racial profiling

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Coulter: TSA Scans 'Hitler's Last Revenge'

She recommends profiling instead

(Newser) - Following the controversial TSA pat-down of a 3-year-old girl , Ann Coulter is back—and she has her own controversy to start. Coulter, no fan of the TSA's new body scans or pat-downs, told Bill O'Reilly the heightened security procedures result from the "crazy, politically correct world we're living in...

Blacks Smoke Less Pot, But Get Arrested More
Blacks Smoke Less Pot,
But Get Arrested More

Blacks Smoke Less Pot, But Get Arrested More

LA Times: This 'unequal enforcement' must end

(Newser) - White people smoke pot at a higher rate than black people, says the government, but you'd never guess that from police reports. In California, blacks are arrested far more frequently for marijuana possession than whites—at 13 times the rate in some areas, notes the Los Angeles Times editorial board....

Palin to Brewer: We Are All Arizona

GOP star backs embattled governor on immigration

(Newser) - As calls spread for an economic boycott of Arizona, embattled Gov. Jan Brewer enlisted the help of none other than Sarah Palin yesterday to defend its controversial immigration crackdown. Brewer and Palin blamed President Obama for the state law, saying the measure is Arizona's attempt to enforce immigration laws because...

GOP Candidate: Racial Profiling Is OK

Ad argues that white guys don't look like terrorists

(Newser) - Did you know that white people are never terrorists? It's totally true . So why do they have to get screened at the airport? That's the argument Dan Fanelli, who's trying to unseat Rep. Alan Grayson in Florida, makes in this new ad. “Does this look like a terrorist,”...

Arizona Cop Sues Over Immigration Law

His is among the first two lawsuits to be filed

(Newser) - The first two lawsuits against Arizona's immigration law are already on the books. One comes from a Tucson cop who patrols in a heavily Hispanic area and the other from a coalition of Latino church groups. At least one more major suit—from three groups, including the ACLU of Arizona—...

Ariz. Immigration Law Foes Seek Obama's Help

Refried-bean swastikas smeared on state capitol's windows

(Newser) - The furor over a new Arizona immigration law showed no sign of cooling today, as protesters reportedly smeared refried beans in the shape of swastikas on the windows of the state capitol, according to MSNBC . More demonstrations for and against the provision are scheduled for this week. Opponents of the...

Jihad Jane Case Shows Why Profiling Won't Work
Jihad Jane Case Shows
Why Profiling Won't Work

Jihad Jane Case Shows Why Profiling Won't Work

When it comes to security, 'equal opportunity' works best

(Newser) - On the subject of those who have been clamoring for racial-ethnic-religious profiling, Eugene Robinson would like to direct everyone's attention to the case of Jihad Jane. Colleen LaRose is a "blond, blue-eyed, middle-aged white woman living unremarkably in a small town 50 miles from Philadelphia, where neighbors say they...

GOP's Inhofe: 'I Believe in Racial And Ethnic Profiling'

And 'all terrorists are Muslims or Middle Easterners'

(Newser) - Republican James Inhofe is all for racial profiling, political correctness be damned, he told a Senate committee hearing today on the Fort Hood shootings. Why? Because “all terrorists are Muslims or Middle Easterners.” Check the video above for the Oklahoman’s statement.

Hundreds of Millions of Muslims Are Terrorists: Koch

Former NYC mayor is OK with profiling

(Newser) - Former New York City mayor Ed Koch is OK with profiling Muslims for security purposes, he tells Fox News, since “hundreds of millions” of them are terrorists. “Of course the vast majority of Muslims, there are 400 million, are not terrorists,” Koch, 85, said today. “But...

Subplots to Watch at Obama's Terror Meeting

How tough will the president be on himself and his staff?

(Newser) - President Obama meets with his security chiefs today to dissect the failed Christmas terror plot—and deflect criticism over his initial, tepid response. Politico breaks down the burning questions:
  • Do heads roll? Janet Napolitano and Michael Leiter have both been mentioned as possible sacrifices, but insiders increasingly doubt that Obama’

Time to Bite the Bullet and Screen Muslims

Refusing to profile is 'civilizational incompetence,' writes Bret Stephens

(Newser) - America's failure to single Muslim passengers out for extra screening at airports is a sign of an incompetent civilization, according to Bret Stephens. Yes, profiling has been misused in the past—say, the WWII internment of Japanese-Americans—but in the current reality it would be much more appropriate and effective...

Tightening Air Security Will Take a Toll

Most options come with costs Congress, or fliers, find unpalatable

(Newser) - The White House is talking tough about airline security after Friday's failed bombing, but many options for tightening up the system are either politically untenable, repugnant to travelers, or both. Josh Gerstein takes a look at a few possibilities, and their likelihood of becoming reality, in Politico .
  • Expand the no-fly

True Blood Kills With Metaphors (and, Uh, Sex)

Kinky sex meets social commentary

(Newser) - Critics are gushing about HBO's hit True Blood, which manages to marry kinky vampire sex to social commentary, writes Gina Bellafante in the New York Times. The barrier-busting series touches on gay marriage, racial profiling, capitalism run amok, and right-wing religious extremism. In the current season, a crazed Christian cult...

Bollywood Star Grilled at Newark Airport

Indians furious over 'flying while brown' racial profiling

(Newser) - Immigration officials at New Jersey's Newark airport detained and questioned the man considered India's king of Bollywood for more than an hour yesterday, renewing criticism of racial profiling some call "flying while brown," reports the Washington Post. Film star Shah Rukh Khan said he felt "angry and...

Gates: I Can Joke About Arrest Now

Harvard prof kidded Cambridge cop at White House

(Newser) - A black Harvard scholar said today he has been able to joke about his arrest by a white police officer that led to a national debate on race, despite receiving death threats and bomb threats. In his first public appearance since meeting with Cambridge police Sgt. James Crowley at the...

African-Americans Must Get Angry About Racial Profiling

(Newser) - Henry Louis Gates and Barack Obama have been “very publicly slapped down for speaking up and speaking out about police misbehavior,” but African-Americans “need to roar out their anger at such treatment,” Bob Herbert writes in the New York Times. Gates, not the officer who arrested...

Gates Sends Flowers to 911 Caller
Gates Sends Flowers
to 911 Caller

Gates Sends Flowers to 911 Caller

Bouquet, note an 'expression of gratitude' to neighbor

(Newser) - The Cambridge woman whose 911 call sparked a national uproar over racial profiling received flowers and a note from her neighbor, Henry Louis Gates, yesterday, the Boston Herald reports. It was "an expression of gratitude," her lawyer says. Lucia Whalen, who never mentioned race when she called...

Gates: 'Thank God' for Cops
 Gates: 'Thank 
 God' for Cops 


Gates: 'Thank God' for Cops

But don't forget about racial profiling

(Newser) - The beer meeting at the White House has come and gone, but Henry Louis Gates offers a postscript: "I thank God that I live in a country in which police officers put their lives at risk to protect us every day," he writes in the Root, where he...

Caller in Gates Arrest Didn't Mention Race

Tapes show I'm not a racist, says woman who alerted police

(Newser) - The Massachusetts woman who called 911 on Henry Louis Gates and his chauffeur as they wrestled with the Harvard professor’s front door said today she never mentioned race to Sgt. James Crowley, the officer who arrested Gates. Lucia Whalen’s statement contradicts the police report filed by Crowley, which...

Powell: Gates, Cops Both at Fault

Both sides overreacted; people should 'cooperate' with police

(Newser) - Speaking to Larry King about Henry Louis Gates’ arrest, Colin Powell said he’d faced racial profiling “many times,” and suggested both the professor and the police were at fault in the incident, the Huffington Post reports. Gates “should have reflected on whether or not this was...

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