Hosni Mubarak

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Roads Shut as Masses Descend on Cairo

Military pledges not to fire on protesters

(Newser) - Authorities have shut down all roads and public transportation to Cairo as anti-government protesters gather for what organizers say will be the biggest day of protests yet, security officials tell AP . Organizers hope a million people will gather in the city's Tahrir Square to demand the ouster of President Hosni...

Egyptian VP to Opposition: Let's Talk

Suleiman says Mubarak has authorized him to begin talks

(Newser) - Egypt's new vice president said that the government would be willing to begin a dialogue with the opposition in order to mollify the violent protests that have rocked the country, the Wall Street Journal reports. Omar Suleiman said that President Mubarak had asked him to open an "immediate" dialogue...

Egyptians Plan Million-Man Protest

Opposition hopes tomorrow's big demonstration will push out Mubarak

(Newser) - Protesters in Egypt are calling for the biggest demonstration yet tomorrow, hoping to topple the wobbly Mubarak regime. Organizers hope that more than a million people will take to the streets in Cairo alone, reports al-Jazeera . "It seems as if they are saying: 'We are here to stay. We...

Mubarak Foes Unite Behind ElBaradei

... Including the controversial Muslim Brotherhood

(Newser) - Egypt's vast protest movement is showing signs of converging behind a single leader: Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei . Various opposition groups threw their support behind him today, none more significant than the controversial Muslim Brotherhood. ElBaradei addressed the throngs at a rally in downtown Cairo, despite the curfew that exists in...

Egypt Closes al-Jazeera Bureau
 Egypt Closes al-Jazeera Bureau 

Egypt Closes al-Jazeera Bureau

Yanks licenses of breakout station

(Newser) - Egypt isn't messing around with al-Jazeera anymore, announcing on state-run television today that it's closing the network's Cairo bureau and revoking its license to broadcast from the country. Al-Jazeera has pledged to continue its coverage, but it's unclear what form that will take, notes AP . "The information minister ordered...

US to Citizens in Egypt: Leave
 US to Citizens in Egypt: Leave 

US to Citizens in Egypt: Leave

Flurry of countries look to get their nationals out

(Newser) - Americans in Egypt should leave the country ASAP, said the US Embassy in Cairo today, joining a flurry of nations to call for their citizens to flee as Egypt enters its sixth day of protests. The move comes, notes the AP, as Egyptians and foreigners alike clog Egypt's waning number...

Suleiman Pick: 'He's Not the One'
 Suleiman Pick: 
 'He's Not the One'  

Suleiman Pick: 'He's Not the One'

Choice won't appease populace, could signal military takeover

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak's new vice president —and possible successor—may help shore up support with Egypt's powerful military and reassure the United States, but Omar Suleiman will do little to save Mubarak's presidency. Suleiman leads Egypt’s foreign intelligence service, has similar political views as Mubarak, is considered the establishment...

Egyptian Police Stand Down, Army Joins Protest

Chaos reigns in streets of Cairo

(Newser) - Protesters in Cairo once again defied curfew today, but this time the police largely stood by and let them do it, the LA Times reports. The military meanwhile seems to have switched sides; as protesters swarmed over Cairo’s central square, the officers stationed there threw off their helmets...

Mubarak Names VP; His Sons Reported in London

Unclear whether moves will ease tumultuous protests

(Newser) - Clinging to his political life, Hosni Mubarak appointed well-respected intelligence chief Omar Suleiman as the first man to serve as vice president since taking power three decades ago. Mubarak then appointed outgoing aviation minister Ahmed Shafiq as his new prime minister, reports the AP. Suleiman's appointment appears to anoint him...

Egypt Protesters Return to Streets

They're calling for 'regime change, not Cabinet change,' says correspondent

(Newser) - Shouting "go away, go away!," Egyptian protesters flocked the streets of Cairo for a fifth day today, unassuaged by Hosni Mubarak's belated move last night to dismiss Cabinet —sending a not-so-subtle message that their goal remained the resignation of the president himself. "They are calling for...

Obama Tells Mubarak: 'There Must Be Reform'

President speaks to Egyptian leader

(Newser) - President Obama spoke to Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak today for the first time since the protests broke out, warning him that his promises of reform must be more than mere words. “He has a responsibility to give meaning" to them, Obama said. "There must be reform." The...

Mubarak Addresses Egypt, Will Not Step Down

But he will appoint new ministers

(Newser) - President Hosni Mubarak finally addressed his nation after four days of unprecedented demonstrations—but he's not resigning as protesters have demanded. Instead, he's ordered his Cabinet to quit so he can appoint new ministers, reports AP . It's a safe bet that will not satisfy protesters who continue to defy a...

Dow Off 166 on Egypt Crisis
 Dow Off 166 on Egypt Crisis 

Dow Off 166 on Egypt Crisis

World markets fall on protests

(Newser) - Escalating protests in Egypt are jarring world financial markets. Stocks fell while the dollar and Treasurys rose as investors sought to reduce their exposure to risk. Disappointing earnings reports also helped send stocks lower. The Dow Jones industrial average had its first down week after an eight-week winning streak. The...

US Will Review Aid to Egypt
 US Will Review Aid to Egypt 

US Will Review Aid to Egypt

Obama has not spoken directly to Hosni Mubarak

(Newser) - The US threatened today to reduce a $1.5 billion program of foreign aid to Egypt based on President Hosni Mubarak's response to swelling street protests in Cairo and other cities. "Violence is not the response" to the demands for greater freedoms, said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs. President...

Cables Show Complex Bond Between US, Egypt

Public relations have improved under Obama

(Newser) - Newly released WikiLeaks cables illustrate the complex relationship between Washington and longtime ally President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, the New York Times reports. The diplomatic cables reveal that the US has privately pressured Egypt on imprisoned dissidents and other issues, though the two governments’ public relationship has improved under President...

Egypt Blocks Internet, Deploys Special Forces

Communication tools shut down ahead of 'day of rage'

(Newser) - As what is expected to be the biggest day of protests yet looms, Egyptian authorities have blocked Internet traffic and deployed an elite special operations counterterrorism force. Users are reporting major disruptions to Internet and text messaging services, and Cairo appears to be completely offline, the Huffington Post reports.

Egypt Braces for Bigger Protests Tomorrow

Mohamed ElBaradei returns, says he's ready to lead

(Newser) - Protests continued throughout Egypt today, but demonstrators say tomorrow could be the biggest day yet. Millions gather at mosques for Friday prayers, providing organizers with a huge number of people already on the streets to tap into. Meanwhile, Egypt's top democracy advocate—Mohamed ElBaradei—returned to the country today and...

Self-Exiled Nobel Winner Returning to Egypt

Meanwhile, Barack Obama may step up criticism of Mubarak

(Newser) - Opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei is returning to Egypt today, in support of the protests sweeping the country, CNN reports. ElBaradei, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work for the UN’s nuclear watchdog agency, has been posting encouraging messages about the protests on Twitter, and plans to participate...

Egypt Arrests 700 Protesters
 Egypt Arrests 700 Protesters 

Egypt Arrests 700 Protesters

Protests against Mubarak continue with no letup in sight

(Newser) - With the Facebook-fueled protests against Egypt President Hosni Mubarak showing no signs of letting up, the government has responded with the mass arrests of 700 people or more, the BBC reports. The interior ministry says public gatherings will no longer be tolerated—despite Hillary Clinton's urging of government tolerance earlier...

Protester in Egypt Stands Up to Water Cannon

Hillary Clinton urges government to put reforms into place

(Newser) - A YouTube video out of Egypt with shades of Tiananmen Square is getting some buzz today, notes the Telegraph . It shows a protester in Cairo standing up to an approaching water cannon and forcing it to stop, at least temporarily. Eventually, the truck continued moving forward. As the unrest continues...

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