
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Phelps' Latest Offer: Cigar 'Smokesperson'

See, who needs Kellogs?

(Newser) - Finally, someone who appreciates Michael Phelps’ less obvious talents. Gurkha Cigars has offered the toking Olympian $25,000 to be its official "smokesperson," reports TMZ. In a letter, the company said it wanted Phelps to “do what you do best—smoke and swim. And while we can’...

NYC Cigs Hit a Smokin' $10 a Pack

Advocates hope 62-cent federal tax will reduce deaths, costs

(Newser) - Smokers in New York City will soon be shelling out $10 for a pack of cigarettes, the New York Post reports. Lawmakers plan to pay for the new Children’s Health Insurance Program law with a 62-cent federal tax on cigarettes, pushing the NYC price to a 10-spot—the nation’...

Paltrow: I'm No Goody-Goody

 Paltrow: I'm No 

Paltrow: I'm No Goody-Goody

'I wish smoking didn't kill you,' she says, then swears and has another drink

(Newser) - Gwyneth Paltrow wants to shed her squeaky-clean reputation. “I’m probably less square than people think,” the actress tells Elle. “I wish smoking didn’t kill you. And you know what I had the other day which I loved? A French Martini.” Paltrow also defends recent...

Zippo Closes In on 500M Lighters

American icon set to sell its 500 millionth lighter by year's end

(Newser) - At some point this year, the Zippo factory in Bradford, Pa., will churn out its 500 millionth lighter, NPR reports. The windproof gadget has become a cultural staple since 1932, from the wartime foxholes of Germany and Vietnam to the glitter of the Silver Screen, but NPR notes that the...

Silicon Valley Town Bans Smoking at Home

Nation's toughest anti-smoking law hits home for apartment dwellers

(Newser) - A California town has passed legislation that will push many smokers out of their last remaining indoor sanctuary—their home, the New York Times reports. Belmont's law—believed to be the nation's toughest—bans smoking in any residence that shares a floor or ceiling with another. Officials credit the law...

Obama Already Stressed Out?

Mad turns satirical eye on new president

(Newser) - Crises at home and abroad seem to be taking a toll on President Obama already—at least through the lens of Mad Magazine’s cartoonists. The current issue depicts a stressed-out president—ashtray full, antacid flowing—poring over screaming headlines and classified reports. “The only thing the artist missed,...

Quit Smoking? Yes We Can!
 Quit Smoking? Yes We Can! 

Quit Smoking? Yes We Can!

President-elect's struggle with nicotine could help others kick the habit

(Newser) - Barack Obama is about to become the nation's smoker-in-chief, and anti-smoking advocates are hopeful he'll become a powerful example for other smokers if he finally manages to kick the habit. He has quit several times but so far has always gone back to smoking up to eight cigarettes a day,...

Duuude, Willie's in Town!
 Duuude, Willie's in Town! 

Duuude, Willie's in Town!

Singer uses bus for marijuana breaks

(Newser) - It’s as though the '60s (and the '70s, and the '80s) never ended. The scent of marijuana pouring out of a tour bus in Manhattan can be blamed on Willie Nelson, the New York Post reports. Savvy passers-by have realized the bus, parked outside Manny’s Music all week,...

Maybe Cigarettes Make Him Better: Let Obama Smoke

Obama's trouble with cigs proves he's fallible, after all

(Newser) - Snooty media-types are giving Barack Obama a hard time for his dodges and weaves about trying to quit smoking. But we should all leave the poor addict alone, writes Ron Rosenbaum in Slate. Do we really want a nervous, edgy president dying for a cigarette while he's got his finger...

Cancer Will Be World's No. 1 Killer in 2010

(Newser) - Cancer will surpass heart disease as the world’s preeminent killer by 2010, Reuters reports. A WHO study concluded that cancer cases will double between 2000 and 2020, and almost triple by 2030, largely because of increased tobacco use in developing countries. In men, who are more likely to contract...

'I Won't Smoke in White House,' Obama Vows

Obama working to stay on the wagon

(Newser) - Barack Obama promised the nation yesterday that he won't be sneaking smokes at the White House. The president-elect, who has been trying to kick his habit, told Meet the Press that he'll respect the mansion's smoke-free policy. He admits having "fallen off the wagon" in the past, but seemed...

In Court, Philip Morris Uses Civil-Rights Smokescreen

Tobacco giant plays civil-rights card in battle with Oregon court over $79M judgment

(Newser) - Philip Morris has cast itself as a civil-rights victim being denied due process, Stephanie Mencimer writes for Mother Jones. The tobacco giant, ordered by an Oregon jury in 1999 to pay $79 million in punitive damages to a woman whose husband died of lung cancer, has been fighting the award...

US Health Ranking Puts Vermont First, Louisiana Last

Southern states plagued by high obesity, smoking rates

(Newser) - Move over, Mississippi: Louisiana is now America’s unhealthiest state, Reuters reports. An annual state-by-state report that measures factors like smoking, obesity, and health insurance coverage also put Vermont at the top for the second year in a row. The five healthiest states are:
  1. Vermont
  2. Hawaii
  3. New Hampshire
  4. Minnesota
  5. Utah

Bad Bosses May Be Deadly
 Bad Bosses May Be Deadly 

Bad Bosses May Be Deadly

Crummy leaders linked to workers' heart attacks

(Newser) - Your incompetent boss could give you a heart attack, the Boston Globe reports. New research shows workers whose bosses are inconsiderate, uncommunicative and poor advocates for their employees are about 60% more likely to suffer a heart attack or other serious cardiac issues. Employees whose bosses have solid leadership skills...

Cancer Cases, Deaths Drop
 Cancer Cases, Deaths Drop 

Cancer Cases, Deaths Drop

Trend, ongoing since beginning of decade, linked to less smoking

(Newser) - Cancer researchers reported a good-news milestone today: Both the number of new cases and the number of cancer deaths are declining for the first time, USA Today reports. Scientists gave most of the credit to a drop in the number of smokers. “By preventing smoking, you can give someone...

Someone Get the President- Elect a Cigarette
Someone Get the President- Elect a Cigarette

Someone Get the President- Elect a Cigarette

Obama probably still smokes—and we should be OK with that

(Newser) - America has elected a member of a hated minority as president. That’s right, Barack Obama is a smoker. Oh, sure, he claims to have quit, but Michael Kinsley of the Washington Post isn’t convinced. Obama admitted falling off the wagon in June, yet no reporter has asked him...

Kiefer Had to Kick Butts in Slammer

Star spent 48 days in big house without smoking

(Newser) - Not surprisingly, Kiefer Sutherland didn’t find prison a pleasant experience. “There’s no smoking,” the actor tells Vogue. Though he made it 48 days without cigarettes, the 24 star still hasn’t quit. Sutherland, 41, went on to complain about the lack of privacy, made worse by...

Fewer Than 20% of US Adults Smoke, a First

Rate drops, though 43M still light up; 443K die yearly as result

(Newser) - Smoking in the US is at its lowest since cigarettes became widespread after World War I, Reuters reports, with fewer than 20% of adults in the country lighting up—the lowest figure on record. Observers credit the gradual decline to awareness, bans on smoking in public places, and prohibitive taxation....

'Ex' Smoker Obama Still Lights Up
'Ex' Smoker Obama Still Lights Up

'Ex' Smoker Obama Still Lights Up

He 'fesses to bumming cigs when pressure trumps fight to stay fit

(Newser) - It's not easy staying healthy during a grueling campaign, admits Barack Obama, who even fesses up to bumming a few cigarettes. He still manages to squeeze in six 45-minute workouts per week—but the ex-smoker admits giving in to temptation and sucking down the  occasional coffin nail, Obama tells Men's ...

Vintage Stars Got Big Bucks to Smoke

Big tobacco paid a fortune for promotion in Hollywood's golden age

(Newser) - Almost all of Hollywood's big names from the '30s, '40s, and '50s were on the payroll of tobacco companies, the BBC reports. Documents released as part of anti-smoking lawsuits reveal that stars like Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, and Joan Crawford got up to $10,000 each from Lucky Strike in...

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