
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Smoking Will Soon Kill 8M a Year
Smoking Will Soon
Kill 8M a Year

Smoking Will Soon Kill 8M a Year

Study says governments can do more to curb tobacco use

(Newser) - Smoking costs the global economy an eye-popping $1 trillion a year, and despite anti-tobacco efforts, deaths are rising, Reuters reports. Tobacco-related illnesses will claim 8 million lives per year by 2030, up from the current 6 million , warns a new study by the World Health Organization and the National Cancer...

Smoke Just a Little Bit? It&#39;ll Still Kill You
Smoke Just a Little Bit?
It'll Still Kill You
study says

Smoke Just a Little Bit? It'll Still Kill You

Silver lining: The sooner you quit, the lower the risks

(Newser) - More bad news for smokers, this time for those who think that cutting back will help their health. It turns out that while people who smoke between one and 10 cigarettes a day have an 87% higher risk of earlier death compared to those who've never smoked, people who...

North Korea Zoo Has a Smoking Chimp
North Korea
Zoo Has a

North Korea Zoo Has a Smoking Chimp

Of course it does

(Newser) - Azalea the chimpanzee can touch her nose, take a thank-you bow, and do a little jig. She can also put away a pack of cigarettes a day from her post at North Korea's Central Zoo, which has crowds cheering and animal activists jeering, the Guardian reports. Azalea, known as...

Smoking Damages Our DNA— in Some Cases Permanently

But the vast majority of genes 'recover' within 5 years of quitting

(Newser) - Scientists are learning more about how smoking impacts our health all the way down to our genes, and experts say they're not terribly surprised by new findings that some of the changes to a smoker's DNA appear to be permanent, lingering even decades after the smoker quits, reports...

Kim Jong Un Packing on Pounds Amid Binging, Anxiety

Spies say he is also suffering from insomnia, not exactly a picture of health

(Newser) - Combining a toxic cocktail of binge eating and drinking with rampant insomnia and paranoia, Kim Jong Un has gained a whopping 90 pounds since taking over as the leader of North Korea four years ago, according to South Korea's spy agency. The big problem: Kim apparently is deeply fearful...

Guys, Smoking May Damage Your Sperm
 Guys, Smoking 
 May Damage 
 Your Sperm 


Guys, Smoking May Damage Your Sperm

When fathers are smokers, odds of fertilization go down and genetic abnormalities go up

(Newser) - Need another reason to keep your distance from cigarettes? For men, smoking appears to damage their sperm and potentially their offspring, too. Reporting in the journal BJU International , researchers say that men who smoke have a higher percentage of damage to sperm DNA; they had partially and sometimes totally inactive...

How the World's 'Ugliest Color' Is Being Used to Save Lives

'Opaque couché' was found to remind people of death

(Newser) - In 2012, a marketing research company determined Pantone 448 C (aka "opaque couché") was the world's ugliest color —and it's been used to try to save lives ever since. Per the Guardian , GfK surveyed 1,000 smokers back then to find out which hue...

California Gov Approves New Smoking Age

Residents must be 21 to buy tobacco starting in June

(Newser) - California has become the second state in the nation to raise the legal age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21, starting the clock for opponents to ask voters for a reversal this November, reports the AP . Gov. Jerry Brown's signature on Wednesday means, beginning June 9, it will...

French Teens Can Now Smoke in School
French Teens Can Now Smoke in School

French Teens Can Now Smoke in School

Officials say they're an easy target for terrorists when outside

(Newser) - Smoking is officially banned in schools in France, where the legal smoking age is 18, yet even underage high school students easily get away with the habit. One 15-year-old tells the Guardian he takes three smoke breaks a day on his school's playground, where he's encouraged to smoke...

California Lawmakers Raise Smoking Age to 21

That applies to vaping too, cool kids

(Newser) - California lawmakers voted Thursday to raise the legal age for purchasing and using tobacco and e-cigarettes from 18 to 21, putting the nation's most populous state on the brink of becoming only the second after Hawaii to bar teenagers from lighting up, dipping, or vaping, the AP reports. Before...

You'll Never See Someone Vaping on a US Flight

Well, unless said e-cigarette smoker wants to face a hefty fine

(Newser) - For all those thinking the federal ban on "smoking" tobacco on commercial flights doesn't apply to electronic cigarettes, here's your unequivocal answer from the Department of Transportation : Nope. The DOT on Wednesday officially banned vaping "in all forms, including but not limited to electronic cigars, pipes,...

Cops: Man Kills Waffle House Employee Over Smoking Policy

He allegedly shot her in the head when she asked him not to smoke

(Newser) - A customer pulled out a gun and shot and killed an employee at a Waffle House restaurant in Mississippi on Friday after she asked him not to smoke, police said. Police received a call about the shooting shortly after 1am local time, said Biloxi police Sgt. Donnie Dobbs. The customer,...

HUD: Stub Out Smoking in All Public Housing

Agency pushing for law to protect residents nationwide from secondhand smoke

(Newser) - HUD proposed a federal mandate Thursday that has some smokers fuming: a ban against lighting up in public housing nationwide, the New York Times reports. If the law passes, more than 3,100 public housing agencies would prohibit smoking in all living units, indoor common areas, administrative offices, and outdoor...

Study: 1 in 3 Young Chinese Men Will Die From Smoking

Researchers in Lancet call for widespread quitting of the habit

(Newser) - Researchers are offering a helpful hint to Chinese men hoping to "avoid disability and premature death": stop smoking. Of the million people who died from smoking in China in 2010, 84% were male, reports AFP . A new study in the Lancet finds the annual death toll in China—which...

Smoking While Pregnant May Harm Your Grandkids

Researchers believe genetic changes explain rise in asthma cases

(Newser) - Nobody should need another reason not to smoke while pregnant, but researchers have found one: A study that looked at tens of thousands of grandmothers and grandchildren in Sweden found that children whose maternal grandmothers smoked were up to 22% more likely to have asthma, even if their mothers never...

Why Some Smokers Don&#39;t Get Lung Disease
Why Some Smokers
Don't Get Lung Disease

Why Some Smokers Don't Get Lung Disease

They may carry genes that boost lung function: study

(Newser) - Smokers could soon benefit from new drugs that improve the function of their lungs, owing to the lucky few who smoke for years with little consequence. UK researchers scanned 50,000 smokers and non-smokers, including some who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and identified gene mutations that enhance lung...

Secret to Long Life Found in ... Smokers?

A select group of people have genes that might actually repair cell damage

(Newser) - If you smoke for most of your life and still live to a ripe, old age, you might have more than luck on your side. Though smokers can generally expect to live 10 years less than non-smokers, this is by no means a hard and fast rule. Jeanne Calment, for...

How Old Is Your Heart? Odds Are It's Older Than You

Half of Americans have hearts that are at least 5 years older than their age

(Newser) - With one-third of Americans obese, the US now ranks 30th in the world for life expectancy, the New York Times noted earlier this year. So it may not come as a surprise that roughly half of Americans have hearts that are at least five years older than their actual age....

CVS Sticks to Its Anti-Tobacco Stance—Hard

It stubs out Chamber of Commerce membership

(Newser) - CVS kicked tobacco out of its stores last fall, and America's second-largest pharmacy chain is showing no signs of easing up on its anti-tobacco stance: It has stubbed out its relationship with the US Chamber of Commerce after a New York Times investigation found that the business group has...

Hawaii Now Has Toughest Smoking Law in the US

It raises legal age to 21, first state to do so

(Newser) - Hawaii's governor has signed a bill to make his state the first to raise the legal smoking age to 21. The measure aims to prevent adolescents from smoking, buying, or possessing both traditional and electronic cigarettes. Gov. David Ige signed it into law yesterday. Dozens of local governments have...

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