National Rifle Association

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NRA's LaPierre Blasts Obama: 2nd Amendment Is Absolute

Says president wants to either tax guns or take them away

(Newser) - One person who was not a fan of President Obama's inaugural address: Wayne LaPierre , executive director of the NRA. Yesterday at a Nevada hunting conference, LaPierre attacked the president's speech, specifically the part where Obama urged Americans not to "mistake absolutism for principle." That was an...

90% Want Gun Background Checks

 90% Want Gun 

90% Want Gun Background Checks

Including NRA members, Republicans

(Newser) - Looks like President Obama was right when he said the majority of Americans support universal background checks for gun buyers—in a huge way. A whopping 90% of the public supports the idea, according to a new New York Times / CBS News poll, including 95% of Independents, 93% of...

Jon Stewart: NRA Is Punking Us
 Jon Stewart: NRA Is Punking Us 

Jon Stewart: NRA Is Punking Us

'Daily Show' host thinks ad is a Joaquin Phoenix-style hoax

(Newser) - Jon Stewart took one look at yesterday's NRA ad calling President Obama a hypocrite over armed guards at his daughters' school, and thought, "If I didn't know any better, after seeing that ad, I would think the NRA is either an elaborate, avant garde, Joaquin Phoenix-style joke...

NRA Ad Slams Obama Over Protection for His Girls

It makes him an 'elitist hypocrite'

(Newser) - If President Obama questions the idea of putting armed guards in every school, then why is he willing to let the Secret Service protect Sasha and Malia while they're in class? Because he's an "elitist hypocrite when it comes to a fair share of security," asserts...

NRA Shooting App No Longer 'Suitable' for 4-Year-Olds

'Practice Range' now for ages 12 and up

(Newser) - The NRA's new shooting app for mobile devices is no longer being described as "suitable for ages 4 and up." The age recommendation for "NRA: Practice Range" was changed to at least 12 years and a warning that the game depicts "intense" and "realistic"...

NRA's New Shooting App Perfect for Ages 4 and Up

Lets users practice with M16s, AK47s

(Newser) - The NRA is catching more than a little flak over the marketing of its new free app, "NRA: Practice Range." The virtual shooting-range experience isn't appropriate for 3-year-olds—but those ages four and up can fire away, per its 4+ age-rating in Apple's App Store. The...

NRA: We've Signed Up 100K Since Sandy Hook

Group says it doesn't intend to bend on gun control

(Newser) - The Sandy Hook shooting has been good for business for the NRA. In the last 18 days, the group has signed up more than 100,000 new members, it told Politico today. That bumped its overall membership from 4.1 million to 4.2 million. "Our goal is to...

Walmart: OK, OK, We'll Meet With Biden on Guns

Retailer initially declined invitation to gun safety talks

(Newser) - Meetings of Joe Biden's gun control task force start this week, and Walmart made headlines right off when it initially declined to attend. The retailer—the largest seller of guns and ammo in the nation—apparently couldn't find anyone in its huge organization who could make it to...

NRA Chief: Assault Gun Ban Is &#39;Phony Legislation&#39;
 NRA Chief: 
 'Call Me Crazy' 
 on Armed Guards 


NRA Chief: 'Call Me Crazy' on Armed Guards

Wayne LaPierre says assault weapons ban is 'phony legislation'

(Newser) - NRA chief Wayne LaPierre walked into the lion's den this morning, and quite literally stuck to his guns, doubling down on his assertion that every school should have an armed guard and refusing to budge on bullet-magazine capacity or gun control legislation. "If it's crazy to call...

Bloomberg Fighting to Counter Gun Lobby

Lawmakers need to lose fear of NRA, he says

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg has stepped up his calls for tighter gun laws in the wake of last month's Colorado massacre, but to his frustration, not many people seem to be listening—especially not President Obama and Mitt Romney. The argument that gun carnage can be stopped with existing laws—as...

Talks Fail, House GOP Moves on Holder's Contempt Vote

John Boehner says House will move forward with vote

(Newser) - The White House's last-ditch effort to avoid a contempt of Congress vote against Eric Holder has failed and John Boehner says the House will move forward with the vote, the AP reports. The Obama administration had offered to show congressional investigators some of the documents related to Fast and...

Battle Rages Over Code That Could Solve Gun Crimes

Microstamping would imprint numbers on shell casings

(Newser) - One of the toughest tasks police face: IDing the gun used to commit a crime. One way to potentially eliminate much of the problem: microstamping, in which a laser engraves a code on a portion of the gun that, when fired, can then imprint said series of numbers on shell...

New Lifetime NRA Member: Santorum Daughter Bella

'I hope it is a long life,' dad tells gathering

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association just gained a new lifetime member: Bella, the 3-year-old daughter of Rick Santorum. He revealed his toddler's enlistment in a speech at the NRA's annual meeting in St. Louis today, reports CNN . "(My wife) Karen and I are life members of the NRA,...

Gun Lobby Needs Something Better to Do
 Gun Lobby Needs 
 Something Better to Do 
Gail Collins

Gun Lobby Needs Something Better to Do

Gail Collins thinks these guys are getting bored

(Newser) - You have to pity the National Rifle Association; it's running out of things to lobby for. “You can only legalize carrying a concealed weapon in church once,” observes Gail Collins of the New York Times . Many state legislatures have stretched gun-friendly laws to the limit, but the...

12 More States May OK Carrying Gun Without Permit

It's already legal in 4 states, but gun control advocates appalled

(Newser) - Bills are in the works in at least 12 states to allow residents to buy and carry concealed weapons without a permit, USA Today reports. Gun control advocates are naturally appalled. "They want a gun in every nook and cranny in society with no permission needed," fumes a...

Virginia Aims to Kill Gun-a-Month Purchase Cap

State Senate expected to do away with 19-year-old limit today

(Newser) - Today's big gun story comes not from Arizona , but Virginia: The Virginia Senate aims today to shoot down a 19-year-old cap limiting residents to buying just one gun a month. Earlier this week, the Senate also passed a bill prohibiting towns from requiring fingerprints from people seeking permits to...

Obama Orders Gun Dealers to Report Multiple Rifle Sales

Order covers border states

(Newser) - The Obama administration is ordering gun dealers in southwestern border states to report the sale of multiple semiautomatic weapons to federal authorities, in a bid to stem the flow of weapons to Mexican drug gangs. The new regulation will require the roughly 8,500 dealers in California, Arizona, New Mexico,...

Fla. to Ban Doctors From Asking About Guns

'Docs vs Glocks' bill passes state senate

(Newser) - Doctors in Florida will be restricted from asking patients about gun ownership under a bill headed for Gov. Rick Scott's desk. The so-called "Docs versus Glocks" bill passed by the state Senate yesterday was introduced after a woman complained that her pediatrician told her to find another doctor...

NRA Takes Wider Aim
 NRA Takes 
 Wider Aim 

NRA Takes Wider Aim

Gun lobby not just focused on gun laws

(Newser) - The NRA is sticking its muzzle in all kinds of legislation that don’t look much like gun laws, the New York Times reports. The gun group’s lobbyists, thanks in part to their close relationship with Harry Reid, have put their fingerprints on everything from health care legislation (making...

Palin: Obama Would Ban Guns If He Could

Ex-governor has a packed speaking schedule

(Newser) - For someone not officially running for anything, Sarah Palin spends an awful lot of time running her mouth. Among highlights from yesterday's soundbite extravaganza, as reported by the AP :
  • If Obama and the Dems thought they "could get away with it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition and

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