
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Nearly Half Japan's Millennials Are Virgins

A large number of 18- to 34-year-olds aren't just not having sex, they've never had it

(Newser) - While America might more typically worry about what its youth are doing, Japan spends a lot of time worrying about what they're not doing , and what they're not doing is having sex—at all, apparently. A new government survey suggests that the country's millennials are not only...

Older Women Who&#39;ve Never Wed Are Pretty Darn Happy

Older Women
Who've Never
Wed Are
Pretty Darn

Older Women Who've Never Wed Are Pretty Darn Happy

Just as happy as their married counterparts, in fact

(Newser) - While there are a bunch of studies showing that married folks seem to be happier than those who've stuck to singledom, a new study out of Bowling Green State University has found an apparent exception: older women who've never said "I do," per Live Science . The...

Couple Waits 9 Years to Open Wedding Gift

'Do Not Open Until Your 1st Disagreement,' a note instructed

(Newser) - The best wedding present Kathy and Brandon Gunn received at their Michigan wedding was one they never opened—at least not for nine years. That was because the gift from great-aunt Alison came with a special instruction: "On the plain white box was a card that read, 'Do...

Couple Married 52 Years Match Outfits Every Day

Ed and Fran Gargiula say they match on the inside, too

(Newser) - Late last month, 17-year-old Anthony Gargiula tweeted pictures of his grandparents in carefully coordinated outfits, accompanied by a matter-of-fact caption: "My grandparents have been married for 52 years and they match outfits every day." That tweet has since earned more than 83,000 favorites and 40,000-plus retweets...

Exactly 2 Premarital Sex Partners Ups Divorce Rate

For women, that is

(Newser) - A new study out of the University of Utah finds that women with either no sexual partners or one—most typically, her future spouse—before marriage are the least likely to get divorced within five years; women with 10 or more are the most. A closer look at the numbers,...

After Daughter Elopes, Mother Burns Her to Death

Zeenat Rafiq was doused in kerosene and set on fire

(Newser) - A Punjabi mother in Lahore, Pakistan, was so enraged when her daughter married an ethnic Pashtun that she tricked her into returning home, doused her with kerosene, and set her on fire, reports the Guardian . "After killing her daughter, Perveen went out on the street, took off her shawl...

Husband Decides to Divorce New Wife on Wedding Night

She reportedly wouldn't get off her phone

(Newser) - The honeymoon did not last long for a Saudi bride whose new husband told her "minutes" after their wedding ceremony that the marriage was over, Gulf News reports, citing a local newspaper. His reason? The new bride reportedly refused to get off her cellphone. A relative says that the...

Drinking Too Much? Consider Marriage
What Marriage Can Do
to Your Drinking Habits
study says

What Marriage Can Do to Your Drinking Habits

Marriage lowers risk of alcoholism, study says

(Newser) - While some people complain their spouse drives them to drink, scientists now say the opposite is true. A study published Monday in the American Journal of Psychiatry finds a powerful link between marriage and a reduced risk of developing problems with alcohol. "With this study, we were trying to...

Key to This Happy Marriage: Separate Houses
Key to This Happy Marriage: Separate Houses

Key to This Happy Marriage: Separate Houses

They've 'never been closer'

(Newser) - You might have heard about couples with separate bedrooms. This married pair in Virginia goes that one big step further with separate houses. As Lisa Stoessel explains in Women's Health , it was the only way she could think of to save her marriage of 31 years—and it worked....

10 Years Later, Making Peace With Wife's Death at 35

'I’ve quit apologizing for still being madly in love'

(Newser) - Matt Zoller Seitz is a renowned TV and film critic and the editor of, but his new essay on the site is of a far more personal nature. It starts with this: "My wife Jennifer died April 27, 2006, at 35, of a heart attack brought on...

Pope's New Doc on Family, Marriage: Don't Throw 'Stones'

Pontiff's 'Joy of Love' calls for embrace of the divorced, single parents—but not gay marriage

(Newser) - There's been plenty of talk of "revolution" on the campaign trail this year, and now Pope Francis wants to start his own regarding marriage, divorce, sex, and family life, issuing a major document Friday that addresses these issues while calling for one's conscience, rather than hard-and-fast rules,...

British Artist Marries ... a Rock

Tracey Emin says the stone is waiting for her at home, and that it's 'not going anywhere'

(Newser) - British artist Tracey Emin, known for work that is confessional and "so wincingly personal that actually interviewing her seems slightly redundant," as Post Magazine puts it, has announced that last summer, at her home in France, standing under an olive tree, and wearing her father's white funeral...

Virginia Looks to Bar 12-Year-Olds From Marrying

If law passes, kids under 16 can no longer wed, even if pregnant and with parents' OK

(Newser) - Although laws in Virginia state the minimum age to wed is 16, the fine print reveals a more disturbing picture: Much younger kids may be able to marry with parental permission and if the girl is pregnant, leading to extreme cases in which youngsters not even in their teens have...

People With Psych Disorders Marry Each Other

Researchers analyze health data of more than 700K people in Sweden

(Newser) - When looking for love, people with psychiatric disorders tend to look toward their own, one new study suggests. Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden report in JAMA Psychiatry that they combed the health histories of 707,263 people admitted to hospitals in Sweden between 1973 and 2009 and who...

Ad in China Fights Back Against Insane Pressure to Marry

Friends put up $6K ad in subway telling Mom and Dad not to worry if they're single

(Newser) - While the Panthers and Broncos face off at the Super Bowl this Sunday, young people in China heading home for the Lunar New Year have their own pressure to face: the badgering of well-meaning family members who want them to get married. Marriage and producing kids hold a lot of...

Straight Couple Loses Court Fight for Civil Union

They think marriage is 'patriarchal,' but UK judge rejects challenge

(Newser) - A heterosexual couple in the UK has lost the first legal battle in an unusual equality fight. Rebecca Steinfeld, 34, and Charles Keidan, 39—who've been together since 2010 and have an 8-month-old baby—petitioned the High Court to grant them a civil partnership because they see marriage as...

Kim Davis: It's 'Ironic' God Picked Me to Defend Marriage

Ky. clerk admits she's 'failed so miserably' at matrimony

(Newser) - Kim Davis , the Kentucky clerk jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, has been reflecting on her chaotic 2015, describing it to the AP as "a very emotional and a very real situation to all people." Davis explains she took a stand because simple...

Startup Bets Up to $10K Your Marriage Will Tank

SwanLuv will pay for wedding—but you pay it back, with interest, if marriage fails

(Newser) - Looking for someone to pay for your nuptials? If you're certain your marriage will last for eternity (or at least until that death clause kicks in), a Seattle startup has some cash for you. SwanLuv will be open for business by February, and it will give eligible couples up...

Japan Supreme Court: Couple Must Use Same Surname

Women's rights activists say the rule is antiquated, discriminatory

(Newser) - Japan's Supreme Court issued a ruling Wednesday that maintains a longtime civil rule some say is unconstitutional and discriminatory: forcing married couples to officially choose one surname, the BBC reports. Presiding Justice Itsuro Terada said that the surname mandate wasn't discriminatory, since a couple could choose to use...

Pastafarians Can Now Perform Weddings in New Zealand

Break out your formal colanders

(Newser) - New Zealand residents will soon be able to doff their colanders to happy couples, as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was approved to perform marriages in New Zealand, Stuff reports. According to the New Zealand Gazette , the application from the religion—also known as Pastafarianism—was approved last...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>