Mwai Kibaki

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Kenya Race Tightens; Riots Delay Count
Kenya Race Tightens; Riots Delay Count

Kenya Race Tightens; Riots Delay Count

Prez candidates now neck and neck; results due tomorrow

(Newser) - Police had to restore order today at Kenya’s election commission as the presidential race tightened yet again and officials halted the count until tomorrow. Politicians on both sides scuffled and shouted accusations of election fraud as the once-hefty lead of opposition candidate Raila Odinga dropped to just 40,000...

Kenya Opposition Claims Victory
Kenya Opposition Claims Victory

Kenya Opposition Claims Victory

Slow pace of results leads to looting, fires

(Newser) - The party of opposition leader Raila Odinga, a wealthy businessman with a populist platform, has declared victory in Kenya's hotly contested election, but the slow pace of the vote tally has led to rioting in the slums of Nairobi. After a largely peaceful campaign, machete-wielding gangs have looted and torched...

Kenya's Prez Appears Defeated
Kenya's Prez Appears Defeated

Kenya's Prez Appears Defeated

Challenger vows to spread wealth more equitably

(Newser) - A populist challenger appears to be winning Kenya's presidential election, the New York Times reports. Raila Odinga, a businessman who promises to spread Kenya's growing wealth more equitably, has a 57%-40% lead over incumbent Mwai Kibaki in early results, while many in Kibaki's inner circle, including the vice president and...

Violence as Kenyan Vote Nears
Violence as Kenyan Vote Nears

Violence as Kenyan Vote Nears

Too close to call 48 hours before poll in key East African nation

(Newser) - Kenya's presidential election remains too close to call with 48 hours to go, writes the Mail and Guardian. President Mwai Kibaki is seeking a second term but facing a stiff challenge from former ally Raila Odinga for the leadership of East Africa's bellwether nation. Yesterday police fired teargas at supporters...

8,000 Kenyans Killed by Cops, Lawyers Say

Police call charges against outlaw sect 'fictitious'

(Newser) - Kenyan cops have killed or fatally tortured more than 8,000 youth since 2002, human rights lawyers charged today. The deaths, along with 4,000 cases of missing men, are allegedly part of a state crackdown on the Mungiki—an outlawed sect the government blames for gang violence. Police have...

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