
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

University Moving Statue of Confederate President

Jefferson Davis will no longer be on Main Mall at University of Texas

(Newser) - In the midst of a continued backlash against Confederate symbols following the deadly shooting at a black church in South Carolina, the University of Texas at Austin said today it will be relocating a statue of Jefferson Davis, the Dallas Morning News reports. The statue of the Confederate president, which...

New Texas Texts: Slavery Was 'Side Issue' of Civil War

It was mainly states' rights that was war's impetus, per state education standards

(Newser) - About 5 million Texas schoolchildren will get their hands on brand-new social studies textbooks when school starts up again, the Houston Chronicle reports—textbooks that USA Today says are "misleading, racially prejudiced, and, at times, flat-out false." The beef with the new primers: They're in keeping with...

Confederate Sub May Finally Reveal Secrets

Cleaning of hull should shed light on why 'HL Hunley' sank

(Newser) - A Confederate sub that sank with its eight-man crew 150 years ago is nearing the end of a painstaking cleaning process expected to shed light on why it never returned to shore, reports AP . About 70% of the HL Hunley's hull has now been revealed at a lab in...

Coded Civil-War Diary Dishes on 1st Lady's Race

Southern officer James Malbone pens diary behind the lines

(Newser) - A wounded Confederate officer found time for a little fun during the Civil War while working behind the lines—by gossiping in his diary, and in code no less. The diary of James Malbone, now at the New York State Military Museum, includes entries on the Confederacy's first lady...

Rare Photo Found of Robert E. Lee Slave

Image of Selina Gray discovered on eBay

(Newser) - The National Park Service has found—on eBay—only the second photo known to exist of a famous slave owned by Robert E. Lee and and his wife, reports AP . The image, bought by the service for $700, shows Selina Gray and two younger girls, possibly her children. Gray served...

Mother Kidnaps Daughter to Avoid Vaccinating Her

Megan Elizabeth Everett wrote she didn't want her daughter 'brainwashed'

(Newser) - A Florida woman vanished with her 2-year-old daughter Lilly early last month, in an alleged kidnapping case said to revolve around vaccines, schooling ... and the Confederacy. In a note to Lilly's father documented in court records, Megan Elizabeth Everett, 22, reportedly explained that she didn't want their child...

'Flaggers' Unfurl 2nd Confederate Flag on Va. Highway

Confederate group stirred up lots of controversy last time

(Newser) - The Virginia Flaggers were so pleased with their first effort at decorating I-95 near Richmond with a giant Confederate flag that they've added a second, this one a 20-foot-by-30-foot "memorial battle flag" flying near Fredericksburg. The group, which says it's trying to honor the men who "...

Mystery of Confederate Sub Gets Chipped Away

Cleaning process could reveal why it sank

(Newser) - A century and a half after a legendary Confederate submarine mysteriously sank, conservationists in Charleston, SC, are still working to figure out why. Their latest step could be key: Experts yesterday placed the 40-foot HL Hunley in a solution that's 1% sodium hydroxide and 99% water, the Post and ...

City May Scrap Law Requiring Confederate Street Names

Alexandria, Virginia, rethinks old rule

(Newser) - Alexandria, a city in northern Virginia steeped in Civil War history, is considering repeal of an old law requiring new streets to be named for Confederate generals. A City Councilman has introduced legislation to do away with a 1963 law requiring that any new "streets running in a generally...

Army College May Dump Confederate 'Enemies'

Redecoration starts rumors about portraits of Lee, Jackson

(Newser) - Is the US Army War College about to take down its portraits of Robert E. Lee, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, and other Confederate officers? The institution in rural Pennsylvania is having a debate about it, the Washington Times reports. Rumors started when one faculty member took portraits of Lee and...

Giant Confederate Flag Raised Along Va. Highway

But trees make it hard to see from I-95

(Newser) - Some 150 years after the last major Confederate victory of the Civil War, a huge Confederate battle flag has gone up beside a highway just outside Richmond, Va. The Virginia Flaggers heritage group hoisted the 15-foot banner at a weekend rally a few miles north of the former Confederate capital...

'Southern Avenger' Leaves Rand Paul's Staff

Jack Hunter will return to punditry

(Newser) - The Southern Avenger rides alone once more. Jack Hunter has left Rand Paul's employ amidst a firestorm of controversy about his past as a Confederate flag-wearing secessionist shock jock and columnist. Hunter first broke the news to his friend W. James Antle III at the Daily Caller . "I'...

'Confederate Heritage Month' Is Appalling

Yes, Georgia really does celebrate this: John Avlon

(Newser) - When John Avlon heard yesterday that Georgia is celebrating Confederate Heritage and History Month, he thought it was an April Fools' joke. But no, it's real—signed into law by the governor in 2009 and celebrated by six other states—and Avlon talked to backer Ray McBerry all about...

Virginia City Limits Confederate Flag-Flying

Stars and bars barred from downtown light poles in Lexington

(Newser) - The Virginia city where Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are buried has approved a proposal to limit the flying of Confederate flags. Lexington's city council voted 4-1 in favor of allowing only the Virginia, US, and city flags to be flown from light poles on a bridge and...

25% of Us Have More Sympathy for Confederacy

And 40% of white Southerners feel the same way

(Newser) - Today marks the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War, and it looks like the conflict is still dividing the country. In a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released today, roughly 25% of Americans said they sympathized with the Confederacy more than the Union. Among white Southerners, that figure...

Battlefield Recounts May Rewrite Civil War History

Virginia could overtake North Carolina in number of soldier deaths

(Newser) - With the 150th anniversary of the Civil War approaching, North Carolina and Virginia have commissioned official recounts of how many soldiers each state lost in battle. What sounds like a humdrum exercise is producing surprising results, reports the Wall Street Journal : North Carolina has long laid claim to losing the...

Textbook Says Thousands of Slaves Fought for South

Author Joy Masoff read about it on the Internet

(Newser) - A Virginia 4th-grade textbook has come under fire for claiming that thousands of slaves fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War—something an overwhelming majority of historians say isn’t true. The book’s author, Joy Masoff, isn’t a trained historian, and says she did most of her...

McDonnell Apology 'Incredibly Important Step'

Ta-Nehisi Coates isn't joining in on the criticism

(Newser) - Ta-Nehisi Coates doesn’t want to fight with conservatives over race all the time. “I want so bad to take up skiing,” he writes, “to drive across Montana and think of nothing of being the only black person for miles.” That’s why he’s giving...

Va. Gov: Sorry I Omitted Slavery in Confederacy Celebration

Bob McDonnell backtracks under fire

(Newser) - Under fire from Democrats, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell apologized this afternoon to “any fellow Virginian who has been offended or disappointed” that he didn’t mention slavery yesterday when he announced that the state would celebrate Confederate History Month in April. “Slavery was an evil, vicious and inhumane...

Virginia's GOP Gov. Declares Confederate History Month

Democratic predecessors had blocked it since 2002

(Newser) - Virginia's Republican governor has overruled his Democratic predecessors and declared April to be Confederate History Month, reports the Richmond Times Dispatch . Bob McDonnell re-instituted the designation for the first time since 2002, when Democrat Mark Warner killed it and called it a "lightning rod" that divided blacks and whites...

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