marine life

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Coconut-Carrying Octopus Stuns Scientists

Homebuilding is first time tool use has been seen among octopi

(Newser) - Australian scientists observing octopi on the sea floor near Indonesia were amazed to discover that the creatures scoop up coconut halves, empty them out, and carry them around to assemble into shelters. The behavior shows a surprising level of intelligence, the researchers say, and is the first recorded instance of...

Team Discovers Mini-Monsters of the Deep

Thousands of bizarre creatures discovered in blackest black

(Newser) - A team of scientists have discovered thousands of incredibly bizarre new creatures living in the blackness of the deep Atlantic ocean. They range from "Jumbo Dumbo," an octopod that swims by flapping a pair of ear-like fins, to shining golden crustaceans. Most of the animals found are only...

Giant Jellyfish Sink Trawler
 Giant Jellyfish Sink Trawler 

Giant Jellyfish Sink Trawler

Net filled with 400-pound creatures capsizes boat

(Newser) - A 10-ton fishing trawler sank off the coast of Japan after its crew tried to haul in a net filled with gigantic jellyfish. The three crew members were pitched into the water as the ship capsized and were rescued by another boat, the Telegraph reports. Nomura's jellyfish can weigh up...

Taxi-Sized Squid Caught off Louisiana

20-foot creature is the first giant squid ever netted by Gulf researchers

(Newser) - Scientists studying whale diets in the Gulf of Mexico unexpectedly hauled in a giant squid half as long as a school bus, Reuters reports. The 19.5-foot-long creature dragged up from 1,500 feet below the sea off Louisiana is the first giant squid found in the area in over...

Picky-Eater Tiger Shark Gives Aquarium Heartburn

(Newser) - Tiger sharks are known for eating anything—including metal junk, other sharks, and people—but the Long Beach Aquarium seems to have landed the world's choosiest one, the Los Angeles Times reports. The new arrival, one of very few tiger sharks in captivity in the US, regularly turns up its...

'Makeovers' Spell Doom for Oceans' Ugliest Fish

Even the once-shunned are now overfished

(Newser) - Don't like the sound of slimefish fillets? How about some orange roughy instead? Efforts to "rebrand" ugly, unpopular types of fish to make them more palatable to consumers have been successful—too successful, the Washington Post reports. Many species once considered "trash fish" have become dangerously depleted...

Discovery's Shark Week Back With a Bite

(Newser) - Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the Discovery Channel, Shark Week is back. The channel's wildly popular annual look at the predators returns next week with six new documentaries, including a look at the deadly 1916 shark attacks off New Jersey that inspired Jaws. Channel...

Attack Survivors Snap Up Chance to Save Sharks

(Newser) - Victims of shark attacks have gathered in Washington to lend a hand to their one-time foes, reports the Washington Post. The survivors plan to lobby senators to pass a bill setting new restrictions on shark fishing in US waters. A third of the world's shark species are now classified as...

Fishermen Land Rarest Shark— Then Eat it

Megamouth shark found in Philippine waters, cooked in coconut milk

(Newser) - An incredibly rare find at sea ended up as an incredibly rare dinner for some Filipino fishermen, National Geographic reports. The 13-foot megamouth shark that died in the men's nets was only the 41st ever found. Local conservation officials asked the men to keep the filter-feeder's 1102-pound carcass intact, but...

Aussie Oil Spill 10 Times Worse Than Thought

Government blamed for slow response to disaster

(Newser) - The oil spill that’s polluting beaches along the northeast coast of Australia is 10 times worse than originally thought, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. Officials now say that about 253 tons of oil leaked from a Hong Kong ship on Wednesday, damaging dozens of beaches that span 37 miles...

Octopus Muffs Intelligence Test

What a sucker: 7-foot octopus gets boxed in while trying to unlock lunch

(Newser) - Truman the octopus did a reverse Houdini act at a Boston aquarium yesterday, reports AP. Biologists seeking to keep the 7-foot octopus' brain busy gave him food inside a latched 14-inch cube. But the impatient contortionist skipped the locks and squeezed himself through a small gap in the cube. After...

140-Year-Old Lobster Liberated
 140-Year-Old Lobster Liberated 

140-Year-Old Lobster Liberated

Restaurant heeds PETA call to let old-timer return to the sea

(Newser) - A lobster almost as old as the Lincoln presidency will return to the ocean today after being freed by PETA, the Village Voice reports. The animal rights group persuaded a New York City seafood restaurant to release George, estimated to be 140 years old, and plans to free the old-timer...

Team Frees Snared Right Whale
 Team Frees Snared Right Whale 

Team Frees Snared Right Whale

Critically endangered right whale was snared in hundreds of feet of fishing line

(Newser) - A team of experts managed to free a right whale that became entangled in fishing lines off  Florida, the Washington Post reports. Rescuers took three days to cut away hundreds of feet of line that had been trailing the young whale. Only 400 right whales are believed to remain in...

Fifth of Coral Reefs Dead: Study

Pollution leads to warmer, more acidic seas, scientists say

(Newser) - A fifth of the world’s coral reefs have died or been destroyed, says a study released to the UN yesterday. In it, marine scientists warned that the future of marine life and the $30 billion economic value of reefs are increasingly threatened by climate change. The report also zeroed...

Early Plankton Blooming May Starve Ocean Creatures

Blossoming disrupted by warming water

(Newser) - A vast and colorful explosion of life in the Arctic Sea—the sudden, unprecedented blossoming of phytoplankton prompted by warming waters—could spell death for untold numbers of creatures, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Phytoplankton, a microscopic but vital part of the food chain, is blooming—and swiftly dying—at...

Scientists Confirm Shark's Virgin Birth

Virginia aquarium blacktip got pregnant without need for shark sperm

(Newser) - A blacktip shark at a Virginia aquarium got pregnant despite not having been around a male of her kind for a decade, the Virginian-Pilot reports. Scientists have long suspected that sharks, like some smaller vertebrates, could reproduce asexually but this is only the second confirmed case. Tests showed the baby...

Fish Found at Record Depth
 Fish Found at Record Depth

Fish Found at Record Depth

New device can retrieve live creatures from high-pressure deep-sea zones

(Newser) - Scientists have captured a live fish from a record 7,500 feet under the Atlantic Ocean, the BBC reports. A new device allows recovery of live creatures from much farther down than was previously possible. The expedition to learn more about life around hydrothermal vents deep beneath the ocean also...

Appeals Court Nixes Sonar Exemption Claim by Navy

But court sets aside protections for marine life for another 30 days

(Newser) - The US Navy is not exempt from laws that ban whale-harming sonar, a federal appeals court has ruled. The Bush administration had contested an earlier ruling, arguing that halting sonar use when whales are nearby poses "significant restrictions on our ability to train realistically." Whales and dolphins have...

Bizarre Antarctic Sea Life Found
Bizarre Antarctic Sea Life Found

Bizarre Antarctic Sea Life Found

New species discovered just as they're threatened by global warming

(Newser) - A host of bizarre giant creatures lurk in the little-known waters of Antarctica, the Daily Telegraph reports. Thousands of specimens have been gathered by a mission to study Antarctic marine life before it is wiped out—including giant sea spiders the size of dinner plates, huge sea worms, and mammoth...

Sunscreen Hurts Coral Reefs
Sunscreen Hurts Coral Reefs

Sunscreen Hurts Coral Reefs

Common ingredients can activate viruses that fatally bleach reef builders

(Newser) - Sunscreen might prevent a bad burn, but it might also be burning coral reefs, National Geographic reports. Four chemicals found in common lotions awaken viruses in algae living in coral, a new study finds; the algae then explode and can leave the reef without its food supply—causing it to...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>