
Stories 61 - 68 | << Prev 

NY Reps: Give 9/11 Victims bin Laden Reward Money

Anthony Weiner and Jerry Nadler introduce bill

(Newser) - If no one is going to collect the federal government's Osama bin Laden reward money, two New York congressmen want bin Laden's victims to get it. “If the bounty isn’t paid," then “families and groups who helped deal with survivors of 9/11” should benefit,...

Who Snagged the $27M Reward for bin Laden?

Probably no one, but we may never know

(Newser) - Until Sunday, Osama bin Laden topped the FBI's most-wanted list—and there was a sizable reward offered for information leading to his capture. The State Department offered $25 million, with two air travel associations adding an additional $1 million each. So did anyone collect? Annie Lowrey explains on Slate...

Feds Update Bin Laden Mug
 Feds Update Bin Laden Mug 

Feds Update Bin Laden Mug

Digital effects used to make 'aged progressed' pics

(Newser) - Using digital technology, the FBI has a new idea of what Osama bin Laden might look like today. The “aged progressed” images show the 52-year-old al-Qaeda chief—dressed in both Western and tradition Arab styles—grayer, with more wrinkles and facial lines. One thing that’s the same: the...

Israeli Town Will Pay $1M for Mermaid Pic

Tourists swarm town after mythical(?) creature siting

(Newser) - Mermaid fever has hit the Israeli town of Kiryat Yam: Several eyewitnesses recently reported spotting the mythical creature—described as a cross between a girl and a dolphin—frolicking off the coast at sunset. Whether that’s true or not, tourists have been flocking to Kiryat Yam in hopes of...

$5K Reward for Sea Lion Killer
 $5K Reward for Sea Lion Killer 

$5K Reward for Sea Lion Killer

(Newser) - An animal rescue group in California is offering a $5,000 reward to catch whoever is shooting sea lions along the Los Angeles coast. Four of the animals have been shot since the start of the year, the LA Times reports. Fisherman occasionally kill the creatures to keep them away...

Microsoft Offers $250K to Catch Worm Creators

(Newser) - Microsoft has offered a $250,000 bounty for the creators of the dreaded Conficker worm, which has infected 10 million computers worldwide, PC Magazine reports. The software giant is working with security firms and domain name administrator ICANN to find the culprits, whose virus exploits a vulnerability in Windows. Microsoft...

Man Finds $140K, Gives It Back
 Man Finds $140K, Gives It Back 

Man Finds $140K, Gives It Back

Money troubles don't stop conscience from winning out

(Newser) - When Eli Estrada found $140,000 in unmarked bills sitting in the middle of the road, he thought he was rich. “That’s just your first reaction,” Estrada tells the Los Angeles Times, “but it’s not yours, and you feel nervous… like you did something wrong....

Kerry Takes $1M Swift Boat Challenge

Senator vows to face Texas billionaire and blast allegations

(Newser) - John Kerry accepted a $1 million challenge today to back his military record against claims by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the AP reports. The former Dem nom answered an open challenge by oilman T. Boone Pickens, a key funder of the group that claimed Kerry fudged his military...

Stories 61 - 68 | << Prev