
Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

Another Casualty of Financial Crisis: Divorce

Two households no longer affordable as couples struggle to pay for one

(Newser) - With unemployment rising, salaries stagnant, and housing prices cratering, many unhappy couples are opting not to divorce, reports MSNBC. “A lot of people are deciding, 'It’s not worth it to do it (at) this time. Let’s stay together. Let’s try to work through our problems and...

Hills Stars Heidi and Spencer Marry in Mexico

Villainous camera-hounds hitched on beach near Cabo

(Newser) - Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt, the villainous couple many fans of MTV’s The Hills love to hate, got married in a spur-of-the moment ceremony in Mexico last week, reports. Montag, 22, and Pratt, 25, tied the knot in a 15-minute ceremony on a beach near Cabo San...

Enquirer 'Catches' Cindy McCain in Tryst

Tabloid says wife cheating for years on GOP candidate

(Newser) - The National Enquirer says it has caught Cindy McCain “passionately” locking lips with a long-haired, “washed-up ‘80s rock musician” type. The tabloid revealed its “world exclusive” spy photos—admittedly grainy—of the pair at a 2006 music festival in Phoenix. A Huffington Post reader shed doubt...

Obama-Driven Minority Turnout Fueled Marriage Ban
Obama-Driven Minority Turnout Fueled Marriage Ban

Obama-Driven Minority Turnout Fueled Marriage Ban

Latino, black supporters helped conservative Calif. proposition pass

(Newser) - Barack Obama's popularity among California's minorities helped pass the state's conservative-backed gay marriage ban, Dan Walters writes in the Sacramento Bee. Blacks and Latinos—94% of whom voted for Obama—turned out in record numbers, and the majority of them supported the ban. The proposition would probably have failed with...

US Marriage Age Oldest Ever
 US Marriage Age Oldest Ever 

US Marriage Age Oldest Ever

Women marrying at 26, men at 28

(Newser) - American couples are waiting longer than ever to get married, reports USA Today. The median age for a first marriage is almost 26 for women and 28 for men—the oldest since the US Census started keeping track in the 1890s. The increase holds true for all racial, ethnic, and...

Men Are Victims of Forced Marriage, Too

Unwilling grooms often have few avenues of escape from family pressure

(Newser) - Young men in Germany's Turkish immigrant community are being forced into marriage by their families, Der Speigel reports. Organizations that help people escape from such marriages say the focus on female victims overlooks the fact that men are also being harassed, blackmailed and beaten into marriages, often to a close...

Cowell, Girlfriend Call It Splits

AI judge refused to settle down

(Newser) - Watch out, Simon Cowell may be extra grouchy this season: The American Idol judge and his longtime girlfriend have split after 6 years, People reports. Cowell’s rep said Terri Seymour, 34, “phoned Simon and finished it about six weeks ago.” The couple met when Seymour interviewed the...

Infidelity's Up, as Women Lead Charge

Older men, younger women appear to stray outside of marriage more often

(Newser) - Studies show infidelity rates rising across the board, the New York Times reports, with women closing the cheating gap on men. Lifetime infidelity rates for men over 60 jumped from 20% to 28% between 1991 and 2006, while women leaped from 5% to 15%. The trend affects young and old—...

Brangelina Brood Wants Wedding Rings

'We've done everything the wrong way around,' Jolie says

(Newser) - With their relationship having followed an anything-but-normal progression, marriage could soon be on the table for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The actress tells Us Magazine their six children “want to know why Shrek and Fiona got married and we haven’t.” “We’ve done everything the...

You Can Die of a Broken Heart: Studies

Elderly at risk when spouse dies; 'it's about connection'

(Newser) - Turns out you can die of a broken heart, especially if you’re elderly and your longtime partner passes first, MSNBC reports. More studies are buttressing what had long been an anecdotal belief: that bereaved spouses face an increased risk of death within months of their partner passing. The leading...

Conn. Becomes 3rd State to OK Gay Marriage

(Newser) - Connecticut today became the third state to legalize gay marriage, after Massachusetts and California. In a 4-3 ruling, the state supreme court said civil unions are discriminatory because they violate the equal protection clause of the state constitution, the Hartford Courant reports. Although she disagrees, Gov. Jodi Rell said, "...

No Rush to Altar for Jamie Lynn

Tells OK! she'll wait until baby is older

(Newser) - Teen mom Jamie Lynn Spears has nixed plans to wed her babydaddy in the short term, reports the New York Daily News. "We both agree that we want Maddie to be a little bit older so that she can be a part of it," Britney Spears’ kid sis...

Ex Blames Brinkley for Affair
 Ex Blames Brinkley for Affair 

Ex Blames Brinkley for Affair

Lack of emotional connection prompted cheating, Cook tells Walters

(Newser) - Christie Brinkley’s adulterous ex-husband said that he cheated on the former supermodel because she did not offer the emotional connection he needed, ABC News reports. In an interview to be broadcast Friday, Peter Cook told Barbara Walters that by 2005 he and Brinkley felt “more like we were...

Hetero Calif. Couple Sues to Be Called Bride and Groom

'Party A,' 'Party B,' not romantic enough for lovers

(Newser) - A heterosexual California couple is suing the state to put the words “bride” and “groom” on their marriage license, the Sacramento Bee reports. Rachel Bird and Gideon Codding refused to sign their marriage document because they dislike the gender-neutral “Party A” and “Party B” used on...

Women Tower in Buffett's Biography
Women Tower
in Buffett's Biography

Women Tower in Buffett's Biography

Oracle of Omaha needed 'to be loved and never criticized'

(Newser) - Warren Buffett’s personal life is a lot messier than his balance sheet, according to a biography. In The Snowball: Warren Buffet and the Business of Life, which hits stores Monday, the Oracle of Omaha for the first time cooperates with a biographer, producing a revealing look at the folksy...

Is Pornography Adultery? Time to Sharpen the Debate

Smut may be losing its stigma, but at what price to marriage and our own decency?

(Newser) - Does looking at pornography constitute cheating? If so, a lot of men are in trouble in today's age of instant access. Ross Douthat explores the issue in the Atlantic and finds the extremes of the argument unhelpful. No, digital smut won't bring about the end of civilization, but don't be...

Courts Finally Catching Up to Society's Views on Gays

(Newser) - The California Supreme Court’s landmark decision in May to grant gays the right to marry is based on a simple but inevitable idea, Andrew Sullivan writes in the Atlantic: Gay marriage is just marriage, and gay people are no different than straight people. As homosexuality moved from being considered...

Fla. Bigamist Can't Stop at Just 2 Wives

With spouses in 3 states, serial groom had his eye on No. 4

(Newser) - Leonard Hare’s bigamy case keeps expanding, the Orlando Sentinel reports. Hare was arrested when his second wife visited a wedding chapel website and discovered pictures of her missing husband—marrying his third wife. Since Hare was arrested, three women have contacted the Sentinel about him, and one of them...

Tab Claims Edwards Continued Affair

Mistress was flown away before confession

(Newser) - The National Enquirer, having finally forced John Edwards to confess to the affair with Rielle Hunter that he had strenuously denied, isn't backing down on the parts of the story Edwards still swears aren't true. This week the supermarket tabloid insists that Edwards is indeed the father of Hunter's child—...

In Sickness and for Health Insurance

Health benefit concerns force couples into marriage and divorce

(Newser) - Health insurance worries are pushing a growing number of Americans both into and out of marriages, the New York Times reports. Couples in which one party has better health benefits are marrying hastily as medical needs outweigh any doubts about each other. One survey this year found health insurance was...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>