
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Surgeon General: More People Use Opioids Than Tobacco

And other surprising news from surgeon general's first report on substance addiction

(Newser) - The latest (and first) surgeon general's report on substance addiction was released Thursday, and it offers up a surprising slew of factoids. Per NPR , Dr. Vivek Murthy says more people are hooked on prescription opioids than tobacco, 50% more people (20.8 million, per recent estimates) have substance abuse...

Toxins Hang Around Homes Months After Smoke Clears
Toxins Hang
Around Homes
Months After
Smoke Clears

Toxins Hang Around Homes Months After Smoke Clears

'No level of exposure to tobacco is safe'

(Newser) - A home's air may seem cleaner after a smoker has quit, but researchers report in the journal Tobacco Control that toxins from tobacco smoke can linger for months. "We tend to see smoke in the air and then it’s out of sight, out of mind," lead...

FDA Rolls Out Tough New E-Cig Regs

Industry claims it won't be viable for 99% of products to undergo regulatory approval

(Newser) - The FDA regulations on e-cigarettes are here, and not everyone is happy. The agency plans to ban the sale of e-cigarettes, hookah and pipe tobacco, and premium cigars—all of which must carry warning labels—to anyone under 18 within 90 days, reports ABC News . Free samples will also be...

California Gov Approves New Smoking Age

Residents must be 21 to buy tobacco starting in June

(Newser) - California has become the second state in the nation to raise the legal age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21, starting the clock for opponents to ask voters for a reversal this November, reports the AP . Gov. Jerry Brown's signature on Wednesday means, beginning June 9, it will...

NASCAR Driver in Huge Tobacco-Smuggling Bust

Derek White faces 7 charges

(Newser) - Seven hundred Canadian and US officers were involved in almost 70 searches Wednesday that led to the largest tobbaco-smuggling bust in North American history, NBC Sports reports. Almost 60 people were arrested, including NASCAR driver/owner Derek White, who turned himself in Wednesday after hearing about a warrant out for his...

California Lawmakers Raise Smoking Age to 21

That applies to vaping too, cool kids

(Newser) - California lawmakers voted Thursday to raise the legal age for purchasing and using tobacco and e-cigarettes from 18 to 21, putting the nation's most populous state on the brink of becoming only the second after Hawaii to bar teenagers from lighting up, dipping, or vaping, the AP reports. Before...

College Stoners Now More Common Than Smokers

Percentage of daily or near-daily pot smokers hits 35-year high

(Newser) - More US college students are making a habit of using marijuana, which has supplanted cigarettes as the smoke-able substance of choice among undergraduates who light up regularly, a study has found. Just under 6% of the full-time students surveyed by University of Michigan researchers reported using pot either every day...

High School E-Cigarette Use Triples—Again

More teens are smoking hookahs than traditional cigarettes

(Newser) - You're a lot more likely to find high school and middle school students using electronic cigarettes or even hookahs than traditional cigarettes, according to a new CDC report. Among high schoolers, cigarette use dived from more than 13% to 9.2% in 2014, but the use of e-cigarettes tripled...

Keep Smoking, and There's a 67% Chance It'll Kill You

Australian study finds smokers face triple the risk of premature death

(Newser) - In case you weren't convinced of the dangers of smoking, a new study offers a stark figure: Up to two-thirds of those who continue smoking will die as a result, researchers say in a press release . The Australian study was a big one, based on assessments of the health...

Red Cross Takes Flak Over Big-Tobacco Money

International parent group pressures US affiliate to stop taking the donations

(Newser) - When a parent tells you to do something, it's advisable to take heed. But a Reuters exclusive shows that despite private pressure from the International Red Cross, the American Red Cross continues to accept donations from Big Tobacco. The IRC says that by taking in tobacco dollars, the ARC...

Packed Hearing on Tobacco Ban Gets Too Wild

The Board of Health chairwoman gaveled the hearing to a close 25 minutes in

(Newser) - The town of Westminster, Mass., could soon become the first in the nation to outlaw the sale of any type of tobacco, but not without a healthy dose of protest. Several hundred people packed a public hearing on the issue last night; it had moved from the health board's...

Town of 7K Considers US' First Tobacco Ban

If the measure passes, it will be the first of its kind in the country

(Newser) - The otherwise quiet town of Westminster in the heart of Massachusetts is causing quite a stir as it considers becoming the first in the country to outright prohibit the sale of all tobacco. But while town health agent Elizabeth Swedberg says a ban in the town of 7,700 makes...

CVS Dumps Tobacco a Month Early
CVS Dumps Tobacco
a Month Early

CVS Dumps Tobacco a Month Early

Chain changes name to CVS Health

(Newser) - The nation's second-largest pharmacy chain has kicked its tobacco-selling habit a month ahead of schedule, removing cigarettes and other tobacco products at all 7,700 CVS stores. The smokes were taken off the shelves at midnight and replaced with stop-smoking aids like nicotine gum, reports the AP , which notes...

RJ Reynolds Hit for $23.6B in Smoking Lawsuit

Lawyer: Jury message is 'tobacco cannot continue to lie to the American people'

(Newser) - RJ Reynolds is about $23.6 billion poorer after a Florida jury awarded a widow a whopping $23.6 billion in damages over her husband's death from lung cancer. As the Pensacola News Journal notes, it's one of the largest verdicts ever against a tobacco company, and a...

$27B Tobacco Merger Creates Cigarette 'Duopoly'

Reynolds, Lorillard to merge

(Newser) - Reynolds American, the maker of Camel and Pall Mall cigarettes, has agreed to buy Lorillard, the maker of Newport menthols, in a deal that will make it a strong second to Marlboro manufacturer Altria in the US tobacco market, the Wall Street Journal reports. Reynolds will pay a combination of...

Young Kids Working in US Tobacco Fields

Human Rights Watch issues scathing report

(Newser) - Children are toiling in unsafe conditions, suffering everything from breathing problems to vomiting, and putting in 12-hour days and 72-hour weeks. Think we're talking a third-world sweatshop? It's what's happening right now on US tobacco farms, Human Rights Watch alleges in a report today. The group spoke...

Switching to E-Cigarettes? Read This Study First

Researchers find cause for concern in preliminary study

(Newser) - As the FDA considers how to regulate e-cigarettes, a recent study finds very tentative reason for concern: When it comes to promoting cancer development in certain types of lung cells, it may not matter whether you're smoking the real thing or the nicotine-laced vapor in an electronic cigarette. How...

Pothead Students Beat Out Kids Who Smoke Cigs
Pothead Students Beat Out Kids Who Smoke Cigs
study says

Pothead Students Beat Out Kids Who Smoke Cigs

But those who abstain from both do best of all, says study

(Newser) - A little more ammo for the pro-marijuana crowd: A major study out of Canada finds that students who smoke pot do better in school than those who smoke tobacco or indulge in both, reports CTV . But, no, it's not about marijuana making kids smarter. In fact, kids who abstain...

CVS Will Stop All Tobacco Sales by October

First retailer to drop cigarettes, other tobacco products

(Newser) - A sea change in CVS policy: By October 1, America's biggest pharmacy chain will no longer sell any tobacco products, parent company CVS Caremark announced today in what CEO Larry Merlo calls the "right thing for us to do." "We’ve got 26,000 pharmacists and...

UN: Cancer Cases to Jump 50% by 2030

Officials slam tobacco companies

(Newser) - Disturbing news on World Cancer Day: Cases are poised to surge in the coming years, jumping 50% by 2030, according to a UN report. That means 21.6 million cases per year, compared to a rate that was 14 million in 2012, AFP reports. By 2035, we're likely to...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>