Cyclone Sidr

8 Stories

Bangladeshi Bridge Collapses
Bangladeshi Bridge Collapses

Bangladeshi Bridge Collapses

Villagers struggle to free people trapped under fallen concrete slabs

(Newser) - At least three people were killed and scores injured in Bangladesh today when a bridge packed with thousands of cyclone survivors collapsed, the AP reports. Another 20 people were missing. The collapse occurred as Bangladeshis moved toward a relief center to receive much-needed food and supplies in a district hard...

US Ship Rides to the Rescue in Bangladesh

Amphibious vessel will provide water, food to cyclone-wracked region

(Newser) - USS Kearsarge, an amphibious assault ship, arrived in Bangladesh today loaded with potable water, food, and medical supplies for some of the 2 million Bengalis displaced by Cyclone Sidr. Another American vessel bearing much-needed aid, USS Essex, is due tomorrow, Reuters reports. The Marine Corps said in a press release...

Aid Finally Reaches Bengalis
Aid Finally Reaches Bengalis

Aid Finally Reaches Bengalis

After six days, relief starts flowing to victims of Cyclone Sidr

(Newser) - Bangladesh’s army has finally reached most parts of the southern coastline devastated by Cyclone Sidr six days ago, delivering small amounts of aid to most affected areas, the AFP reports. With relief efforts thus far stymied by the devastation, any aid was welcomed: "We spent the last six...

Cyclone Death Toll Tops 3,100
Cyclone Death Toll Tops 3,100

Cyclone Death Toll Tops 3,100

Death toll could reach 15,000, some relief officials fear

(Newser) - The death toll from Cyclone Sidr surpassed 3,100 today, and relief officials in Bangladesh fear as many as 15,000 have been killed. Helicopters were dropping food, water, and medicine, but relief had yet to reach many remote areas, the Guardian reports. Some $25 million in initial aid has...

Cyclone Deaths in Thousands
Cyclone Deaths in Thousands

Cyclone Deaths in Thousands

Local reports estimate 2,000 dead, as rescue efforts begin

(Newser) - More than 1,000 have been confirmed dead in the wake of Thursday's cyclone in Bangladesh, but local news reports double that number, as a virtual national blackout and debris-filled roads have stymied efforts to assess the true brunt of the storm, reports the BBC. "We are expecting that...

Bengali Cyclone Toll Hits 1,100
Bengali Cyclone Toll Hits 1,100

Bengali Cyclone Toll Hits 1,100

Relief slowed as power, phones remain out

(Newser) - The death toll from yesterday’s cyclone in Bangladesh has risen to 1,100, and widespread power and telephone shortages are slowing relief work. The full devastation may not be known for days. Relief agencies have descended on the impoverished nation, but blocked roads and rivers make reaching the worst-hit...

500 Dead in Bangladesh Cyclone
500 Dead in Bangladesh Cyclone

500 Dead in Bangladesh Cyclone

Aid starts to flow in wake of Sidr devastation

(Newser) - At least 500 people were killed and villages ripped apart over night when Cyclone Sidr slammed into the southern shores of Bangladesh, CNN reports. Officials expect the death toll to rise as workers re-establish communication and transport links. Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated this week; food for at...

3M Flee Bangladesh Cyclone
3M Flee Bangladesh Cyclone

3M Flee Bangladesh Cyclone

Sidr, packing 149-mph winds, tidal surge, batters southwest coast

(Newser) - Hordes of Bangladeshis had evacuated ahead of a massive cyclone that pummeled the country's southwestern coast today, and a government official says he expects 3.2 million will evacuate by late today. Cyclone Sidr has 149-mph winds that could cause storm surges as high as 20 feet and swamp several...

8 Stories
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