
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

French Anti-Smoking 'Oral Sex' Ad Sparks Furor

Ad agency claims only 'shock' will stop teens from smoking

(Newser) - Anti-smoking ads featuring reluctant male and female teens with their heads held to a man's crotch and a cigarette in their mouths is sparking an uproar in France. "Smoking is being a slave to tobacco," the ads read. Smoldering feminist and family organizations have lashed the campaign for...

Banned From Using 'Light,' Big Tobacco Turns to Colors

Critics say 'Marlboro Gold' no better than 'Marlboro Light,' and sneakier

(Newser) - The tobacco industry has to remove words like “light” on its cigarette packaging come June, but what they plan to do instead—use colors—has health advocates just as piqued. “They’re circumventing the law,” a professor tells the New York Times of moves like Philip Morris’...

Soda Linked to Cancer: Study
 Soda Linked to Cancer: Study 

Soda Linked to Cancer: Study

2 soft drinks a week could raise pancreatic cancer risk by 87%

(Newser) - Soda drinkers could face a sharply higher risk of developing cancer than those who abstain from soft drinks. A study looking at 60,000 Chinese Singaporeans over 14 years found that those who drank more than two sodas a week were 87% more likely to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer...

Quitting Smoking Boosts Survival Odds After Cancer Diagnosis

Kicking the habit can double chances of surviving 5 years

(Newser) - Smokers diagnosed with lung cancer could double their chances of surviving for 5 years—if they quit smoking. The "dramatic" finding, based on analysis of 10 previous studies, applies only to early-stage cancer. "If you give up smoking, your body can still partially recover and your risk is...

Why Can't We Tell the Truth About Snuff?
Why Can't We Tell the Truth About Snuff?

Why Can't We Tell the Truth About Snuff?

It's safer, but the government won't let manufacturers tell you that.

(Newser) - Chewing tobacco has its share of health risks, but it’s 10 to 1,000 times safer than cigarettes, according to one British Royal College of Physicians report. The reason is obvious: chewers are not actually inhaling smoke into their lungs. “The Royal College of Physicians can tell you...

Your Won't Keep Those Resolutions: Try These Instead

Don't quit smoking, start e-smoking, and other easy outs

(Newser) - Gawker knows you can’t keep those virtuous New Year’s resolutions, so it’s come up with some substitutions. They won’t make you “a better person,” but are at least achievable. Herewith, from Brian Boylan:
  • Lose weight: That's too hard; "we live in a

More Americans Smoking
 More Americans Smoking 

More Americans Smoking

Rates tick up slightly after holding steady for 5 years

(Newser) - The number of smokers has ticked up a notch after five years of decline or holding steady. The percentage of Americans who light up rose from 19.8% in 2007 to 20.6% in 2008, a CDC report says. The longer-term picture is better: Since 1998, the percentage has dropped...

AMA Mellows on Medical Marijuana

Doctors group nudges Feds toward reclassification, research

(Newser) - The American Medical Association has finally softened on marijuana, urging the government to give it a new classification that would open the door to serious research on its medical merits. Now a Schedule I drug, with no accepted medical uses, under the AMA proposal it would become a Schedule II...

Cigarette Butts Are Toxic Waste: Study
 Cigarette Butts Are 
 Toxic Waste: Study 
fired up

Cigarette Butts Are Toxic Waste: Study

Cigarette-soaked water kills fish

(Newser) - The chemicals in cigarette butts are lethal to fish, and the finding is bolstering researchers who want coffin nails classified as toxic waste. San Diego State University researchers submerged filters from smoked cigarettes in tanks of water for 24 hours, then added fish. Within 5 days, half the fish died....

Drudge Alarmed Over Skinny Obama
 Drudge Alarmed 
 Over Skinny Obama 

Drudge Alarmed Over Skinny Obama

Prez not chain-smoking, but does skip some meals

(Newser) - In a post today headlined “Barack ‘N Bones,” the Drudge Report sounds the alarm over President Obama’s gaunt appearance over the weekend. An intense, hoops-heavy exercise regimen is behind what the conservative site calls “dramatic” weight loss. “No, he’s not chain smoking,”...

Clove Cigarettes Banned: Enter Clove 'Small Cigars'

FDA, importer disagree over definition of a cigarette

(Newser) - For one California importer of smokes, an awful lot has come to rest on the precise definition of a cigar. After a ban on clove cigarettes went into effect last month, Kretek International slyly began importing Djarum-brand clove “small cigars." They're quite similar to Djarum’s clove cigarettes,...

Man Jailed for Encouraging 3-Year-Old to Smoke

Dumb joke in UK earns him 18 months

(Newser) - A UK man received 18 months in prison today for handing a 3-year-old girl a lit cigarette and encouraging her to smoke it—and inhale. He then asked a 14-year-old girl to record the event with her camera phone. In the video, the 31-year-old man can be heard laughing, “...

Smoke Breaks Bad for Health, Good for Business
Smoke Breaks Bad for Health, Good for Business

Smoke Breaks Bad for Health, Good for Business

(Newser) - It’s a good thing that smokers have been banished to huddle outside or in special smoking rooms at work, writes Michael Skapinker of the Financial Times. Not just because it keeps their second-hand smoke away from the rest of us, but because it brings them closer together. Sure, it's...

Smoking Ban Health Hype Going Up in Smoke
 Smoking Ban Health Hype 
 Going Up in Smoke 

Smoking Ban Health Hype Going Up in Smoke

Studies linking smoke-free laws to heart health appear weak

(Newser) - Reporters are covering stories that link smoking bans to lower heart attack rates—which would be terrific news if it were true, Christopher Snowdon writes on Spiked. Even the anti-smoking group Action on Smoking and Health stood up to a Sunday Times report of a "10% heart attack drop,...

US Ban on Flavored Cigarettes Kicks In

FDA measure aimed at curbing 'gateway' brands that get teens hooked

(Newser) - The new federal ban on flavored cigarettes took effect today, marking one of the first visible signs of the Food and Drug Administration's new authority to regulate tobacco. The ban on manufacturing, importing, marketing and distribution includes candy-, fruit- and clove-flavored cigarettes, which health authorities say are more appealing to...

It's Not Too Late to Extend Your Lifespan

Abandon unhealthy habits and you may live 10 years longer: docs

(Newser) - You knew smoking and fatty foods were bad for you, but thanks to a huge 40-year study, we now know exactly how bad. Researchers followed 19,000 men, starting in the late 1960s. Those who were still smoking, had high blood pressure, and had high cholesterol—the three top killers...

NYC Seeks Smoking Ban for Parks, Beaches

Smokers grumble over plan to make outdoors virtually smoke-free

(Newser) - Smokers banished outdoors by New York City's 2003 smoking ban may soon find much of the outdoors off-limits for lighting up as well, the New York Times reports. The city's health commissioner said yesterday that he plans to push for a full smoking ban in all the city's parks and...

Smoking Prince Harry Turns to Celeb Hypnotist

Paul McKenna has also helped Ronnie Wood, Guy Ritchie

(Newser) - Prince Harry is reading celebrity therapist Paul McKenna’s Quit Smoking Now in a bid to finally swear off cigarettes, the News of the World reports. After quitting for a year, Harry recently smoked at a friend’s wedding, and apparently got hooked again after RAF training and breaking with...

Job Loss Anxiety Hurts More Than No Job at All

Smoking, hypertension worse than unemployment fear

(Newser) - Worried about your job? It may be better for your health if you just quit, new research suggests. Looking at studies of nearly 2,000 adults, scientists at the University of Michigan have found job loss anxiety can be more harmful to your health than unemployment, hypertension, or even smoking,...

Neurotic People Die Earlier
 Neurotic People 
 Die Earlier 

Neurotic People Die Earlier

Increased likelihood of smoking increases mortality risk of nervous nellies

(Newser) - Neurotics are more likely to die prematurely than their mellower peers, LiveScience reports. A new study that followed nearly 1,800 men for 30 years found that those who fit self-descriptive criteria for neuroticism—constantly worried or anxious—were more likely to die early, in large part because they were...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>