
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Airline Plans to Offer $69 Flights to Europe

Norwegian Air wants to tap into lower fees at smaller US airports

(Newser) - It's hard to find a one-way ticket domestically for $69, but if the CEO of Norwegian Air has his way, a ticket for that much may soon be available between Europe and the US, NBC News reports. Bjorn Kjos' master plan is to connect flights from smaller coastal US...

Owner Spends $750 on Surgeries for 2 Goldfish

Star and Nemo are reunited and recovering in their tank in Scotland

(Newser) - With another doctor administering anesthetic and a nurse on hand to keep an eye on heart rates, the attending surgeon in a hospital in Scotland recently pulled off two complicated operations in the same day. The team's patients: a pair of pet goldfish who both had cancer, LiveScience reports....

Lost Sherlock Holmes Story Found in Scottish Attic

Tale written in 1904 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had appeared in fundraising pamphlet

(Newser) - It's been a treasure trove of recently discovered writings from famous authors: first Harper Lee , then Dr. Seuss , and now Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. An 80-year-old man in Scotland says he found a long-lost Sherlock Holmes story that appeared in a 1904 short-story collection, the New York Daily News ...

Rowdy Women Arrested at Fifty Shades Screening

Patron allegedly attacked for shushing drunk patrons

(Newser) - A Valentine's Day showing of Fifty Shades of Grey got particularly crazy—and not in a BDSM way—when a male patron was allegedly assaulted, the Daily Record reports. He apparently told a group of rambunctious, inebriated female viewers to calm down at a Scottish theater, and they "...

Fossils Reveal Scottish Sea Monster

Scotland's first known ichthyosaur discovered

(Newser) - It was the size of a motorboat and looked like a "sinister dolphin," reports Discovery News in describing Scotland's first known—and newly discovered—ichthyosaur. In 1959, Brian Shawcross came upon prehistoric bones on the Isle of Skye; the amateur fossil hunter donated them to Glasgow's...

Dog Dumped at Train Station With His Things in Suitcase

Scots trying to trace neglectful owner

(Newser) - Abandoning an animal is wrong—even if you leave it with its belongings, say animal welfare authorities in Scotland, who are trying to trace an owner who left a young dog tied to a railing outside a train station next to a suitcase that contained a pillow, a toy, some...

Suck It, Scotland: World's Best Whiskey Is From Japan

First time Scotland hasn't appeared in top 5

(Newser) - Each time a new edition of the World Whisky Bible comes out, you can expect to see a Scottish distillery at the top—but the 2015 version is full of firsts. A Japanese whiskey has stolen the No. 1 rank for the first time, while no Scottish whisky even made...

Woman Examines 'Dried Blood' in Nose, Finds Leech

Daniela Liverani apparently picked it up in Vietnam

(Newser) - After a Scottish woman suffered a motorcycle accident during a backpacking trip to Vietnam, she figured the dark thing sticking out of her nose was just dried blood. Instead, it was something even less appealing: a three-inch leech that had been in her nostril for a month, the Daily Mail...

Russia: Hey, That Scottish Vote Was a Little Fishy

Vote-counting room was too big, for one thing

(Newser) - Russia, the world's defender of territorial sovereignty, thinks pro-independence Scottish voters might have gotten robbed in yesterday's vote. Moscow sent four official observers to watch the votes being counted in Edinburgh, and they don't think things were up to snuff, reports the Huffington Post UK . Among the...

Queen: 'Enduring Love of Scotland' Will Unite UK

Leader of Scottish National Party resigns

(Newser) - The queen has officially weighed in on Scotland's rejection of independence —a rarity for her when it comes to current affairs, notes the Telegraph —and she's asking pro-UK Scottish residents and Brits not to gloat. She acknowledged the "strong feelings and contrasting emotions" involved in...

What's Next for Scotland—and the UK

'No' vote doesn't mean no changes

(Newser) - Scotland voted to remain part of the United Kingdom, but that doesn't mean there are no changes in store. The BBC , Telegraph , USA Today , and CNN run down what's next for the country and the UK:
  • Scottish Parliament will get more power. That's something the three biggest

260-Year-Old 'Home of Golf' to Finally Allow Women

Royal and Ancient Golf Club's members vote in favor of move

(Newser) - There were two big issues being resolved in Scotland yesterday. The 2,400 members of a very old boys' club, the Royal and Ancient Golf Club in St. Andrews, had been asked to weigh in by postal ballot on whether to allow women to become members, and it was yesterday...

Scotland Rejects Independence
 Scotland Rejects 

Scotland Rejects Independence

The 'no' vote prevails amid massive turnout, keeping the UK intact

(Newser) - The United Kingdom will stay united: Scotland has rejected independence. With the votes counted in the nation's historic referendum, results show those in favor of keeping the 307-year union with England won 55% to 45%. Those against independence received a massive boost by strongly taking Edinburgh, the capital, and...

Part of Scotland Could Break Off From Scotland

Shetland archipelago may want to do its own thing if Scotland gains independence

(Newser) - As the world watches to see what happens after Scotland's vote for independence from the UK today, one group of Scots may be considering alternative future plans—to break away from Scotland. If Scotland's "yes" campaign wins out, First Minister Alex Salmond shouldn't necessarily bank on...

Today's Scotland Vote: What You Need to Know

The vote over Scottish independence is here

(Newser) - Scots are taking to the polls today to determine whether Scotland should gain legal independence from the United Kingdom for the first time since 1707. Voters—more than 4 million perhaps, with 97% of the electorate registered to vote—have access to 2,608 polling places across the country between...

Jokesters Erect England-Scotland Border Station

Makers aim to add 'a bit of a joke' to independence debate

(Newser) - The vote for Scottish independence isn't until Thursday, but travel between England and Scotland already requires a passport. That is, if you fall for a joke border control station that a photographer erected with some English and Scottish friends. An official-looking sign on a highway reads "Scottish Border...

Queen Makes Unexpected Scotland Comment

Voters 'should think carefully,' she says

(Newser) - With just a few days to go before Scotland votes on independence, Queen Elizabeth II has spoken out on the issue for the first time. In what opponents of independence have interpreted as a statement of firm support for their No campaign, the monarch told a well-wisher outside a Scottish...

British PM Woos Scots: 'We Want You to Stay'

David Cameron heads to Scotland to plea for 'No' vote at Sept. 18 referendum

(Newser) - British PM David Cameron dropped everything today to head to Scotland to stem the momentum of the "Yes" campaign for secession. For Alex Salmond, the Scot leading the charge for independence, the move means the Brits are panicked. "If I thought they were coming by bus, I'd...

Pro-Independence Side Ahead in Scottish Poll

UK offers new deal if Scotland stays in union

(Newser) - Is the UK on the road to Splitsville? Scotland votes on independence on Sept. 18, and one poll has put the pro-independence "Yes" camp in the lead with 51% for the first time, the BBC reports. The "No" side was 22 points ahead less than a month ago,...

Skeleton May Belong to Viking King From Ireland

King Olaf ruled in 10th century

(Newser) - A skeleton unearthed in Scotland might be that of a long-lost Viking king who ruled in Ireland in the 10th century, reports the BBC . Archeologists think they've found the remains of King Olaf Guthfrithsson, or at least somebody in his entourage. One of the telltale signs is a belt...

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