimi Get Experienced
for $39.95

See Jimi Get Experienced for $39.95

Guitar hero is intimate with two foxy ladies on disputed sex tape

(Newser) - Eleven minutes of footage showing a man having sex with two women have been packaged into a 45-minute Jimi Hendrix experience by a porn company notorious for releasing tapes of exposed celebrities. Whether it's actually the 1960s guitar hero is contested: Vivid Entertainment relies on private detectives and Hendrix acquaintances—...

Politicians: They're All Crazy
Politicians: They're
All Crazy
Book review

Politicians: They're All Crazy

Blair, Bush, JFK all went nuts, argues ex-doctor and politician

(Newser) - It’s no wonder George W. Bush and Tony Blair messed up in Iraq: They were crazy. At least that’s ex-British politician David Owen’s belief. In his new book, In Sickness and in Power, the ex-doctor explores the health of leaders throughout time. Bush and Blair were afflicted...

Secret Monroe Porn Fetches $1.5M

FBI once thought it tied to JFK

(Newser) - A copy of an FBI-classified Marilyn Monroe sex tape quietly surfaced last month and sold for $1.5 million, reports the New York Post. The 15 minutes of silent footage, which the anonymous New York buyer plans to keep private so as not to make a “Paris Hilton out...

Lieberman Dem in Name Only
 Lieberman Dem in Name Only  

Lieberman Dem in Name Only

Former VP nominee takes GOP line in describing party's change

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman is several months into his job as John McCain’s wingman, but, writing in Time, Michael Scherer sees shades of 2004 turncoat Zell Miller in the Connecticut independent's anti-Democrat tone. Scherer hears a “Republican general election argument” in Lieberman's claim the Dems are ruled “by a...

Pop Culture Gems to Hit Vegas Auction Block

Gun that killed JFK assassin, Superman suit among items slated for Vegas auction

(Newser) - Indiana Jones' whip. The gun that killed JFK's assassin. Madonna's Like a Virgin wedding dress. All are up for grabs at a massive memorabilia auction scheduled for March 15-16 in Las Vegas, Reuters reports. Billed as the best pop-culture collection ever assembled, the 850-lot treasure trove could fetch more than...

Political Cartoons No Longer Front and Center

Power of the pen left behind in 20th century

(Newser) - Political cartoons remain, but they lost front page power and heft long ago, says U.S. News & World Report. Cartoonists like Thomas Nast could once sway elections—Ulysses S. Grant credited Nast's pencil to helping him win the presidency—but the ranks of full-time pen-and-paper satirists have thinned to...

Family, DNA Cast Doubt on JFK Love Child

His mother says she never met Kennedy; hair sample no match

(Newser) - A Texas-born investment banker's claim to be the love child of JFK is suddenly looking far less credible. The person who would know—his mom—says she never met John F. Kennedy, or any Kennedys for that matter, ABC News reports. Jack Worthington's reputable career and resemblance to Kennedy has...

For Obama Faithful, Fears Cloud Hopes
For Obama Faithful, Fears Cloud Hopes

For Obama Faithful, Fears Cloud Hopes

Evoking memories of King, Kennedys stirs anxieties over safety

(Newser) - "Stop worrying," Barack Obama tells supporters. “I've got the best protection in the world.” But they're worrying anyway: Even as supporters have watched their candidate rocket from longshot to frontrunner, their anxieties about a possible assassination attempt have grown, the New York Times reports. “Some...

How US Tried to Whack Castro
How US Tried to Whack Castro

How US Tried to Whack Castro

CIA devised creative means to remove Cuban president

(Newser) - Despite several assassination attempts against Fidel Castro, the Cuban president stepped down Tuesday on his own terms. The CIA came up with at least eight sometimes-kooky ways to oust the leader, CNN reports, most of which were not carried out:
  • Chemical attack on the air of his radio station.
  • Cigars

Three Takes on How He's Doing
Three Takes on How He's Doing

Three Takes on How He's Doing

Scribes at odds over where Obama registers on wonky scale

(Newser) - More than ever, Barack Obama looks the Democratic front-runner—and pundits are focusing on chinks in his armor:
  • After much difficulty working policy into his “soaring oratory,” the New Republic's Jonathan Cohn writes, Obama recently found the right balance—but now “he may be getting a little

JFK Treasure Trove Revealed
JFK Treasure Trove Revealed

JFK Treasure Trove Revealed

Long-lost files, Ruby's and Oswald's personal effects appear in public

(Newser) - Numerous items related to the JFK assassination were revealed to the public today after having spent years forgotten in a Dallas courthouse safe, the Dallas Morning News reports. Brass knuckles and a holster belonging to Jack Ruby were in the safe, as was a lucrative contract signed by Ruby prosecutor...

Dallas DA Finds Stored Docs on JFK Slaying

Materials include transcript that could fuel conspiracy theories

(Newser) - Dallas County officials have uncovered a batch of JFK assassination materials, including a transcript between Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald that one expert laughed off as a likely fake. Other items include correspondence, records of the Ruby trial, and a gun holster, the Dallas Morning News reports.

Canada Man Says He's JFK's Son
Canada Man Says He's JFK's Son

Canada Man Says He's JFK's Son

Alleged love child wants DNA compared

(Newser) - A Vancouver man is claiming he's John F. Kennedy's son and he wants the Kennedy clan to supply some DNA so he can prove it. Jack Worthington was born on November 22, 1961—exactly two years before JFK was assassinated in Dallas. The alleged presidential love child says his Texan...

Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama
Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama

Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama

Critical nod a new blow to Clinton ahead of Super Duper Tuesday

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy, the heir to his slain brothers' Camelot ideal, will endorse Barack Obama's bid for the Oval Office tomorrow, the Boston Globe reports, ending his year-long seat on the fence and giving the candidate's surging chances a second Kennedy boost in a day. The Democratic godfather's coveted nod is...

Why Obama Is No JFK
Why Obama

Why Obama Is No JFK

Comparisons fail to note fellow senator's experience on world stage

(Newser) - The election of a charismatic 43-year-old president nearly a half-century ago may indeed represent a precedent for Barack Obama's upstart candidacy, but Ted Widmer notes in Washington Monthly that JFK had something Barack can’t boast: a substantial foreign policy record. Born into world affairs, Kennedy was in the room...

Fateful 1963 Xmas Card Missing on Tour

Greeting never sent out after JFK assassination

(Newser) - Visitors on a White House Christmas tour have noticed something missing—a rare 1963 greeting card that John F. Kennedy signed before his fateful trip to Dallas, Reuters reports. President and Jacquelyn Kennedy signed fewer than 30 of the cards, which were never sent out. "They are the most...

Ex-Agent Claims Twist in JFK Plot
Ex-Agent Claims Twist
in JFK Plot

Ex-Agent Claims Twist in JFK Plot

Says Cuban killers, armed radical planned hits in Chicago

(Newser) - Feds dug up a plot to ice JFK in Chicago three weeks before he was killed in Dallas, ABC news reports. JFK's trip to the Windy City was nixed, but agents never passed on data about a Cuban hit squad and an armed radical to federal agents in Dallas. Yet...

Evangelical Semantics Shadow Romney
Evangelical Semantics Shadow Romney

Evangelical Semantics Shadow Romney

In Southern pulpits, 'Mormon' doesn't always equal 'Christian'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is vying aggressively for the religious right's support, but experts are advising him not to overdo it. Political strategists and religious experts alike caution that it’s dangerous for the Mormon candidate to sell himself as a Christian. Bloomberg looks at the complicated intersection of politics, faith, vocabulary,...

&lsquo;Cowardice&rsquo; Made LBJ Grow War
‘Cowardice’ Made LBJ
Grow War

‘Cowardice’ Made LBJ Grow War

Schlesinger diaries depict liberal flight as prez sought heroism

(Newser) - President Johnson’s motives for escalating the Vietnam War were “psychological and political rather than military,” wrote insider Arthur Schlesinger Jr. The former Kennedy hand documented the flight of top liberals from LBJ, even as he psychoanalyzed the president’s 1966-1967 decision to play “the war to...

Gospel Lives in the Oval Office
Gospel Lives in the Oval Office

Gospel Lives in the Oval Office

New biography reflects on Billy Graham's counsel to 8 of last 9 presidents

(Newser) - Billy Graham has seen US leaders laid bare, from skinny-dipping with LBJ to long walks on the beach with GWB. A new book details the ailing 88-year-old preacher’s rendezvous with presidents past, including counseling Ford to pardon Nixon and advising Hillary Clinton to look past Monica Lewinsky. Graham’s...

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