
Stories 661 - 680 | << Prev   Next >>

Curry Spice Kills Cancer Cells
 Curry Spice Kills Cancer Cells 

Curry Spice Kills Cancer Cells

Chemicals in turmeric turn cancerous cells on themselves

(Newser) - Curcumin, a compound present in that yellow curry spice turmeric, has been shown to kill cancer cells. A new study found that the chemical, which has long been thought to have curative properties, begins to kill esophageal cancer cells within 24 hours of application. The reaction also causes the cells...

You Not Only Can Eat New Veal, You Should
 You Not Only Can 
 Eat New Veal, 
 You Should  

You Not Only Can Eat New Veal, You Should

Pasture-raised version of other, other white meat draws new fans

(Newser) - Some conscientious objectors to eating veal are not only reconsidering their stance, they are doing an about-face. The new hot product at top restaurants is “humanely raised” veal—calves no longer wrenched from their mothers and raised in cages, but brought to slaughter after an idyllic, if short, life...

UN to US: Drone Attacks Could Be Unlawful

Human rights watchdog wants more accountability from CIA in Pakistan

(Newser) - A UN human rights watchdog has some strong misgivings about the CIA drone attacks on suspected terrorists in Pakistan that have killed 600 people since last year. "Extralegal executions" are a violation of international law, Philip Alston tells the BBC. “These Predators are being operated in a framework...

Ares Test Rocket Blasts Off

Possible space shuttle replacement launches after long delay

(Newser) - NASA’s Ares I-X test rocket finally blasted off this morning, after several delays and a storm-foiled first attempt. The $445 million rocket is the first of its kind, and NASA hopes it’ll eventually replace the space shuttle and take astronauts to the moon. Originally it was supposed to...

Clinton Backs Pakistan as Bomb Toll Hits 90

 Clinton Backs Pakistan 
 as Bomb Toll Hits 90 

Clinton Backs Pakistan as Bomb Toll Hits 90

Secretary of state says 'this is our struggle as well'

(Newser) - Offering sympathy for victims of today's terrorist bombing, Hillary Clinton praised Pakistan's offensive against extremists and pledged US support at a critical point in the country's history. "Pakistan is in the midst of a struggle against tenacious and brutal extremist groups who kill innocent people and terrorize communities,"...

Soccer Stars Told to Quit Spitting
 Soccer Stars Told 
 to Quit Spitting 
Swine Flu Panic

Soccer Stars Told to Quit Spitting

Health officials fear they'll spread flu, kids will imitate them

(Newser) - British health officials are scolding Premier League footballers for spitting on the pitch. With swine flu outbreaks already confirmed at Bolton Wanderers and Blackburn Rovers, the HPA fears players' rampant habit of spitting could spread the disease. “It's unhygienic and unhealthy,” says an HPA spokesman. “Footballers, like...

This Is It Proves King of Pop Still Rocked
This Is It Proves 
 King of Pop 
 Still Rocked 

This Is It Proves King of Pop Still Rocked

Michael Jackson was in surprisingly good shape in dazzling footage

(Newser) - Michael Jackson didn't live long enough to take the final bow he had planned in London, but critics agree This Is It is a fitting swan song, proof that the King of Pop really did have a comeback in him:
  • "This Is It is quite extraordinary. If there was

Chicago Men Busted in Danish Terror Plot

Pair accused of plot to attack paper that printed Mohammed cartoons

(Newser) - Two Chicago men have been charged with conspiring to attack the Danish newspaper that enraged many Muslims by printing cartoons of Mohammed in 2005. Suspect Daniel Coleman Headley, a US citizen who grew up in Pakistan, has "very extensive contacts with leading militant extremists in Pakistan," an official...

Mobile Firm's Meteor Stunt Backfires

Hoaxed Latvians plan to cancel Swedish company's contracts

(Newser) - A Swedish mobile phone company has dug itself into a crater with a marketing stunt involving a fake meteorite. Tele2 dug a hole in a meadow in Latvia and placed burning chemicals in the bottom to simulate a meteor strike, making headlines worldwide and fooling emergency services into cordoning off...

Lifer Seeks Better Life on Death Row

Killer eyes amenities that come with capital punishment

(Newser) - Living on death row looks like a better deal than dying as a lifer, convicted killer Billy Joe Johnson told a California jury yesterday. "You get out of your confined cell a little more," said Johnson, whose trial has moved to the penalty phase after he was found...

Nazi Hitman Goes on Trial
 Nazi Hitman Goes on Trial 

Nazi Hitman Goes on Trial

88-year-old who killed Dutch civilians faces German court

(Newser) - A Dutch Nazi collaborator who killed his countrymen in reprisals for anti-German actions has gone on trial in Germany. Heinrich Boere, 88, has admitted gunning down three civilians as part of a Waffen SS death squad. He fled to Germany after the war and dodged extradition attempts for years. Prosecutors...

Arnold Hides Vulgar Message to Legislators in Veto

Bill's author recently told governor to 'kiss my gay ass'

(Newser) - Though all political vetoes send some message, a recent one by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to carry two—with the less-obvious one quite the kiss-off to the Democrat-controlled legislature. In the message accompanying Schwarzenegger’s veto of a financing measure, the San Francisco Bay Guardian found that, in reading...

Dodgers Owners Headed for Ugly Divorce

Jamie McCourt says Frank had no right to fire her as team CEO

(Newser) - This could get messier than the Los Angeles Dodgers’ playoff elimination against Philadelphia: Jamie McCourt, wife of Los Angeles owner Frank McCourt filed for divorce today, charging that they are in fact co-owners, and that Frank had no right to fire her last week as the team’s chief executive....

Afghan Surge Gains Favor; Public Sours on DC
Afghan Surge Gains Favor; Public Sours on DC

Afghan Surge Gains Favor; Public Sours on DC

Support for public option also grows; GOP isn't more popular, though

(Newser) - New poll numbers out today hold good news and bad for the Obama administration. Support is rising for a troop surge in Afghanistan, the NBC/Wall Street Journal survey finds, and nearly half now favor a public option in the health-care reform measures now under consideration. The bad news: 58% said...

November Baseball's a Farce
 November Baseball's a Farce 
Jay Mariotti

November Baseball's a Farce

Selig needs to get the boys of summer off the field

(Newser) - Isn’t the Fall Classic supposed to happen in the fall? Not this year. The World Series begins tomorrow night and, in case Bud Selig hasn’t noticed, it’s “never seemed more irrelevant,” writes Jay Mariotti. It’s simply too late in the year for baseball. “...

Col. Sanders Impersonator Punks UN

Impersonator dupes security in publicity stunt

(Newser) - A Colonel Sanders lookalike got a diplomat’s welcome at the United Nations, somehow tricking the security guards into letting him in, UN officials sheepishly admitted. Once inside, the KFC mascot met with UN General Assembly President Ali Treki of Libya, even getting his picture snapped shaking hands beneath the...

Meet Michelle's 'Body Woman'

Kristen Jarvis came up in Obama's Senate office, and has proven stellar

(Newser) - Kristen Jarvis has had tough jobs. She joined Barack Obama’s office in 2004, when he was a newly minted senator. But that was nothing compared to last year’s presidential campaign, when she was given a different charge: Michelle Obama. As her "body woman," Jarvis did everything...

Bartering Turns Into $10B Recession-Buster

More businesses signing on to trend of exchanging services

(Newser) - The global recession has made bartering hot, but don’t go thinking it’s all a backrub for a plumbing fix. Big money—though no cash—is changing hands through the world’s largest barter service, Bartercard. The worldwide service’s transactions are valued at $2 billion this year, up...

Obama Tags $3.4B for Smart Energy Grid

Plan will create tens of thousands of jobs and cheaper electricity

(Newser) - President Obama will roll out a plan to use $3.4 billion in stimulus funds to modernize the nation’s electrical grid today. The “smart grid” spending will go to private contractors, utilities, and municipal governments in grants of between $400,000 and $2 million. The administration expects $4....

Freakonomics Guys Freak Out Climate Acolytes
Freakonomics Guys Freak Out Climate Acolytes
Bret Stephens

Freakonomics Guys Freak Out Climate Acolytes

The Church of Gore doesn't want to hear simple solutions

(Newser) - Wouldn't it be great to make global warming disappear with a helium balloon, a few miles of garden hose, and a stream of sulfur dioxide? “Maybe, but not if you’re Al Gore or one of his little helpers,” writes Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal. Steven...

Stories 661 - 680 | << Prev   Next >>