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This Year&#39;s Flu Season Could Be Really Ugly
 This Year's 
 Flu Season 
 Could Be 
 Really Ugly 
in case you missed it

This Year's Flu Season Could Be Really Ugly

Dominant strain is a harsh one and off to an early start

(Newser) - Flu season is off to its earliest start in almost a decade, and that could signal rough, tissue-filled days ahead. Five Southern states saw a high number of doctor visits for flu-like symptoms in late November, months earlier than usual, and that has federal health officials warning that we could...

Autism Linked to Fever, Flu in Pregnant Women
Autism Linked to Fever, Flu
in Pregnant Women
study says

Autism Linked to Fever, Flu in Pregnant Women

Pregnant woman who suffered from either were at higher risk

(Newser) - A new study finds a link between illness during pregnancy and autism, but experts are already urging caution when interpreting the results. Danish researchers found that expecting mothers who suffered from the flu were twice as likely to have a child who developed an autism spectrum disorder, while those who...

Bird Flu Jumps to Seals, Could Threaten Humans

Scientists studying new strain that moves from seal to seal

(Newser) - A new strain of bird flu you should be worried about? Maybe: In New England last fall, 162 harbor seal pups were killed by H3N8, a flu subtype that has crossed over from birds to dogs and horses in the past. Other strains of flu have previously crossed over from...

UN: Bird Flu Is Back
 UN: Bird Flu Is Back 

UN: Bird Flu Is Back

Virus is on the rise after declining for years

(Newser) - Get ready for a possible resurgence of bird flu: The UN is warning that wild bird migrations have brought the deadly virus to formerly virus-free countries, and adds that a mutant strain of H5N1 is spreading in Asia. The mutant strain can get around the defenses of current vaccines, the...

Smartphone App Knows You're Sick Before You Do

DailyData app detects changes that should tell you something's wrong

(Newser) - Your smartphone might have a better grasp on how you're feeling than you do. A new startup has unveiled an Android app that uses your phone's activity to detect the onset of the common cold, the flu, and depression, reports Mashable . DailyData , developed by a group of MIT...

America's Sickest Cities

Hint: Florida's not the place to be during flu season

(Newser) - Think spring is around the corner and the end to sneezing and sick ickyness is in sight? Think again, because there's lots of flu left to pass around. The Daily Beast runs down the 20 sickest cities, as broken down by health ranking, vaccination coverage, influenza deaths, and how much...

Coming Soon: Universal Flu Vaccine

Drug is successfully tested on humans for the first time

(Newser) - Soon, you may be able to forget about getting a flu shot each year—because just one jab could cover you for all strains of the illness. Oxford University scientists tested a universal flu vaccine on humans for the first time, and found it to be successful, the Guardian reports....

Bird Flu Hits Hong Kong
 Bird Flu Hits Hong Kong 

Bird Flu Hits Hong Kong

Territory confirms first case since 2003

(Newser) - Bird flu is once again causing a flap in Hong Kong. A woman who recently traveled to mainland China has been diagnosed with the territory's first confirmed case of the disease since 2003, the BBC reports. She has been quarantined in intensive care, and Hong Kong's government has raised its...

WHO Exaggerated Swine Flu Pandemic: EU Reports

Watchdogs accuse WHO of colluding with drugmakers

(Newser) - Was the H1N1 pandemic exaggerated? European officials are putting heat on the WHO over its handling of the pandemic, alleging the organization caused unnecessary panic and wasted millions of dollars. Reports released by an EU watchdog and the British Medical Journal go even further: they accuse the WHO of being...

Swine Flu Killed 17K Americans: CDC
 Swine Flu Killed 17K 
 Americans: CDC 
h1n1 outbreak

Swine Flu Killed 17K Americans: CDC

Total lower than usual, but victims skew younger

(Newser) - The H1N1 pandemic has been less deadly than a normal flu season, but the infection has claimed the lives of far younger victims, the CDC announced today. The outbreak killed 17,000 Americans, far less than the 36,000 who die during an average flu season. But in a normal...

Swine Flu Not Gone Yet
 Swine Flu Not Gone Yet 

Swine Flu Not Gone Yet

US is 'not at all out of the woods,' CDC chief says

(Newser) - H1N1 continues to spread, albeit at a subdued pace. The chances of a third outbreak this season seem slight, but even though swine flu is not mounting a major offensive, it seems unusually resilient—most influenza outbreaks would've dissipated by now. Deaths from pneumonia and influenza are up, for the...

Thank You, Swine Flu: Seasonal Version No Big Deal

History, and this past spring, show novel strains 'crowd out' normal ones

(Newser) - A perfect storm of factors related to the swine flu pandemic have many experts predicting the usual seasonal flu viruses will be no-shows this season. First off, the rush for H1N1 vaccinations saw many patients being vaccinated for the seasonal varieties as well. And then there’s “crowding out,...

Scam Emails Capitalize on Swine Flu Scare
Scam Emails Capitalize on Swine Flu Scare
h1n1 outbreak

Scam Emails Capitalize on Swine Flu Scare

Phishing scheme asks targets to register for vaccination

(Newser) - Bogus email alert: Be on the lookout for messages allegedly from the CDC about a "mandatory" swine flu vaccination program. The emails ask recipients to enter personal information in order to get vaccinated, but unlucky registrants get malware instead of medicine. The CDC has confirmed that it is not...

Flu Cases Plummet, But Child Deaths Rise
 Flu Cases Plummet, 
 But Child Deaths Rise 
h1n1 outbreak

Flu Cases Plummet, But Child Deaths Rise

32 states report widespread disease activity, down from 43 a week ago

(Newser) - The number of H1N1 cases fell throughout November, but children under 18 continue to be disproportionately affected by the virus, with 35 deaths reported last week. Flu activity was widespread in 32 states in the weekly report out today, down from 43 a week earlier. And the worrisome rise in...

Flu Pandemic Slacks Off, But 'It's Not Over'
Flu Pandemic Slacks Off, But 'It's Not Over'
h1n1 outbreak

Flu Pandemic Slacks Off, But 'It's Not Over'

Tamiflu-resistant cluster crops up in NC; 3 of 4 patients dead

(Newser) - The swine flu outbreak is slacking off in some areas, but don't get complacent, officials say: Pandemics naturally fluctuate. "There can be multiple ups and downs over the season," says a CDC doctor. "We have many weeks ahead of us where disease is going to be circulating....

Swine Flu Mutation Worries Norway Scientists
Swine Flu Mutation Worries Norway Scientists
h1n1 outbreak

Swine Flu Mutation Worries Norway Scientists

CDC official says it's no cause for alarm

(Newser) - Norwegian scientists say they've discovered a mutated version of swine flu in two patients who died and another who is severely ill. The mutation "could possibly make the virus more prone to infect deeper in the airways and thus cause more severe disease," said the nation's health institute....

Our Immune System Already Prepared for Swine Flu

Disease isn't as contagious, deadly as feared

(Newser) - The initial fear that swine flu is a totally new virus that your immune system isn’t equipped to handle turns out to be pure hype. According to a new study, immune systems that have previously had contact with flu viruses recognize H1N1 and deal with it the same way,...

Shortage of Seasonal Flu Vaccine Looms

Supplies running low, manufacturers can't make more

(Newser) - Severe shortages of seasonal flu vaccines are expected across the country in coming weeks as supplies run short amid increasing demand. Manufacturers have committed their production to making H1N1 vaccines and lack the capacity to make any more seasonal flu vaccines this year. The director of the CDC told lawmakers...

Vaccine Delay Aggravates Swine Flu Fears
 Vaccine Delay 
 Swine Flu 
h1n1 outbreak

Vaccine Delay Aggravates Swine Flu Fears

Uncertainty of supply makes scheduling immunization clinics tough

(Newser) - Production delays that are slowing the distribution of the H1N1 flu vaccine could hardly have come at a worse time, with the death toll in young people mounting and antivaccine activists seizing on any chance to make their position heard. Experts point out that the H1N1 version uses the same...

Swine Flu More Likely to Cause Pneumonia
Swine Flu More Likely to Cause Pneumonia
h1n1 outbreak

Swine Flu More Likely to Cause Pneumonia

WHO urges doctors to treat suspected cases with antiviral meds

(Newser) - Swine flu is much more likely than seasonal flu to cause potentially life-threatening viral pneumonia, the World Health Organization said today, urging doctors to immediately treat even young and otherwise healthy suspected H1N1 cases with antiviral meds. “It’s not like seasonal influenza,” said a WHO officer. It...

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