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Booze Lands Hoff in Hospital...Again

Lawyer claims story only broke thanks to ex

(Newser) - David Hasselhoff was hospitalized, yet again, with alcohol poisoning Saturday, Radar reports. His daughter—not the one who videotaped him drunkenly eating a burger—found him unconscious on the floor of his home and called her mother, Pamela Bach, who rushed the one-time Michael Knight to the hospital. The actor,...

Brits' Drinking Solution: Double Booze Prices

Top doc says price hike will curb rising alcoholism

(Newser) - Britain's top medical officer wants to curb binge drinking by hitting Britons in the wallet, the Telegraph reports. Sir Liam Donaldson will tomorrow recommend a government-imposed price hike of 50 pence—about 70 cents—per unit of alcohol. The move would also double the price of many supermarket beers. "...

Did Bush Fall Off Wagon?
 Did Bush Fall Off Wagon? 

Did Bush Fall Off Wagon?

President spotted sipping Peruvian cocktail at Lima summit

(Newser) - President Bush's teetotalism may not be as total as thought, Gawker writes. On his recent visit to Peru for the Asia-Pacific Cooperation Summit, the president—who quit drinking 22 years ago—reportedly joined other world leaders in knocking back Pisco sour cocktails. The country's national drink is made with egg...

Idealism Met Different End for Obama Sr.

Kenya's graft drove Dem's father to drink, untimely death at 46

(Newser) - Like his candidate son, Barack Obama Sr. was charismatic, eloquent and idealistic, those who knew him say—so idealistic he was devastated by the corruption he saw in his native Kenya. The Harvard grad was so disillusioned upon his return to Africa, the Los Angeles Times reports, he turned to...

Vets Slipping Into the Bottle
 Vets Slipping Into the Bottle 

Vets Slipping Into the Bottle

Military blames troubled vets turning to booze for rise in misconduct

(Newser) - A rise in alcohol abuse among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans is worrying military officials, the New York Times reports. Counseling services for vets suffering post-traumatic stress disorder are stretched to the limit and many tormented former soldiers are turning instead to the bottle. The increase in binge drinking, and a...

The Scourge of Morning After
The Scourge of Morning After

The Scourge of Morning After

Deconstructing the hangover—and the folk remedies that are still the only hope

(Newser) - Hangovers have afflicted the recently drunk since the Stone Age, yet a dependable remedy remains elusive. A hangover takes hold just as the body succeeds in eliminating the alcohol from the blood stream, Joan Acocella notes in the New Yorker. It results from a pileup of insults the system sustains...

Inside Oliver Stone's Leaked Bush Biopic Script

Slate looks at some key W moments

(Newser) - The script for Oliver Stone’s biopic about George Bush has leaked to the press, and Juliet Lapidos picked through it to find some choice lines for Slate:
  • The future president’s proudest moment at Yale? Pouring “cheap vodka into a large garbage can” while another frat pledge “

A Dad Debates Introducing Wine
 A Dad Debates Introducing Wine 

A Dad Debates Introducing Wine

Times oenologist, eying responsible drinking, leans toward giving sons a taste

(Newser) - Will letting your kids sip wine decrease chances of binges later, Eric Asimov wonders in the New York Times. “I can’t help hoping that my sons might share my taste in ball teams and politics. Why should wine be any different?” writes Asimov, who imagined raising his children...

Docs Not Toasting Ladies' Vodka

Russian spirit targets rich women, prompts alcoholism fears

(Newser) - A made-for-women vodka touted as the perfect salad accompaniment has sobered Russian doctors, who fear high-end spirits like "Ladies" will only worsen already-high rates of alcoholism, Reuters reports. Estimates peg 10 percent of Russia's 142 million citizens as alcoholics, and the chief of one rehab center says 60% of...

Bush Opens Up About History of Addiction

Prez talks up 'higher power,' praises faith-based initiatives

(Newser) - President Bush recalled his battles with alcoholism during a visit to a faith-based social services organization today in Baltimore. "I drank too much at one time in my life," said the president, adding that his experiences showed him that people "can find inspiration from a higher power"...

Bush: 'I'm a Better Man' for Going Cold Turkey

President saw dangers of falling 'in love with alcohol'

(Newser) - After reaching out to a teenager battling drug addiction, President Bush spoke candidly of his past struggle with alcoholism, saying "I doubt I'd be standing here if I hadn't quit drinking whiskey, and beer and wine and all that." Alcohol "competes for your affection" for family and...

'Controlled Drinking' Flies in Face of AA

Strict abstinence not necessary for recovery, doc writes in new book

(Newser) - Alcoholics Anonymous has a great track record, but one doctor writes that AA's strategy isn't the only game in town when treating alcoholism. In "Take Control of Your Drinking … And You May Not Need to Quit," Michael Levy argues that a controlled level of drinking can be...

Clapton Recounts Pain, Triumph
Clapton Recounts Pain, Triumph

Clapton Recounts Pain, Triumph

Addictions, death of son brought guitar legend to his knees

(Newser) - "Slowhand" takes up a pen in Clapton: The Autobiography. Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll—it’s all there in guitar legend Eric Clapton’s memoir. There’s also the death of a child and more than one journey to sobriety. Vanity Fair excerpts the poignant tale of...

Migraine Pill Helps Alcoholics Quit: Study

But 20% drop drug over concentration, tingling side effects

(Newser) - A migraine drug appears to help alcoholics quit drinking without needing detox treatment, researchers have found. In 14 weeks, 15% of participants using the drug Topomax had stopped drinking for seven weeks or more, while others reduced their drinking, according to the study published in the Journal of the American ...

Talented Ex-NBA Player Meets Tragic End

Fiery crash killed Griffin; career undone by substance abuse

(Newser) - Several days after a fiery car wreck in Houston, the man in an SUV hit by a train was identified yesterday as Eddie Griffin, a former first-round NBA draft pick whose career was short-circuited by alcohol. The Houston Chronicle reports Griffin's body was so badly burned that dental records were...

Long Combat Tours Take Mental Toll
Long Combat Tours Take Mental Toll

Long Combat Tours Take Mental Toll

Brit Study: Alcoholism, post traumatic stress soar after 13 months

(Newser) - Soldiers who serve extended tours in combat zones have much higher rates of alcoholism, post traumatic stress syndrome and problems at home, a large British study has found. Of those in war zones for more than 13 months over three years, one in four had "severe" alcohol problems, compared...

Anti-Smoking Pill May Work on Booze, Too

Drug that targets brain's pleasure center shows promise in tests

(Newser) - A pill that helps smokers quit also shows promise in combating alcoholism, and future uses may include treatment for other addictions and even Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Varenicline acts on brain receptors that bind with nicotine, blunting its effects by inhibiting the release of dopamine, a so-called pleasure hormone. Alcohol...

10 Worst Hereditary Conditions
10 Worst Hereditary Conditions

10 Worst Hereditary Conditions

Heart disease? Hair loss? Blame mom and pop

(Newser) - MSNBC lists the 10 lamest heredity conditions.
  1. Baldness: People usually blame mom on this one, but cue ball syndrome can come from either side of the gene pool.
  2. Lactose intolerance: Humans developed the ability to digest milk only in the past 10,000 years, and only where dairy farming is

Majority of Alcoholics Are Young Adults

Study splits drinkers into 5 categories; 2 largest are in 20s

(Newser) - More than half of all alcoholics in the United States are young adults, reveals a new study that surveyed 1,484 US adults. The study, reported by CBS, divided problem drinkers into five types. Despite the stereotype of the alcoholic as middle-aged, the average age in the two largest groups—...

HBO Axes CEO After Arrest
HBO Axes CEO After Arrest

HBO Axes CEO After Arrest

Albrecht fired after earlier attack on a girlfriend, hushed by HBO, was revealed

(Newser) - Chris Albrecht, who turned HBO into a titan with mega-hits "Sex and the City" and "The Sopranos," was fired yesterday in the aftermath of an arrest for choking his girlfriend outside the MGM Grand in Vegas. A temporary leave was announced after Sunday's altercation, but Albrecht was...

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