Type 2 diabetes

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This Ozempic Study Went So Well That It Was Stopped Early

Research finds semaglutide can cut risk of serious illness, death in those with diabetes, kidney disease

(Newser) - Semaglutide , the medication found in such brands as Ozempic and Wegovy, has become the drug of choice lately for weight loss. A new study, however, suggests it can also bring other significant benefits to users, including slashing the risk of serious kidney complications, heart problems, and even death in...

Investigating the 'Awful' Science Behind Diabetes Management
Expert: We're
Managing Diabetes
Completely Wrong

Expert: We're Managing Diabetes Completely Wrong

According to Gary Taubes, low-carb diets should be the norm for patients with diabetes

(Newser) - Insulin was a game-changer when doctors started giving it to patients with Type 1 diabetes in the 1920s. At the time, science journalist Gary Taubes explains to the Guardian , most people with the disease died. Insulin not only saved lives, but offered patients the ability to eat basically as they...

Your Walking Speed Affects Health Benefits
Your Walking Speed
Affects Health Benefits


Your Walking Speed Affects Health Benefits

Brisk pace of at least 2.5mph lowers diabetes risk, study suggests

(Newser) - Walking has long been known to lower risks for disease and obesity, but scientists have pinpointed how fast we need to step to reap the most benefits. Per NBC News , a meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggested that walking faster speeds, between 2.5 to 5mph,...

70% of New Type 2 Diabetes Cases Are Linked to This
70% of New Type 2 Diabetes
Cases Are Linked to This
in case you missed it

70% of New Type 2 Diabetes Cases Are Linked to This

Poor diet, including those made up of refined carbs and red meat, largely to blame

(Newser) - The CDC expects to see a 700% increase in the number of young Americans diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes by 2060. It's both a national and global problem and, according to new research, poor diet is largely to blame. Researchers from Tufts University created a model based on dietary...

California Will Start Making Its Own Insulin

Governor says costs will significantly drop, plus jobs will be created

(Newser) - For diabetics in California, economic relief may soon be on the way. On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a groundbreaking initiative that will allow the state to manufacture its own insulin, reports KION-TV . Half of the earmarked $100 million will go toward developing affordable insulin products, and the other $50...

For This Popular Diabetes Drug, a 'Surprisingly High' Risk

Study: Offspring of men who filled metformin Rx during sperm development see risk of rare genital defects

(Newser) - One of the most widely prescribed diabetes drugs has been linked to an increased risk of birth defects in the offspring of men who filled a prescription for it shortly before conception, according to new research. "When I saw the paper ... I thought: 'Yup, this is gonna go...

Diabetics' Quest for This 7% Target 'Could Kill Them'

Reuters dives deep into the A1c target and drugmakers' role in pushing it

(Newser) - "He really tried hard to be at" an A1c below 7%, said Lucy Carlson. "That is what actually killed him." If that doesn't make sense to you, there's a good chance you don't have diabetes. Carlson's husband Ron did—type 2, since 2001—...

Diabetes Medicine Pulled Over Carcinogen Concerns

Sun's Riomet ER is the ninth brand recalled since May

(Newser) - The Food and Drug Administration has posted the voluntary recall of another metformin—the ninth brand pulled since May. Riomet ER, a Type 2 diabetes medicine marketed by Sun Pharmaceutical, was found in tests to contain too much N-nitrosodimethylamine, a carcinogen, the Miami Herald reports. The recall applies to Lot...

This Is the First State to Cap the Price of Insulin

'The days of insulin price gouging are over in Colorado'

(Newser) - With the soaring price of insulin forcing some diabetics to ration the drug , Colorado has become the first state to introduce a price cap. The state has introduced a law that caps the price of co-pays for insured patients to $100 a month, USA Today reports. "The days of...

Diabetes Drug May Cause Infection That Destroys Genitals
Diabetes Drug May Cause
Infection That Destroys Genitals

Diabetes Drug May Cause Infection That Destroys Genitals

Researchers are concerned on link of SGLT2 inhibitors to Fournier gangrene, which can be fatal

(Newser) - A certain type of drug used to treat diabetes may help manage the disease, but a new study advises physicians to look for troubling signs of a dangerous flesh-eating infection in patients taking that drug—one that could even kill. Per USA Today , the study published in the Annals of ...

Artificial Sweeteners May Not Be Sugar-Free Bliss We Hoped For

Scientists find they lead to biochemical changes in rats signaling diabetes, obesity down the road

(Newser) - Guzzling diet soft drinks may seem like an easy workaround if you can't kick soda but want to fend off health problems spurred by sugar. A new study presented at the Experimental Biology conference over the weekend suggests otherwise—specifically when it comes to diseases like Type 2 diabetes....

We've Been Thinking About Diabetes All Wrong: Study

Researchers say there are 5 clusters, not 2 types, of diabetes

(Newser) - More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, but a study published Thursday in the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology concludes we've been thinking about the disease all wrong. The BBC reports diabetes is typically separated into type 1—an immune system disease—and type 2—mostly seen as the result...

Moderate Drinking May Lower Diabetes Risk
Moderate Drinking
May Lower
Diabetes Risk
study says

Moderate Drinking May Lower Diabetes Risk

But experts warn not to over-indulge

(Newser) - Good news, wine and beer lovers: A new study finds that "moderate but regular" alcohol consumption appears to be linked to a lower risk of developing diabetes. Researchers surveyed more than 70,000 Danish participants over a five-year period and found that men who reported drinking 14 drinks a...

Whole-Body Vibration Could Affect Body Like Exercise

The jury is still out on whether it works in humans

(Newser) - Remember last year's exciting finding that just a few minutes of high-intensity interval training can reap similar health benefits as 45 minutes of moderate exercise? Well, there's a chance that just sitting on a vibrating platform might also reap similar benefits, especially for those with type 2 diabetes—...

Gluten-Free Diet May Carry a Health Risk
Researchers See Drawback
to Gluten-Free Diet
new study

Researchers See Drawback to Gluten-Free Diet

They suggest a link to type 2 diabetes

(Newser) - Unless you suffer from Celiac disease, you might want to forego the gluten-free products—a new study suggests they may bring a greater risk of type 2 diabetes. Harvard researchers presented their findings at an American Heart Association forum, reports UPI . After studying data from a long-term observational study of...

If You're Really Desperate to Lose Weight, Here's What You Need to Do

Doctors should be recommending low-carb diets, not bariatric surgery: columnists

(Newser) - When low-carb diets first came into vogue, they were seen as fad diets. But more than 40 clinical trials involving thousands of subjects have deemed the diets not just safe, but successful. And, with one in three Americans projected to be diagnosed with diabetes by 2050 and 45 international medical...

New Study Gives You Permission to Eat Butter

Researchers say it has no relation to heart disease and may reduce diabetes risk

(Newser) - We might all owe Paula Deen an apology. A study published this week in PLOS ONE finds no connection between eating butter and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. On the contrary, researchers found eating butter might actually make people slightly healthier by reducing the risk of diabetes. Researchers from...

More Proof That Glass of Red Wine Is Good for You
More Proof That Glass of
Red Wine Is Good for You

More Proof That Glass of Red Wine Is Good for You

Study finds real benefits among Type 2 diabetes patients

(Newser) - A glass of red wine a day might indeed keep the doctor away—at least that could be the case for those suffering from Type 2 diabetes, according to a new study . It suggests red wine in moderation helps patients manage cholesterol and improves cardiac health. Researchers set out to...

Texas Toddler Had 'Adult Onset' Diabetes

Doctor was able to reverse it in obese 3-year-old

(Newser) - A little girl in Texas had a diet so unhealthy that she developed Type 2 diabetes before her fourth birthday, a doctor who treated her says. The obese 3-year-old was diagnosed with what used to be known as "adult-onset" diabetes, which has become a lot more common among children...

Smoke Pot 100 Times, and This Health Risk May Go Up

Researchers find link between marijuana use, prediabetes

(Newser) - Some potentially unsettling health news for pot smokers: A new study has identified a link between marijuana usage and blood sugar control issues later in life, though there are some caveats and question marks. A press release explains that American researchers arrived at their conclusion using data from the Coronary...

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