Kathleen Kennedy Townsend

5 Stories

RFK Granddaughter, Her Son Vanish While Canoeing

Witnesses saw two people struggling in Chesapeake Bay's high winds

(Newser) - Authorities were searching Friday for the daughter and a grandson of former Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend after a canoe they were paddling in the Chesapeake Bay didn't return to shore. Gov. Larry Hogan identified the missing as Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean, 40, and McKean's 8-year-old son,...

A Kennedy Outs Bush Sr. as a Hillary Voter

RFK daughter Kathleen Kennedy Townsend met with HW on Monday

(Newser) - George HW Bush might've been trying to stay out of this election , but a Facebook post has just thrown him into the center of it. "The President told me he’s voting for Hillary!!" wrote Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Robert F Kennedy's daughter, in the caption of...

RFK Wanted to Lift Cuba Travel Ban, Too
RFK Wanted 
to Lift Cuba 
Travel Ban, Too 

RFK Wanted to Lift Cuba Travel Ban, Too

Obama should quash 'inconsistent' rule, says former AG's daughter

(Newser) - Blocking Americans from traveling to Cuba is "inconsistent with traditional American liberties," according to the US attorney general. Eric Holder in 2009? Nope: Bobby Kennedy in 1963—who opposed prosecuting students who went to Havana and unsuccessfully pushed the Johnson White House to lift the ban. As daughter...

40 Years Later, RFK's Children Remember

Three Kennedy kids recall father's empathy, justice

(Newser) - To mark the anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, 40 years ago today, the New York Times offers vignettes from three of his children—Kerry Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy II, and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend—of life with their father. For Kerry, RFK was the arbiter of fairness, whose teachings in...

Hillary Joined by Chelsea, Mom
Hillary Joined by Chelsea, Mom

Hillary Joined by Chelsea, Mom

Campaign for crucial women's vote moves into high gear

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign, in a dead heat with Obama in Iowa, is pulling out all the stops to bolster Clinton's support among the group long considered her core constituency: women. Along with appearances by influential women such as Madeleine Albright and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Hillary Clinton's mom and daughter, Chelsea,...

5 Stories
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