marine life

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Mexico to Track Down World's Most Endangered Sea Mammal

Search is on in Sea of Cortez for elusive vaquita porpoises; there may only be 8 left

(Newser) - Mexican officials and the conservation group Sea Shepherd said Monday that experts will set out in two ships in a bid to locate the few remaining vaquita marina, the world's most endangered marine mammal. Mexico's environment secretary said experts from the United States, Canada, and Mexico will use...

Surprising Species Are Finding Home in Pacific Garbage Patch

Coastal creatures are thriving far from their native homes, with unknown consequences

(Newser) - Communities of coastal creatures are thriving far from home in the swirling trash soup that is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch . Researchers have found dozens of creatures normally found near coasts—including crustaceans, sea anemones, mollusks, and worms—surviving and reproducing on plastic waste in the huge patch between Hawaii...

UN Members Sign Treaty That Affects Half of Earth's Surface

Pact will protect biodiversity of marine life in the high seas

(Newser) - For the first time, United Nations members have agreed on a unified treaty to protect biodiversity in the high seas, representing a turning point for vast stretches of the planet where conservation has previously been hampered by a confusing patchwork of laws. The UN Convention on the Law of the...

Whale Makes 'Amazing' but Heartbreaking Journey

Humpback with broken back made 3.1K-mile trek from Canada to Hawaii but likely won't live long

(Newser) - It's a story both inspiring and heartbreaking, and one that marine wildlife experts have been monitoring with admiration and deep concern. For at least the last decade, a humpback whale named Moon has been on the radar of scientists at the Fin Island whale research station off of British...

Diver Captures Amazing Giant Octopus Encounter
Diver Captures 'Mind-Blowing'
Giant Octopus Encounter
in case you missed it

Diver Captures 'Mind-Blowing' Giant Octopus Encounter

It 'was giving me a hug,' she says

(Newser) - Canadian high school teacher Andrea Humphreys has done almost 700 dives, and she says she's never experienced anything as "mind-blowing" as her encounter with a giant Pacific octopus. She says that when she started filming the creature during a dive off the east coast of Vancouver Island, it...

Since Russia War Began, These Creatures Are Dying in Droves

Scientists think loud noises from invasion may disrupt navigation of dolphins, porpoises, whales

(Newser) - The human death toll from the Russian invasion of Ukraine is believed to be in the tens of thousands so far. But marine mammals in the Black Sea, directly to the south of Ukraine, are also dying in droves, and scientists think the loud sounds that accompany battle are to...

Fossil Discovery Spurs Believers in Nessie
Fossil Discovery Spurs
Believers in Nessie

Fossil Discovery Spurs Believers in Nessie

Study suggests ancient plesiosaurs lived in freshwater bodies of water, though not Loch Ness

(Newser) - A new study offering some of the best evidence yet for ancient long-necked reptiles living in freshwater lakes has been seized upon by believers in the Loch Ness Monster. Plesiosaurs, small-headed beasts with flippers that disappeared from the fossil record 66 million years ago, certainly inhabited Earth's oceans. There...

Marriage Proposal Ends in 2 Arrests, $25K in Fines

Celebratory balloons were subsequently popped, fell in ocean off Miami

(Newser) - A marriage proposal and subsequent celebration aboard a yacht in Miami has been overshadowed by the arrest of two people and more than $25,000 in fines for others involved. Their alleged crime: dumping balloons. A bystander recorded video showing dozens of balloons decorating a yacht docked at Bayshore Landing...

Dolphins May Be Surprise Victims of Russia's War

More than 100 have been found dead on Black Sea shores, with some pointing to noise pollution

(Newser) - Dolphins are turning up dead in the Black Sea, which experts say could be a consequence of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Since war began in February, Turkey has recorded a rise in dolphin deaths across its Black Sea coast. More than 100 dolphins had been found dead before the...

Mass Die-Off Hits 'Unsung Heroes' of Coral Reefs

Up to 95% of sea urchin populations are dying in areas across the Caribbean

(Newser) - For the first time in decades, scientists have observed a massive die-off of sea urchins in the Caribbean, which could serve as another devastating blow to coral reefs. Widespread deaths of at least three species of sea urchins—the West Indian sea egg, rock boring, and black sea urchins—have...

Scientists Looking for Wreck Find Life 6 Miles Below Sea
Scientists Looking
for Wreck Find Life
6 Miles Below Sea
in case you missed it

Scientists Looking for Wreck Find Life 6 Miles Below Sea

Search for USS Johnston turns up deepest squid and jellyfish ever found

(Newser) - A dive last year to the depths of the Philippine Sea not only revealed a closer look at the deepest shipwreck ever , but signs of life few suspected to be hiding up to 6 miles beneath the waves. Days before researchers came across the presumed wreckage of the USS Johnston,...

After Ship Sinks, Dead Turtles With Throat Damage Wash Up

A dozen dolphins have been found dead as well

(Newser) - Nearly a hundred carcasses of turtles with throat and shell damage, as well as a dozen dead dolphins and a blue whale, have washed ashore in Sri Lanka since a container ship burned and sank , raising fears of a severe marine disaster. Ecologists believe the deaths were directly caused by...

Barnacles May Hold Clues in Lost-at-Sea Searches
Barnacles May Hold Clues
in Lost-at-Sea Searches

Barnacles May Hold Clues in Lost-at-Sea Searches

Researchers say Lepas anserifera can reveal debris drift times and patterns

(Newser) - Never underestimate barnacles. According to researchers in Australia, they might just help in tracing people lost at sea. Species of the Lepas anserifera genus of goose barnacle are among the most common found in biofouling, a fancy word for the buildup of organisms on a surface, and "play an...

For These Gray Whales, a Troubling Trend Continues
3 Unwanted Letters for
Gray Whales: U-M-E
new study

3 Unwanted Letters for Gray Whales: U-M-E

'Unexplained mortality event': Scientists worry about prolonged spike in deaths

(Newser) - Back in 2019, scientists reported an alarming spike in the number of deaths of gray whales along the Pacific Coast. Now, a new study in the Marine Ecology Progress Series journal confirms the trend continued through 2020. In what they term an "unusual mortality event," researchers have counted...

US Marine Animals Are Drowning in Plastic—Literally

Report mentions 1.8K cases of animals consuming or being entangled in plastic since 2009

(Newser) - Plastic pollution is taking a disastrous toll on marine animals in the US, particularly those threatened with extinction, according to a new report . It tells of 1,792 cases in which 40 different species of animals consumed or were entangled in plastic since 2009. Of those, 88% involved animals that...

'Biggest Environmental Story That No One Knows About'

West Coast groundfish are back on the menu

(Newser) - A rare environmental success story is unfolding in waters off the West Coast. After years of fear and uncertainty, bottom trawler fishermen—those who use nets to catch rockfish, bocaccio, sole, Pacific Ocean perch, and other deep-dwelling fish—are making a comeback here, reinventing themselves as a sustainable industry less...

Fish Can't Survive Without Its 'Saw.' A Man Cut It Off

Florida man faces year in prison after pleading guilty to killing endangered smalltooth sawfish

(Newser) - A Florida man accused of removing an appendage from an endangered species may now be going to federal prison for it. CNN reports that Jacksonville's Chad Ponce, 38, could face a year behind bars and have to pay a $50,000 fine after witnesses say they saw him kill...

Stingrays Injure 500 in California
Stingrays Injure
500 in California

Stingrays Injure 500 in California

An unpleasant surprise at 4 local beaches over Labor Day weekend

(Newser) - Hundreds of beachgoers saw out the unofficial end of summer with sand, surf, and stings. That's the report from four local beaches in Southern California, where 500 or so visitors suffered injuries over Labor Day weekend when stingrays went on the attack. The Orange County Register puts the number...

'People Would Be Outraged' by Teen's Find Off Calif. Coast

Alex Weber has pulled out more than 50K golf balls over the last two years

(Newser) - Two years ago, a central California teen began what NPR calls a "Sisyphean task"—hauling hundreds of pounds of golf balls off the ocean floor, only to have them reenter the sea as golfers from five nearby golf courses (including Pebble Beach) hit them right back in. Alex...

They Were Dying by the Millions. Now, a Creature Comeback

Starfish are popping up again on the West Coast

(Newser) - Starfish are making a comeback on the West Coast, four years after a mysterious syndrome killed millions of them. From 2013 to 2014, Sea Star Wasting Syndrome hit sea stars from British Columbia to Mexico. The starfish would develop lesions, then disintegrate, their arms turning into blobs of goo. The...

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