sex discrimination

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Iraq Re-Arms Female Cops
Iraq Re-Arms Female Cops

Iraq Re-Arms Female Cops

International criticism and objection within ministry overturn Nov. 14 order

(Newser) - Iraq's female police officers can carry weapons again. The government has overturned an order requiring them to hand in their guns after much criticism from women's activists and the US, the Los Angeles Times reports. An Interior Ministry spokesman said few had complied with the 2-month-old order anyway, but those...

Mexico City Launches Women-Only Buses

They're sick and tired of being groped

(Newser) - Women in Mexico City will now have the option to ride buses that only allow female travelers after an outcry against groping and ogling by male passengers. The city already offers women-only subway cars during rush hour traffic, but bus travel is far more popular. Several cities around the world...

Iraq Disarms Female Cops
Iraq Disarms Female Cops

Iraq Disarms Female Cops

Rising conservatism undoes US push for more women in law enforcement

(Newser) - The female officers the US worked so hard to bring into the Iraqi police force are being undercut by the Interior Ministry, the Los Angeles Times reports. Policewomen have been ordered to turn in their guns or go without pay, a move a US liaison says will undermine pat-down searches...

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