Dick Cheney

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Bush Considered Dumping Cheney in '04

President 'wanted to show who was in charge,' he writes in 'Decision Points'

(Newser) - George Bush seriously considered ditching Dick Cheney for the 2004 election, he writes in his memoir, Decision Points. Cheney offered to step aside and Bush—seeking "to demonstrate I was in charge"—explored the possibility of replacing him with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist before deciding to ask...

Dick Cheney Still Owes Hunting Victim an Apology

Post catches up with the man he shot, Harry Whittington

(Newser) - The Washington Post catches up with Harry Whittington, who gained unwanted renown 5 years ago when Dick Cheney shot him in a hunting accident. The 82-year-old still has about 30 tiny pieces of lead in his body, a "warble" from a damaged larynx, and his blood-stained hunting vest, but...

Dick Cheney Leaves Hospital

Ex-VP discharged after a month, implantation of cardiac device

(Newser) - Former VP Dick Cheney left the hospital today, 6 weeks after being admitted because he was suffering "discomfort" and about a month after having a cardiac pump implanted . Cheney, 69, suffered his first heart attack at age 37, notes the Wall Street Journal . He will continue to recuperate at...

Dick Cheney Has Heart Pump Implanted

Former VP recuperating after surgery

(Newser) - Dick Cheney is recovering after another serious heart procedure. The former vice president had a pump implanted that "improves heart function and will enable me to return to an active life," he said in a statement. The device, called a Left Ventricular Assist Device, is used only for...

Cheney Likely to Leave Hospital Tomorrow

Daughter Liz says pop's condition much improved

(Newser) - One of Dick Cheney's daughters says the hospitalized former vice president could go home on Monday after receiving medication to treat a fluid buildup related to his aggressive form of heart disease. The 69-year-old, who has had five heart attacks, was admitted to George Washington University Hospital on Friday after...

Dick Cheney Hospitalized
 Dick Cheney Hospitalized 

Dick Cheney Hospitalized

It's unclear if it's related to his heart trouble

(Newser) - Former Vice President Dick Cheney was admitted to the hospital today after experiencing discomfort, the latest health scare for the 69-year-old Republican leader who has a long history of heart disease. Cheney was expected to remain at George Washington University Hospital over the weekend, said spokesman Peter Long.

Facebook Newbie: George W. Bush

Well, sort of

(Newser) - Facebook sure has changed since its inception as a college-only online hangout—first your parents joined, and now even George W. Bush has a page up . The profile is hardly personal—Laura Bush isn't even mentioned under "relationship status," Politico notes—and it's full of links to pre-order...

Joe Klein: Gulf Spill Is Bush's 2nd Katrina

Deregulation caused disaster, Klein says

(Newser) - The massive oil spill in the Gulf isn't President Obama's Hurricane Katrina, it's George W. Bush's second Katrina, according to Time pundit Joe Klein. Klein, appearing on the Chris Matthews Show, blamed the spill on Bush-era regulations, and Dick Cheney's "deregulation, and lording over the Minerals Management" office, Mediaite...

I Attempted Suicide Twice: Eric Massa

Esquire delves into his Petraeus conspiracy theory, downfall

(Newser) - On the day he resigned from Congress, Eric Massa called Esquire editor Ryan D'Agostino and invited him to stand witness to, in his own words, “the total and complete destruction of a man.” A month prior, Massa had been feeding D’Agostino a story about Gen. David Petraeus,...

Matthews: Make Cheney Testify About Oil Spill

He rips 'Incestuous' oil-White House liaison

(Newser) - Hardball's Chris Matthews insisted yesterday that former Vice President Dick Cheney be forced to testify on the Gulf oIl spill after "looking out for" Big Oil in the White House fresh from his job as CEO of Halliburton. Cheney held several "secret meetings" with oil companies, including BP...

Times Square Attack Proves Cheney Wrong

Treating terrorists like criminals works just fine

(Newser) - The foiled Times Square bombing proves yet again that Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, and the other conservatives who argue that terrorism is “an act of war” that can't be treated like a normal crime are dead wrong, writes Fred Kaplan for Slate . Police caught Faisal Shahzad the old-fashioned way:...

Thank Dick Cheney for Gulf Oil Spill

Blogger connects dots and finds arrow pointing to ex-VP

(Newser) - The scope of the Gulf oil spill is far from clear, but the finger-pointing is already under way, and a lot of fingers ought to be aiming at Dick Cheney, Alex Pareene blogs for Salon . Connecting the dots that begin with a Wall Street Journal exposé, we learn that Cheney's...

Cheney: Dropping F-Bomb Was 'Best Thing I Ever Did'

Not exactly remorseful over telling Leahy to "f--- yourself"

(Newser) - As potty-mouthed vice presidents go, Dick Cheney is utterly unrepentant about his 2004 slip of the F-bomb in which he told Pat Leahy to go "f--- yourself." Dennis Miller on his radio show yesterday thanked the former veep for "almost kicking Patrick Leahy's a--," reports...

Cheney Backs Rubio in Florida Senate Race

Says Charlie Crist 'cannot be trusted in Washington'

(Newser) - Marco Rubio bagged another big endorsement in his Senate run today from the heavyweight (and heavy-handed) Dick Cheney. "Charlie Crist has shown time and again that he cannot be trusted in Washington to take on the Obama agenda," Cheney said. "Lately, it seems Charlie Crist cannot be...

CIA Head Was OK With Destroying Torture Tapes
CIA Head Was OK With Destroying Torture Tapes
email evidence

CIA Head Was OK With Destroying Torture Tapes

Emails indicate Porter Goss agreed with the decision

(Newser) - Former CIA head Porter Goss agreed with the decision to destroy tapes of terror suspect Abu Zubaydah being waterboarded, email records obtained by the ACLU show. In one, the agency's top officer wrote that he "felt it was extremely important to destroy the tapes"—then added "PG,...

Bush Official: We Knew Gitmo Inmates Were Innocent

New document claims releasing them was seen as 'politically impossible'

(Newser) - The Bush White House knew that hundreds of early Gitmo detainees were innocent, but refused to release them because the admission would weaken support for the war in Iraq, according to a new document obtained by the Times of London . The charge, by Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to Secretary...

A History of Political Cussing
 A History of Political Cussing 
it's not just you, joe

A History of Political Cussing

Joe Biden will go down in history with these other respected figures

(Newser) - Quite a big deal has been made over Joe Biden dropping the F-bomb . “But America has a long and honorable tradition of top elected officials using salty language,” writes John Dickerson on Slate . Allow him to educate you:
  • Barack Obama: Famously called Kanye West a “jackass.”

Woods, Spin Doc Fleischer Part Ways

Former Bush flak won't spill on reasons

(Newser) - Tiger Woods is getting ready to get back on the golf course, but he won’t have Ari Fleischer to help spin off-the-course happenings any more. The former Bush press secretary confirmed last night’s Golf Channel report that he and Woods have parted company, but wouldn’t elaborate in...

For Liberals, a Bracket of Evil
 For Liberals, a Bracket of Evil 

For Liberals, a Bracket of Evil

No hoops knowledge? No worries here

(Newser) - Feeling left out of the NCAA basketball bracket-mania because of hoops-knowledge deficiency? If politics is more your thing, activist cell-phone company Credo Mobile has you covered with its “ Bracket of Evil .” Features matchups include Dick Cheney vs. Fox News (in the media division), Sarah Palin vs. Michele Bachmann...

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up
 Rove, Cheney 
 Just Making 
 History Up 

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up

Bushies' conjurings 'know few bounds'

(Newser) - The simultaneous arrival of Karl Rove's memoir and Liz Cheney's "right-wing noise machine" means the "revisionist floodgates have opened," writes Frank Rich for the New York Times , a "rewriting of history that knows few bounds." And while Rove's book better passes for fiction and Cheney's...

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