
Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

Castro Offers Prisoner Swap, Talks With US

Raul promises to free dissidents in exchange for Cuban 5

(Newser) - In another sign of a potential thaw in US-Cuban relations, Raul Castro offered today to release five political dissidents if the US frees five Cubans jailed on spy charges. Castro says the prisoner swap could precede talks between himself and Barack Obama, Reuters reports. “Give us back our five...

Medvedev Gets Cozy With Castro

Moscow seeks to extend influence in Latin America

(Newser) - Russian president Dmitry Medvedev is in Cuba strengthening ties with the Castro regime and attempting to broaden Russia's influence in Latin America, the BBC reports. Medvedev arrived in Havana yesterday from Venezuela where he and Hugo Chavez signed deals promoting nuclear energy and developing closer military ties. Russia is expected...

Raul Castro Offers to Meet Obama at Gitmo

Cuban prez seeks talks for US trade deal, he tells Sean Penn

(Newser) - Raul Castro wants to normalize trade with the US and he's eager to meet with Barack Obama in order to do so, the Cuban leader told actor Sean Penn in an interview in the Nation. Castro said it wouldn't be fair to expect either leader to go to the other's...

1M Cubans Flee Hurricane Paloma

(Newser) - Hurricane Paloma slammed into Cuba today after nearly 1 million people fled the country's southern coast, MSNBC reports. Fidel Castro warned that the Category 4 storm, roaring at up to 145 mph, would likely hobble roads and destroy crops planted after storms struck the island nation this summer. Paloma had...

Mexico Will Deport Cuban Migrants Headed for US

Crackdown aimed at drug, human trafficking

(Newser) - Mexico agreed yesterday to deport Cubans passing through the country to reach the US, the Los Angeles Times reports. Increased US patrols in the waters between Cuba and Florida have smugglers using land routes through Mexico to transport would-be immigrants. Mexican authorities have arrested 2,000 undocumented Cubans this year,...

Joe Cool Killer Put Away for Life

High seas murderer gets 5 life sentences after pleading guilty

(Newser) - A federal judge sentenced Kirby Archer to five life sentences today after he pleaded guilty to killing four people aboard a charter boat off Miami’s coast last year. The 36-year-old was ratted out by accomplice Guillermo Zarabozo, who faces a retrial, reports the Miami Herald. Prosecutors say the convict,...

Cuban Players Ditch US Hotel, May Plan to Defect

Cuba's soccer prez denies the 2 men ever left for United States

(Newser) - Two Cuban soccer players fled a US hotel in Virginia yesterday and may plan to defect, the Washington Post reports. Pedro Faife, 24, and Reynier Alcantara, 26, are slated to play in a World Cup qualifier tonight and have not turned themselves in to Customs—but Cuba's coach doesn't expect...

Hurricanes Prompt Calls to Soften Restrictions on Cuba

Some see aid now as a path toward increased influence, cooperation

(Newser) - The devastation Hurricanes Gustav and Ike wrought on Cuba has prompted the US to offer direct aid for the first time in the 47-year history of its embargo on the island, but even ardent anti-Castro Cuban Americans are pushing for more, the Washington Post reports. While not all favor lifting...

Hurricanes Smoke Cuban Cigar Biz

Double blow from Gustav, Ike to cost billions

(Newser) - Back-to-back blows from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike have the Cuban tobacco industry reeling, reports the Miami Herald. Hurricane Ike alone destroyed half of this year's tobacco plants, more than 3,000 tobacco-drying barns and nearly 9,000 homes for workers. The destruction occurred just days after Gustav had already wreaked...

After Savaging Cuba Again, Ike Turns Toward Texas

Lone Star state preps for storm and its ever-changing path

(Newser) - As Hurricane Ike went for round two with Cuba today, unleashing torrential rains and 80-mph winds, new models showed the Category 1 storm strengthening and bending toward the southern Texas coast later this week, CNN reports. Isolated tornadoes could also precede Ike today over the Florida Keys and southern Florida....

4 Killed as Ike Ravages Cuba
 4 Killed as Ike Ravages Cuba 

4 Killed as Ike Ravages Cuba

Homes, utility lines, cars destroyed as storm rips across island

(Newser) - Hurricane Ike killed 4 people in Cuba and drove 1.2 million from their homes as the savage storm tore a path of destruction through the island, AP reports. Buildings and utility poles toppled and cars were crushed as the storm raced toward Havana. “This critter was angry, really...

Fla. Keys Evacuation Order Canceled
Fla. Keys Evacuation Order Canceled

Fla. Keys Evacuation Order Canceled

Residents urged to stay put as Hurricane Ike menaces mainland

(Newser) - Hurricane Ike is now a Category 2 storm, and officials have rescinded orders to evacuate the Florida Keys, the Miami Herald reports. Residents still on the archipelago shouldn't go anywhere, and those who've already left are being asked not to return until after the storm passes. It's expected to continue...

Ike Slams Cuba; 600 Dead in Haiti

Hurricane now heading for the US

(Newser) - Hurricane Ike has hit land in northeastern Cuba and is now sweeping across the country with savage 125 mph winds, Bloomberg reports. Over 800,000 people were evacuated before the arrival of the Category 3 hurricane, the second in just over a week to slam the country, AFP notes. “...

Haitians Starving in Hanna Hell
 Haitians Starving in Hanna Hell

Haitians Starving in Hanna Hell

Survivors stranded on rooftops beyond reach of aid workers

(Newser) - Impoverished Haiti is reeling from the devastation of a series of tropical storms and hurricanes, with refugees starving on rooftops in flood-ravaged areas, reports the Guardian. Faced with washed-out roads and winds too strong for helicopters, UN aide workers are using inflatable boats to reach at least some survivors. The...

New Orleans Mayor Orders: 'Get Out of Town'

(Newser) - New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin tonight ordered the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, turning informal advice to flee from Gustav into an official order to "get out of town." Nagin didn't mince words, referring to Gustav as the "storm of the century." The order takes effect...

Category 4 Gustav Slams Cuba; La. Exodus Increases

(Newser) - Gustav grew into a fierce Category 4 hurricane and slammed into Cuba this afternoon as the nation scrambled to evacuate its most populated areas, the AP reports. The storm, which had been upgraded to a Category 3 just hours earlier, now has 145mph winds and remains on path to hit...

Gustav Now a Cat 3 Hurricane
 Gustav Now a Cat 3 Hurricane 

Gustav Now a Cat 3 Hurricane

Hurricane builds strength as it heads towards Cuba, Gulf Coast

(Newser) - Gustav swelled to a fearsome Category 3 hurricane with winds of 115 mph as it neared Cuba early today, the AP reports. The storm, which killed 71 people in the Caribbean, rolled over the Cayman Islands last night, with fierce winds that tore down trees and power lines, but there...

Cuba Jails Rocker for 'Geriatric Castro' Lyrics

Human rights groups furious as singer faces 4 years for protest music

(Newser) - A Cuban rock star has been jailed and will be charged with "subverting communist morality" because his lyrics scorn the revolution, and rip "geriatric" Fidel and Raul Castro, the Guardian reports. Gorki Aguila, front man for underground band Porno para Ricardo, could face up to four years...

Gustav Kills 11, Weakens
 Gustav Kills 11, Weakens

Gustav Kills 11, Weakens

Could strike US as Category 3

(Newser) - Thousands fled their homes as Hurricane Gustav triggered flooding and landslides that killed at least 11 people in the Dominican Republic and Haiti before weakening to a tropical storm, but forecasters said today that he still represents a major threat to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. They suggested...

Hurricane Gustav to Hit Haiti
 Hurricane Gustav to Hit Haiti

Hurricane Gustav to Hit Haiti

Expected to make landfall later today

(Newser) - Hurricane Gustav is expected to make landfall in Haiti later today, Bloomberg reports, buffeting a country already hard hit by Tropical Storm Fay earlier this month. Gustav was upgraded from a tropical storm earlier this morning, after strengthening over the Caribbean. The National Hurricane Center said that preparations should “...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>