
11 Stories

Cholera Hits Port-au-Prince; Toll at 250

Yet officials hopeful they can contain outbreak

(Newser) - With the potential for an epidemic looming, Haitian officials reported five cases of cholera in the capital Port-au-Prince today, reports the BBC, though they say the cases were caught early and isolated quickly. The news comes as the death toll in the outbreak topped 250 and Haiti's health chief said...

Mugabe's Party Feasts While Zimbabwe Starves

Over 200 farm animals to be consumed during four-day Zanu-PF conference

(Newser) - The government of Zimbabwe has planned a decadent feast for delegates from the ruling party while starvation and cholera run rampant in the general population, Time reports. Robert Mugabe and 5,000 Zanu-PF delegates will treat themselves to 124 cattle, 81 goats, and 18 pigs across a four-day conference now...

Zimbabwe Activist Kidnapped in Mugabe Crackdown

Human rights activist was gathering abuse testimonials

(Newser) - A prominent Zimbabwe activist collecting evidence of human rights violations by President Robert Mugabe's regime has been kidnapped from her home by 15 armed men claiming to be police officers, reports the Guardian. Jestina Mukoko, director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project, was the best-known of 20 activists and dissidents to...

Cholera Caused By 'Genocidal' Brits: Mugabe

UK unleashed it in 'racist terrorist attack,' minister claims

(Newser) - The cholera outbreak that’s killed some 792 Zimbabweans is actually a “genocidal onslaught on the people of Zimbabwe by the British,” at least in the mind of Robert Mugabe's information minister. He called the disease a “serious biological chemical weapon,” unleashed by England in “...

Cholera Is Raging, Whatever Mugabe Says

Zimbabwe nears total collapse as health sector shuts down

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe says that the cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe has ended, but health experts say that 60,000 people could succumb to the disease, and half of the country's population is at risk. Zimbabwe's socioeconomic collapse has frighteningly accelerated, writes Celia Dugger in Harare, and daily life has become impossible....

Mugabe: Cholera Outbreak Has Been 'Arrested'

But 16,000 cases of disease contradict Zimbabwe's president

(Newser) - As the cholera epidemic worsened in Zimbabwe, with more than 16,000 people infected and thousands trying to flee to South Africa, Robert Mugabe said today that the disease had been "arrested." The president used a television appearance to lash out at a supposed western invasion of...

Carter: Zimbabwe Conditions 'Horrifying'

Humanitarian crisis getting worse because of stubborn Mugabe

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter and his group of international peacemakers have been barred from entering Zimbabwe, but reports of conditions there are “horrifying,” the former president tells NPR. Mugabe’s “campaign of oppression” has frustrated attempts to deal with a spreading cholera outbreak. “Mugabe had made every effort,...

Troops Run Amok in Zimbabwe Capital

Police, soldiers clash after unpaid troops turn to robbing, looting

(Newser) - Unpaid Zimbabwean soldiers battled riot police on the streets of Harare today, venting their frustration after waiting all day to withdraw money from a bank, the BBC reports. Dozens of troops ran riot before order was restored, robbing moneychangers, looting shops, and encouraging civilians to join them. Some passers-by threw...

10K in Zimbabwe Hit by Cholera: UN

Oppositions puts number higher

(Newser) - The UN says more than 400 Zimbabweans have died and 10,000 are ill as a result of cholera, the London Telegraph reports. But critics like opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai accuse the government of fudging even those high numbers, insisting that more than 500 have died and half a million...

Disease, Hunger Now Threaten Cyclone Survivors

Tainted water, corpses pose grave danger

(Newser) - The Burmese lucky enough to survive a catastrophic cyclone now face the threat of death by disease and hunger. Dirty water and rotting corpses pose a grave danger of cholera and diarrhea, and the devastated infrastructure is making it nearly impossible to deliver food to people who were hungry even...

Cholera Outbreak Grips Baghdad
Cholera Outbreak Grips Baghdad

Cholera Outbreak Grips Baghdad

Officials fear an epidemic when rains hit war-ravaged sewers

(Newser) - Cholera cases have spiked in Baghdad since mid-November and will likely soar when rainy season comes, the Guardian reports. Officials fear that the downpours will spread dirty water from war-ravaged sewers and infect more Iraqis, particularly children; about 4,500 cases have already been tallied this year. “We have...

11 Stories
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