
9 Stories

How Were the Pyramids Built? A Lost Branch of the Nile

Researchers map extinct Nile branch that flowed past 31 known pyramids

(Newser) - Part of the mystery behind the construction of Egypt's ancient pyramids is that the vast majority were erected in places that now appear far from the aiding hand of the Nile river. According to new research, there's a simple explanation: We can't see what is now extinct....

Study: Clues to Pyramids' Construction Were in the Sand

Findings may help solve a key mystery about the construction of the pyramids

(Newser) - Today, nearly four miles of parched desert separate Egypt’s Giza pyramid complex from the Nile River, but that was not always case. In fact, the New York Times reports recent research suggests that a long-lost tributary of the Nile once flowed to the doorsteps of the Giza pyramids, and...

Nile River May Shed Light on Earth's Inner Workings
Nile River's Origins
Are Truly Ancient
new study

Nile River's Origins Are Truly Ancient

Study suggests river is 30M years old, may follow flow of planet's mantle

(Newser) - One school of thought among archaeologists is that the Nile River is 6 million years old. Not even close, according to a new study in Nature Geoscience . The international research team behind the study is siding with those who think the river has been largely in place for much longer:...

Famous Singer Sentenced to Jail for Insulting River

2nd Egyptian singer sentenced to jail time over a music video

(Newser) - To ancient Egyptians, the Nile River was the lifeblood of civilization. It's apparently no less dear to modern Egyptians, as a well-known pop singer has learned the hard way. Sherine Abdel-Wahab—described by the BBC as one of Egypt's most famous singers and a judge on the Arabic...

Egypt: 'We Will Die' if New Dam Dries Nile Water

Ethiopian hydropower dam gets Egypt's back up

(Newser) - Egypt is none too pleased about Ethiopia's massive dam project on the River Nile, the BBC reports. The dam will be Africa's biggest hydropower dam when it's completed in a few years. But Egypt relies almost completely on the Nile for water and says the dam threatens...

Egypt Bus Slides Off Ferry Into Nile; 17 Dead

10 people rescued, but others are missing

(Newser) - An Egyptian security official says a bus fell off a ferry into the Nile River and that at least 17 people drowned in the accident. The official says the minibus was packed with 32 passengers, mostly mourners heading to a funeral across the river, when the accident took place early...

Teacher Dies Saving Bride on Nile Honeymoon

Selfless British man saves 3 as storm sinks boat

(Newser) - A British teacher died saving his bride when a storm capsized their boat during a honeymoon cruise on the Nile. Luke Day, 31, opened a hatch and pushed his wife and two other tourists from the wooden sailing boat as waves swamped it in the middle of the night. He...

DC Zoo Evicting Hippo
 DC Zoo Evicting Hippo

DC Zoo Evicting Hippo

'Happy' must move to make place for elephants

(Newser) - The National Zoo is adding a new elephant sanctuary, reports the Washington Post, and the move is putting its sole Nile hippopotamus, Happy, out on the street in a year or so. The zoo will hold onto its pygmy hippos, but is more committed to Asian elephant programs. "You...

Sarko, New Squeeze Hit Egypt
Sarko, New Squeeze Hit Egypt

Sarko, New Squeeze Hit Egypt

French prez, Italian honey arrive on billionaire's jet, paparazzi in tow

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy has flown to Egypt, where the French president will meet with his counterpart Hosni Mubarak after spending a few days on the Nile with new girlfriend Carla Bruni. Paparazzi staked out the airport before the arrival of the divorcé and the supermodel-turned-singer, who flew in on a private...

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