press leaks

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NYT Reporter Subpoenaed in CIA Leak Case

James Risen hasn't cooperated in case against his alleged source

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors have issued a subpoena demanding testimony from New York Times reporter James Risen in the case against ex-CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling, who allegedly leaked info about a failed CIA disinformation campaign to him for a 2006 book. A judge has already quashed one subpoena issued to Risen, but...

Leaked Israel-Palestine Documents a Disgrace
Leaked Israel-Palestine Documents a Disgrace

Leaked Israel-Palestine Documents a Disgrace

Peace process has lost all legitimacy, Guardian argues

(Newser) - The so-called “ Palestinian Papers ,” which reveal that Israel turned down massive concessions from a desperate PLO, are a disgrace, according to the Guardian , one of the papers distributing the leaks. “It is hard to tell who appears worst,” the paper’s editorial reads: “The Palestinian...

Assange Lawyers Furious Over Leaked Police Report
Assange Lawyers Furious Over Leaked Police Report
Irony Alert

Assange Lawyers Furious Over Leaked Police Report

World overwhelmed with sympathy

(Newser) - The next sound you hear will be the world’s tiniest violin playing for Julian Assange. The WikiLeaks founder’s Swedish lawyer has announced that he will lodge a formal complaint because—wait for it—it’s not fair that police documents surrounding Assange’s case were leaked to the...

Wikileaks Wises Up With New 'Pentagon Papers'

Site collaborates with mainstream media

(Newser) - The little whistleblowing website that could stepped up its game this time before releasing what Wikileaks' founder calls the present day "Pentagon papers." Taking a page from a crack public relations operation, Wikileaks released some 92,000 secret military documents on the war in Afghanistan to the New ...

Names of Suspected Illegal Immigrants Leak in Utah

State government scrambles to find out who's to blame

(Newser) - An anonymous group has released a list of 1,300 Utah residents who, it alleges, are illegal immigrants. The list, which was sent to media outlets, law enforcement, and lawmakers, includes the names, addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, and in some cases even Social Security numbers of those suspects, the...

Apple Loses Another iPhone Prototype
 Apple Loses Another 
 iPhone Prototype 

Apple Loses Another iPhone Prototype posts photos, takes it apart

(Newser) - Believe it or not, yet another prototype of the new iPhone has slipped out of Apple's clutches. The Vietnamese site has posted a pile of images and a video of the new phone. The site's down, thanks to all that traffic, but you can see many of the...

How a Drunk Engineer Lost the Next iPhone

Sweet, sweet German beer responsible for leak

(Newser) - How did Gizmodo penetrate Apple's ironclad security to get its hands on the next-generation iPhone ? Thank the power of beer. Apple engineer Gray Powell, who was working on the Baseband Software that will allow the phone to actually make calls, lost the device at the beer garden not far...

Ex-NSA Exec Indicted Over Leaks to Media

He allegedly told newspaper about Bush intel policies

(Newser) - A former National Security Agency executive has been indicted on 10 felony charges for allegedly leaking classified details of the Bush administration’s intelligence policies to a national newspaper. The indictment alleges that Thomas Drake, a former big shot in the agency’s Signals Intelligence Directorate, sent hundreds of emails...

Obama's Long Road to Afghan Strategy
 Long Road to 
 Afghan Strategy 

Obama's Long Road to Afghan Strategy

Prez was relentless in analyzing every angle

(Newser) - Amid cries of "dithering" and the silent finality of Arlington's rows of white tombstones, President Obama calmly, analytically, and exhaustively reviewed all options in Afghanistan before finally announcing to his team on Nov. 29 that he would send in 30,000 more troops. The New York Times retraces the...

Leakers Have Agendas&mdash;That Journos Hide
Leakers Have Agendas—That Journos Hide

Leakers Have Agendas—That Journos Hide

From gossip to war, the press is too kind to its sources

(Newser) - In the past few days the New York Times and Washington Post broke three major stories with the help of leaks: John Edwards' readiness to declare paternity, Stanley McChrystal's blunt assessment of the Afghanistan war, and Barack Obama's intervention in the New York governor's race. For Post media columnist...

Who Leaked to Woodward? Good Luck
 Who Leaked 
 to Woodward? 
 Good Luck 

Who Leaked to Woodward? Good Luck

McChrystal report could help the Pentagon, or the White House, or...

(Newser) - The question du jour in Washington is who leaked Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s report advocating an increased troop presence in Afghanistan to Bob Woodward, Ben Smith writes on Politico. But the outcome of this tried and true “capital parlor game” is far from certain. Some Beltway insiders think the...

Workers Flood Blogs With Company Secrets

14% of employees admit spilling dirt

(Newser) - Company secrets are an endangered species in our blog-happy society, reports the Wall Street Journal. A survey has found that 14% of US workers admit to leaking confidential or embarrassing company information to outsiders. Salary cuts and impending layoffs are common topics leaked to industry blogs.

Brown Lawyer Pursues Leaker
 Brown Lawyer Pursues Leaker 

Brown Lawyer Pursues Leaker

Geragos plans to mine internal police records for evidence

(Newser) - Attempting to learn how TMZ got a photo of Rihanna’s bruised face, Chris Brown’s lawyer filed two motions yesterday asking for internal police records, the New York Daily News reports. The LAPD is still probing the leak internally, but lawyer Mark Geragos is due back in court May...

Paterson Leaked False Dirt on Caroline

Tax/nanny issues a mirage

(Newser) - When Caroline Kennedy ended her Senate campaign, David Paterson’s administration leaked confidential and misleading information about her, the New York Times reports. Paterson aides told reporters that Kennedy had “a definite tax issue” and “a nanny problem” that “she didn’t want to become public.”...

Hillary Leaks Infuriate Obama's Camp
Hillary Leaks Infuriate Obama's Camp

Hillary Leaks Infuriate Obama's Camp

(Newser) - The steady stream of leaks about Hillary Clinton’s Cabinet prospects is infuriating Barack Obama’s notoriously tight-lipped organization, the New York Daily News reports. “This isn’t coming from our shop,” said one Obama official, voicing the widely held sentiment that Clintonites have been strategically leaking the...

Emanuel Will Be Obama's Super Salesman
 Emanuel Will Be Obama's 
 Super Salesman 

Emanuel Will Be Obama's Super Salesman

(Newser) - The prospect of a presidential chief of staff with Rahm Emanuel's elbows-out style is winning praise from Democrats, censure from the GOP. Salon media critic Jack Shafer says his style of working with the press is right out of David Mamet: hyperaggressive salesman who uses "charm, insults, and bluster"...

US Doomed in Afghanistan: British Envoy

Leaked French cable quotes diplomat opposing surge

(Newser) - The British ambassador to Afghanistan believes “the American strategy is destined to fail,” the Telegraph reports, based on a leaked memo written by a French diplomat. In the memo, the French diplomat records statements by Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles at a Sept. 1 meeting in which the British envoy...

Pakistan Helped Taliban Plan Afghan Attacks: Report

Leaked Spanish document alleges link between intelligence agency and militants

(Newser) - Pakistani spies armed Taliban insurgents in 2005 assassination plots against the Afghan government, Cadena Ser radio reports after obtaining a confidential Spanish defense document. Bearing the defense ministry’s seal, the report alleges that Pakistan’s intelligence gave the militants roadside bombs, and may have also provided intelligence and training....

BBC Denies Spouting Government's Qaeda Line

(Newser) - Similarities between a leaked British government document and a recent BBC report on al-Qaeda’s waning support are just that, the broadcaster said today in denying its editorial independence had been dented. A report leaked to the Guardian talked of pushing material through UK media channels to suggest al-Qaeda is...

German Telecom Spying Ignites Privacy Uproar

Internal tracing of press leaks leads to calls for government probe

(Newser) - German phone giant Deutsche Telekom has ignited a privacy firestorm by admitting it tracked board members’ phone calls to root out the source of embarrassing press leaks. The dominant national fixed-line provider revealed “severe and far-reaching” misuse of private information, generating anger in a country sensitive to civil liberties...

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