
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Why Marriage at 23 Worked for Me
 Why Marriage at  
 23 Worked for Me 

Why Marriage at 23 Worked for Me

It's famously risky, but getting married young worked for one Californian

(Newser) - You can’t trust statistics. They’ll warn you of the high risk of divorce that comes with marrying young—but that didn’t stop Katie Arnold-Ratliff. At 29, she’s been married 6 years to a man she met at 15, and they couldn’t be a better match,...

The Perks of Marrying Yourself
 The Perks of Marrying Yourself 

The Perks of Marrying Yourself

It's an assertion of independence and self-confidence: Rachel Kramer Bussel

(Newser) - After a broken engagement, a New York woman did something unusual on her planned wedding day— Desiree Moodie gathered some friends, headed to Central Park, and "married herself." Her cousin read out vows she had penned: "I will make my happiness a priority and forgive myself when...

New Idea in Mexico: 2-Year Marriages

Mexico City officials propose temporary marriage licenses

(Newser) - Til death do us part ... except in Mexico City. Citing the fact that most of the marriages that fail there typically end in the first two years, lawmakers have proposed creating temporary marriages licenses. The update to the civil code would let couples get a marriage contract as short as...

In Brazil, 43K Kids Under 14 Married

Many families unaware these unions are illegal

(Newser) - America's 2010 census revealed gloomy news ; Brazil's revealed illegal news. According to 2010 figures, 43,000 children under the age of 14 are living with a partner—something that is against the law but clearly not uncommon. Brazil's penal code bans those under 14 from getting married,...

Frenchman Must Pay Ex-Wife 10,000 Euros for Sexless Marriage, Judge Rules

 Man Must Pay Ex 
 for Lack of Sex 
in case you missed it

Man Must Pay Ex for Lack of Sex

He owes former wife about $14K for 21 years of sexless marriage

(Newser) - A French judge may have just sent Viagra sales soaring: He ruled that a 51-year-old man in southern France must pay his wife about $14,000 for "lack of sex over 21 years of marriage." The judge referred to Article 215 of France's civil code, which says...

Single People Face Higher Risk of Early Death, Study Finds
 Singles Face 
 Earlier Death 
study says

Singles Face Earlier Death

Single men have particularly high risk

(Newser) - Woody Allen may have called marriage the "death of hope," but staying single can literally be fatal. A new study shows that people who don't tie the knot are likely to die earlier, and have a higher risk of dying across a lifetime, than those who are...

Before Divorce, Try ... Splitting Up
 Before Divorce, 
 Try ... Splitting Up 
so say therapists

Before Divorce, Try ... Splitting Up

Lots of marriage counselors think six months can do the trick

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal dips into marriage therapy, talking to a host of counselors who think a separation of about six months can work wonders for a troubled relationship. It can't just be one person storming out, though. Both partners need to agree on finances, child care, and other...

Duchess Gives Up Fortune to Marry Commoner

Duchess of Alba hands children their inheritance early

(Newser) - A Spanish duchess who has more titles than any other noble on the planet is trading her fortune for marriage to a civil servant. María del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva, 85, faced protests from her children and, reportedly, the king over her...

Gwyneth Paltrow: Marriage Not All Rosy

'Life is long, you never know what's going to happen,' says actress

(Newser) - Life apparently isn't so, so perfect in Gwyneth Paltrow land. The super-mom actress/chef/ GOOPer /singer has found that marriage to Coldplay's Chris Martin isn't "all rosy." Sometimes it's "hard being with someone for a long time," Paltrow admits in next month's...

More 'Sitting Kills' News: It Raises Colon Cancer Risk

Being single doesn't help much, either: Studies

(Newser) - Two unrelated bits of news today on colon cancer:
  • Stand up: In another sitting-is-bad-for-you study, Australian scientists say people who worked 10 years or more in sedentary jobs had twice the risk of colon cancer as those who never had a sit-all-day job, along with a 44% increased risk of

Study: Women's Insomnia Hurts Marriage; Men's Has Little Effect
 Wives' Insomnia 
 Hurts Wedded Bliss 
study says

Wives' Insomnia Hurts Wedded Bliss

Same isn't true for husbands' lack of sleep: Study

(Newser) - If your wife has a poor night’s sleep, it can be bad news for the marriage—but if it’s your husband who can’t drift off, that’s no problem, a study finds. After a woman’s night of tossing and turning, the likelihood of an argument the...

Brad: We're Considering Marriage keep asking, so 'it's something we've got to look at'

(Newser) - Brad Pitt says he and long-time lover Angelina Jolie might consider marriage now—not because they're passionate about tying the knot, but because their kids are discussing it. The Hollywood powerhouse duo have said they won't marry until gays are allowed to wed. But now “the kids...

More Marriages Are Lasting at Least 10 Years: Census
 More Marriages 
 Lasting Longer 
census says

More Marriages Lasting Longer

...thanks to weddings later in life: sociologists

(Newser) - Though fewer people are getting married, more who do are sticking with it, census data shows. Some three-quarters of couples who wed after 1990 saw a 10-year anniversary—3 percentage points higher than those who wed in the early 1980s. That’s when the divorce rate reached its peak in...

Harry to Chelsy: You&#39;re Next
 Harry to Chelsy: You're Next 

Harry to Chelsy: You're Next

But Chelsy Davy wants her own life, say pals

(Newser) - Still hungry for royal wedding hoopla? You might not have to wait long—if Prince Harry gets his way. "You're next," he was heard saying to gal pal Chelsy Davy at the wedding of the duke and duchess of Cambridge last week. The two were nearly inseparable...

Want a Cambodian Wife? Tough Luck if You're Over 50

You better make more than $31K a year, too

(Newser) - If you're an American looking for a wife and happen to be, well, broke and old, there's no point in looking in Cambodia. Under Cambodian law, it's now illegal for the country's women to marry foreigners who are age 50 and up, or who make less than $30,960 a...

Want a Happy Marriage? Be Delusional
Want a Happy Marriage?
Be Delusional
study says

Want a Happy Marriage? Be Delusional

In new study, people with an inflated view of spouse were also happier

(Newser) - When you see a completely mismatched couple, you probably think, “What does she see in him?” But chances are, she sees something in him—and new research suggests that very fact might make for a very happy couple indeed. “Seeing a less-than-ideal partner as a reflection of one’...

Happy Teens More Likely to Become Divorced Adults
Happy Teens More Likely
to Become Divorced Adults
study says

Happy Teens More Likely to Become Divorced Adults

Study of 2,276 people returns surprising result

(Newser) - Here's a less-than-intuitive finding: Happy teens are more likely to end up divorced than unhappy teens. The tidbit came out of a larger study of happiness, in which researchers looked at data on 2,276 people—that had been collected since they were born in 1946. A number of their...

Facebook Cited in 1 in 5 Divorces

Lawyers see rise in social networks as evidence

(Newser) - Couples cite Facebook in one out of five US divorces, say Loyola University researchers —and 81% of divorce lawyers report a rise in cases using social networks as evidence, ZDNet reports. For cases that do make use of online evidence, Facebook is by far the biggest source, according to...

How Economics Can Save Your Sex Life

Lower costs, increase transparency, become a "rabbit"

(Newser) - Forget the usual advice on reawakening your love life: more foreplay, sex journals, role-playing. Instead, try economics. Today’s couples can’t afford “excess time and energy,” write Paula Szuchman and Jenny Anderson in the Daily Beast . Drop the cost, and you’ll increase demand, “as any...

Chechnya Requires Marrying Couples Be HIV-Negative

Imams demand certificate before approving marriages

(Newser) - Chechnya's Muslim authorities have handed down a new edict that requires all marrying couples to prove they are HIV-negative, Reuters reports. The order is not exactly a "law"—in fact, it violates Russian law, say human rights advocates—but given the wide influence of the nation's Islamic clerics,...

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