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Well, This Satanic Display in State Capitol Didn't Last Long

Ex-House candidate vandalizes representation of pagan idol erected by local Satanic Temple in Iowa

(Newser) - A controversial display erected in the state Capitol by the Satanic Temple of Iowa has been vandalized, after an earlier outcry about its presence in the government building, reports KCRG . "This morning, we were informed by authorities that the Baphomet statue in our holiday display was destroyed beyond repair,...

School Agrees to Rent Space to After School Satan Club

Tennessee faith leaders still condemn nonprofit's plan

(Newser) - Faith and education leaders are denouncing plans for an After School Satan Club at a Tennessee elementary school but said they would follow the law and allow the organization hosting the club to meet. Around 40 members of the faith community in Memphis stood united with leaders at Memphis-Shelby County...

ACLU: 'After School Satan Club' Ruling a Free Speech 'Victory'

Judge decides against Pennsylvania school district's barring of group's meetings, calling it 1A violation

(Newser) - In Pennsylvania, the Saucon Valley School District backed down earlier this year from granting meeting space to the After School Satan Club after community outcry and even a shooting threat. Now, the club is celebrating what the ACLU is calling "a victory for free speech and religious freedom."...

'Satan' Tries to Get a Date at Subway Station

The man said he was only flirting

(Newser) - The Prince of Darkness is apparently looking for a date on the Boston subway system. A 20-year-old woman approached transit police at the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority's Forest Hills station at about 10:45pm Monday to complain about an encounter with a man dressed all in black, including a...

The Devil Is at Work in Opp, Alabama, Police Say

Police blame an uptick in homicides on embracing Satan

(Newser) - Taking a page (or several) from the Old Testament, a police department in rural Alabama is blaming an increase in local discord—namely five homicides this year—on the community’s rejection of God, the Hill reports. In a Tuesday Facebook post (since deleted), the Opp Police Department wrote in...

Middle Schoolers Planned to Kill Classmates, Drink Blood

The girls, 11 and 12, brought knives to school

(Newser) - Two middle school girls in central Florida brought knives to school in a foiled plot to kill classmates, cut them up and drink their blood before killing themselves, police officials said Wednesday, the AP reports. The two girls, ages 11 and 12, were armed with knives Tuesday at Bartow Middle...

Russia Says It Just Launched Something Worse Than 'Satan'

'Satan 2' ICBM reportedly given a test launch

(Newser) - Russia has successfully tested its latest intercontinental ballistic missile, the country's military said Friday. The Defense Ministry said the launch from Plesetsk in northwestern Russia tested the Sarmat missile's performance in the initial stage of its flight, the AP reports. Sarmat is intended to replace the Soviet-designed Voyevoda,...

San Diego Church Flier Says Voting Democrat Is 'Mortal Sin'

The diocese says that's ridiculous

(Newser) - If you live in San Diego and plan on voting for Hillary, it's best you don't read two recent newsletters from Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. In the Oct. 16 bulletin for the Old Town church, which is used as an election polling site, a flier was inserted. Along...

One of Rome's Busiest Exorcists Tells of Woman Vomiting Pins

Fr. Vincenzo Taraborelli performs as many as 30 exorcisms on a given day

(Newser) - Italy is no stranger to exorcisms, with half a million Italians reportedly requesting them each year. The Independent in 2015 reported on an exorcism of an entire town, performed via helicopter. Three years prior, the Catholic diocese of Milan instituted an exorcism hotline, reported the BBC . But in the wake...

'After School Satan Club' Coming to Portland School

But it's about teaching science, not worshiping Beelzebub

(Newser) - Normally, an elementary school adding an after-school program isn't cause for national headlines. Things are little different when the program is called the After School Satan Club. The Portland chapter of the Satanic Temple has just been approved to establish the club at Sacramento Elementary School in Portland, the...

Trump: Clinton Is the Devil
 Trump: Clinton Is the Devil 

Trump: Clinton Is the Devil

He says the election could be 'rigged'

(Newser) - As of Tuesday, there are 98 days to go until the election—but perhaps not too much lower for the level of discourse to sink. Donald Trump took what the BBC calls an "unprecedented step" Monday when he came straight out and called Hillary Clinton the devil. Bernie Sanders...

Satanists Reject Ted Cruz Comparison

Boehner's not being fair to Lucifer, they say

(Newser) - Likening Ted Cruz to "Lucifer in the flesh" is deeply unfair to the Dark One, according to annoyed Satanists. After John Boehner made the comparison , adding that he had "never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch," the Satanic Temple was quick to distance itself...

Satanic Statue Gets New Home in Detroit

It wasn't welcome outside Okla. Capitol

(Newser) - A good day for the devil's disciples? The statue that Satanists wanted to erect outside Oklahoma's Capitol building has found a more welcoming, but apparently temporary, home in Detroit. The 9-foot, 2,000-pound statue of winged, goat-headed idol Baphomet was unveiled just before midnight on Saturday at a...

Satanists Stole Holy Wafer for Black Mass: Archbishop

His lawsuit asks judge to halt Satanic ritual in Oklahoma City

(Newser) - A Satanist group has stolen a holy wafer from a Catholic church to use in an upcoming "black Mass," or so alleges a lawsuit filed yesterday by the Oklahoma City Catholic archbishop. Paul S. Coakley asked an Oklahoma County district court judge "to halt the desecration" of...

Pope Gets Medieval in Fight Against Devil

Old-school attitude raises Vatican eyebrows

(Newser) - Pope Francis has become known for his progressive attitudes but Vatican insiders say his approach to Satan is decidedly old-school, far more so than his recent predecessors, the Washington Post finds. In many sermons, the pontiff has warned that the devil is a real, ever-present evil entity that people need...

Satanists Disown Accused Craigslist Killer

Woman who claims to have killed at least 22 'isn't one of us'

(Newser) - The nation's devil-worshipers are scrambling to distance themselves from a teenage woman who claims to have killed at least 22 people as part of a satanic cult. "We have never had any contact from this woman, nor her accomplice," the head priest of the Church of Satan...

Obama-Satan Comparisons 'Nonsense,' Says Bible Actor

Mehdi Ouazzani laughs off controversy

(Newser) - Mehdi Ouazzani isn't the devil, but he has played one on TV—only he didn't realize that some thought he looked like President Obama while he was at it. A veteran Moroccan actor with decades of film experience, Ouazzani was bemused to wake up one morning and find...

Internet Freaks Over Bible's Obama-Satan Resemblance

Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni bears striking resemblance to president

(Newser) - The Internet is all aflutter over the resemblance between President Obama and one Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni, the actor who happens to be playing Satan in the History Channel's The Bible miniseries . Glenn Beck tweeted about it Saturday, but things really took off on Twitter when last night's episode...

'Outrageous' Santorum Cries Hitler All the Time

'Evil' metaphors landing candidate in hot water

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's evil metaphors are not playing well: While the Drudge Report berated Santorum for warning that Satan is after America's soul , Dana Milbank of the Washington Post is now skewering him for hinting that there's a Nazi in the White House. Santorum compared the 2012 election...

Drudge Hitting Santorum Hard Over Old 'Satan' Speech

Sign of trouble for him among conservatives?

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's two biggest problems today appear to be Satan and Matt Drudge. The latter is using his influential Drudge Report to highlight a 2008 speech Santorum gave in which he warned about Satan having his "sights on" the US, reports Politico . "Drudge is making Santorum look...

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