House Democrats

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'We're Going to Get This Done,' Biden Says After Hill Meeting

President lobbies divided Democrats for the first time in person

(Newser) - With his domestic legislative agenda going nowhere in Congress, many Democrats had publicly urged President Biden to get more involved personally in negotiations. He did that Friday afternoon, going to Capitol Hill to meet with the divided House Democrats, the New York Times reports. As he left, he expressed confidence...

Pelosi Struggles to Bridge Chasm Within Her Party
Biden Will Try to Break
Logjam Himself

Biden Will Try to Break Logjam Himself

And Bernie Sanders is ticked at two fellow Democratic senators who remain holdouts

(Newser) - The shutdown has been averted , at least temporarily. Now the focus is solely on whether Democrats can reach a compromise on legislation crucial to President Biden's agenda. Toward that end, Biden himself will travel to Capitol Hill to meet with House Democrats later Friday afternoon, reports the Hill and...

Dems Break Deadlock on $3.5T Budget Blueprint

It passes after Pelosi makes promise to moderates

(Newser) - Democratic leaders have overcome a standoff between progressive and moderates and passed a $3.5 trillion budget plan. A group of moderate House Democrats had threatened to block the plan, potentially derailing a big part of President Biden's agenda, unless there was an immediate vote on the $1 trillion...

This Is Going to Be a Tough Week for Biden

Democratic standoff threatens his agenda

(Newser) - Last week, Joe Biden faced the biggest crisis of his presidency so far after the collapse of Afghanistan's government and military—and this week is unlikely to be any easier. Top administration officials will face tough questions about Afghanistan in congressional hearings , and a standoff has developed among House...

Pelosi's New Problem: 9 Fellow Democrats

She's given an ultimatum over budget and infrastructure measures

(Newser) - A group of nine Democratic House members has told Speaker Nancy Pelosi they won't vote for the $3.5 trillion budget until the chamber takes up the Senate's infrastructure bill. "We will not consider voting for a budget resolution until the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act...

Texas House Speaker Signs 52 Arrest Warrants for Dems

Following state Supreme Court ruling overturning restraining order on arrests, 80-12 vote in House

(Newser) - On Tuesday, the Texas Supreme Court overturned a district court's restraining order that blocked the arrest of Democrats in the state's House of Representatives who fled Texas last month for DC to break quorum and keep the chamber from voting on restrictive voting bills. The all-Republican high court...

McCarthy Pulls All Jan. 6 Picks After Pelosi Objects to 2

He refuses to submit any names after Pelosi rejects Trump allies

(Newser) - House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy submitted his picks for the committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack Tuesday. But the Republican included two congressmen, Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim Jordan of Ohio, who vocally supported objections to finishing the electoral vote count and formalizing President Biden’s election....

Rep. Omar's Remarks Cause Uproar Among Democrats

They accuse her of likening US, Israel to Taliban, Hamas

(Newser) - Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar defended herself Thursday after taking flak from members of her own party over a remark mentioning the US and Israel in the same breath as the Taliban and Hamas. "We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the US, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban,"...

Governor Bid or Senate Run? Val Demings Has Made Her Choice

Democratic congresswoman from Florida will take on Marco Rubio for a Senate seat

(Newser) - Joe Biden may not have picked Val Demings to be his running mate, but the Florida congresswoman still looks to have high political aspirations. Democratic sources tell Politico and Axios that the Florida congresswoman will take on GOP Sen. Marco Rubio for his seat in the US Senate, after months...

Vote Establishes Commission on Slavery Reparations

House Judiciary Committee advances bill HR 40

(Newser) - A House panel advanced a decades-long effort to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves by approving legislation Wednesday that would create a commission to study the issue. It's the first time the House Judiciary Committee has acted on the legislation, per the AP . Still, prospects for final passage...

Longtime Congressman Alcee Hastings Is Dead
Longtime Congressman
Alcee Hastings Is Dead

Longtime Congressman Alcee Hastings Is Dead

Florida Democrat was elected after being impeached as a federal judge

(Newser) - Longtime Congressman Alcee Hastings of Florida has died at age 84 after a two-year fight with pancreatic cancer. The Palm Beach County Democrat died Tuesday, according to chief of staff Lale M. Morrison. Hastings had been a reliably liberal voice on Capitol Hill since he first won his seat in...

Resolution Seeks to Expel Greene From House

Twitter restores freshman's account, saying it made a mistake

(Newser) - A House Democrat introduced a resolution Friday to kick Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene out of Congress over her endorsements of violence against their colleagues. "I take no joy in introducing this resolution," California Rep. Jimmy Gomez said in a floor speech, the Hill reports. But he said Greene...

Swalwell Suit: Trump Was 'Delighted' About Capitol Riot

Congressman also names Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani, Rep. Mo Brooks in complaint

(Newser) - Fallout from the attack at the US Capitol continues, this time with a new lawsuit against Donald Trump from another Democratic congressman. Last month, a complaint was filed by the NAACP on behalf of Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, claiming the former president—as well as lawyer Rudy Giuliani and...

House Democrats Outline Their Case Against Trump

Legal brief: 'If provoking an insurrectionary riot' isn't impeachable, what is?

(Newser) - The formalities have begun ahead of former President Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate next week. On Monday, House impeachment managers outlined their case in a legal brief, reports the Hill , the Washington Post , Forbes , and the AP . Excerpts from the brief and other details from those sources:
  • '

House Democrats Introduce Article of Impeachment

Vote could take place this week

(Newser) - The first moves in what promises to be another tumultuous week in DC have been made: House Democrats on Monday introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump, formally accusing him of inciting last week's riot, reports the Hill . The move by Democrats David Cicilline, Ted Lieu, and Jamie...

Democrats Push Through House Rules Changes

Remote voting will be allowed until Feb. 18

(Newser) - Democrats controlling the House moved Monday to tighten their hold over the chamber despite their narrow margin, ramming through a rules package that limits the potential for embarrassing votes and caters to the party's progressive wing by weakening deficit-neutrality requirements for legislation such as a "Green New Deal....

Pelosi Hasn't Forgotten Pledge to Bow Out in 2022

Next 2 years as House speaker could be her last

(Newser) - House Democrats nominated Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday to be the speaker who guides them again next year as Joe Biden becomes president, and she quickly seemed to suggest these would be her final two years in the leadership post. Pelosi already has served six years in the job, but with...

Pelosi Gets a Nod From House Dems to Be Speaker
In a House
Divided, a
Nod to Nancy

In a House Divided, a Nod to Nancy

She gets the nomination from Dems to be the next speaker, but there's friction

(Newser) - House Democrats nominated Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday as the speaker to lead them into Joe Biden's presidency, but she'd be guiding a smaller and ideologically divided majority as she tries shepherding his agenda toward enactment. Democrats used a voice vote to make Pelosi their choice to serve two...

Democrats: 'We Have the Gavel, We Have the Gavel'

Dems clinch control of House, though their majority is shrinking

(Newser) - Democrats clinched two more years of controlling the House but with a potentially razor-thin majority, a bittersweet finale to last week's elections that has left them divided and with scant margin for error for advancing their agenda. The party on Tuesday nailed down at least 218 seats, according to...

After House Results, Grumbles About Pelosi Surface

And centrists reportedly blame liberal members for pushing ideology that's a turnoff

(Newser) - As Joe Biden inches closer to a White House win, Democrats are starting to celebrate. But the mood wasn't one of elation during a Thursday conference call among House Dems, who sources tell the Washington Post engaged in a three-hour-plus "bitter exchange" in which centrists accused more progressive...

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