University of Oregon

5 Stories

College Students' Lake Trip Has Park Service Peeved

Thousands of students converged on California's Shasta Lake—and left heaps of trash behind

(Newser) - SFGate gets right to the point in a recent headline: "Thousands of college students trashed a California lake." About 3,000 of them, according to Debbie Carlisi of the US Forest Service's Shasta-Trinity National Forest, who says crews at Shasta Lake spent six hours scooping up...

Hard-Core Workouts Send 3 Oregon Players to Hospital

One Ducks football lineman has come down with rare, potentially life-threatening condition

(Newser) - Three University of Oregon players on the Ducks football team are recuperating at a local hospital after a series of intense workouts last week that left one of the players with a rare, serious condition, the Oregonian reports. Offensive linemen Doug Brenner and Sam Poutasi and tight end Cam McCormick...

This Is a National Forest Site After a College Party

UOregon investigating Lake Shasta incident

(Newser) - The University of Oregon is investigating after as many as 1,000 students "trashed the everliving s--- out of Lake Shasta," as Deadspin puts it. Hordes of college students visit Slaughterhouse Island at the California lake during a weekend in May each year. "What was different about...

U Wash Won't Cite Students on Swapping

Second school defies RIAA request to pass along warning letters

(Newser) - The University of Washington has become the second Pacific Northwest school to refuse to pass along warning letters from the RIAA to students whose IP addresses were used for illegal downloading. The RIAA considers students liable for any swapping connected with their IP addresses, but the UW, along with the...

Oregon AG Raises Pitch of Music Piracy Battle

Slams music industry's subpoenas for privacy abuses

(Newser) - The Oregon AG is playing hardball with the Recording Industry of America in a battle that could set a precedent for how the RIAA conducts its crusade against music sharing, ComputerWorld reports. Pitting alleged piracy against privacy, the AG is investigating the data mining RIAA used to subpoena the IDs...

5 Stories