Atlantic Ocean

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Deepest-Ever Salvage Gets WWII Wreck&#39;s Silver
 Millions in Silver 
 Recovered From 
 WWII Wreck 

Millions in Silver Recovered From WWII Wreck

SS City of Cairo is 17K feet under Atlantic, making this the deepest salvage ever

(Newser) - The deepest salvage operation in history has recovered a haul of coins that Britain planned to use to fund the fight against Nazi Germany 73 years ago. The SS City of Cairo was carrying 100 tons of silver rupees from India in November 1942 when it was hit by a...

WWII German U-Boat Found Just Off North Carolina

Nicaraguan-flagged wreck also found

(Newser) - Just 30 miles off the coast of North Carolina, two World War II wrecks lie underwater—one a member of a 24-ship American convoy, and one a German U-boat. US-led researchers recently discovered the Nicaragua-flagged freighter Bluefields and Germany's U-576, missing for some 70 years, just 240 yards apart,...

Amazon Jungle's Nutrient Source: Dead African Fish

Researchers: Powdered bones, scales are feeding Amazon—for now

(Newser) - Researchers have made one of the strangest-sounding discoveries in a while: Long-dead African fish are helping feed the Amazon. How, you ask? Well, millions of tons of dust blow west from the Sahara Desert across the Atlantic Ocean each year. The dust, which acts as a natural fertilizer where it...

Atlantic Sea Floor Is Burping Methane
 Atlantic Sea Floor 
 Is Burping Methane 


Atlantic Sea Floor Is Burping Methane

570 methane seeps quite unexpected in 'cold, old' East Coast

(Newser) - The bottom of the Atlantic Ocean has been burping methane for at least 1,000 years, scientists have discovered. NOAA surveyed the Atlantic Coast using sound waves and found at least 570 methane "seeps" from Cape Hatteras to Nantucket, right where the continental shelf meets the ocean, LiveScience reports....

Earth&#39;s &#39;Missing Heat&#39; Found in Atlantic
 Earth's 'Missing Heat' 
 Found in Atlantic 

Earth's 'Missing Heat' Found in Atlantic

Researchers say it's behind global warming pause, which is only temporary

(Newser) - One odd thing not in dispute about global warming is that it's actually been paused for about 15 years now. Though a number of theories have been batted around, a new study thinks it's found the true culprit—the Atlantic Ocean has been absorbing heat that would normally...

East Coast Seeing More Great Whites

But, phew: no rise in shark attacks

(Newser) - If you live on the East Coast, it seems you have some new neighbors. The number of great white sharks in the area has grown to some 2,000, a major NOAA study finds. That's a "very healthy number," according to Nature World News , which advises readers...

Thanks, Humanity: Ocean Floor Is a Garbage Dump

Study of 32 ocean sites finds not one free of human litter

(Newser) - In the depths of European oceans, you'll find coral, sand—and old Heineken cans. Yup, human litter can be found even in the most far-reaching places on the planet, according to one of the biggest scientific surveys ever done of the seafloor. Using video and trawling surveys between 1999...

Iran Says Warships Going to US Maritime Border

'This move has a message,' Iranian official says

(Newser) - Iran says it has launched warships with orders to approach US maritime borders in the Atlantic ocean, according to the semi-official Fars news agency. "This move has a message," an Iranian admiral was quoted as saying. That message: stand up against the US and its allies for stationing...

In First, Iranian Ships Sail for Atlantic

Move comes amidst annoyance at Syrian talks snub

(Newser) - An Iranian destroyer and helicopter carrier today set out for the Atlantic Ocean, in the country's first attempt to extend its naval power there, the semi-official Fars news agency reported, according to the AP . The ships will be both securing trade routes and training naval cadets during their three-month...

Ancient Ocean Found Under Chesapeake Bay

 Ancient Ocean Found 
 Under Chesapeake Bay 
in case you missed it

Ancient Ocean Found Under Chesapeake Bay

Huge crater helped preserve salty sea

(Newser) - The remains of a salty ocean ancient enough for dinosaurs to have drowned in it have been found deep in the sediment under the Chesapeake Bay. The seawater—believed to be 100 to 150 million years old—was isolated, trapped a half-mile underground, and preserved with the help of an...

Season's 1st Hurricane Forms, Barely Misses Record

Hurricane Humberto is late—but not quite late enough for the history books

(Newser) - Had Hurricane Humberto—the first hurricane of the Atlantic season—hit just about three hours later, it would have set a new record for the latest first hurricane to form in the Atlantic Ocean. Alas, Humberto's dreams of meteorological infamy were dashed when its winds reached a sustained 75mph...

New Effect of Climate Change: Bumpy Flights

North Atlantic winds are getting worse, study says

(Newser) - Already annoyed by airplane turbulence and flashing seat-belt signs? Those bumpy rides will get significantly worse over the North Atlantic in years to come, according to a new study. A British research team has found that climate change will probably intensify North Atlantic winds that were already growing stronger. That...

A Look at the Undersea Cables That Connect World's Internet

New ones are being laid around Atlantic in mammoth engineering projects

(Newser) - Our Internet age didn't just happen; it required thousands of miles of cables crisscrossing the ocean like veins and arteries (or, as Neal Stephenson put it years ago in Wired , turning the Earth into a computer motherboard). After a huge boom-and-bust cycle in the 1990s, the world's telecommunications...

Expect Up to 3 Major Hurricanes This Year

Forecast calls for normal year, less severe than recent years

(Newser) - Hurricane forecasters say this looks to be a pretty standard year for the Atlantic, with one to three major hurricanes expected in the six-month season that begins June 1. Some specifics from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration :
  • Expect nine to 15 named storms, meaning winds reach at least 39mph

Not Claustrophobic, With $60K? See the Titanic

Trip of a lifetime takes you to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean

(Newser) - If your favorite line from all of cinema is "I'm the king of the world," this opportunity to be king of the deep will probably delight: a two-week cruise, whose highlight is a dive to see the Titanic. Yep, the Titanic that sits at the bottom of...

Shipwreck Hoarding $200M in Silver Found in Atlantic

Haul by US salvage crew promises to be biggest ever

(Newser) - Some $200 million in silver has been sitting at the bottom of the sea for decades, and a US salvage operation has just discovered the sunken ship carrying it. The find promises to be the biggest haul ever of precious metal from a shipwreck. The British SS Gairsoppa was sunk...

Katia Strengthens Into Hurricane

But no prediction of where she'll make landfall

(Newser) - Adding insult to the East Coast's injury, there's a new hurricane in town: Tropical Storm Katia (ahem, another of those infamous K-hurricanes) has strengthened overnight into a Category 1 hurricane, reports the LA Times . “Additional strengthening is forecast during the next 48 hours and Katia could become...

Recordings Recovered From Crashed Air France Jet

Investigation among most complex and expensive in history

(Newser) - French investigators have recovered all the flight data and cockpit voice recordings from the recorders of an Air France jet found in the Atlantic nearly two years after it crashed, they said today. The recorders were located by underwater robots and hoisted from depths of some 13,000 feet earlier...

Air France Recorder Pulled From Atlantic

Investigators hope for clues in 2009 plane crash

(Newser) - On the heels of recovering the black box from the doomed Air France flight that fell out of the sky off the Brazilian coast nearly two years ago, French investigators have pulled the cockpit recorder from the depths of the Atlantic, reports the AP. It's not yet certain whether...

85-Year-Old Sails Atlantic ... on a Raft

Two-month journey for charity completed

(Newser) - Anthony Smith was in high spirits as arrived in St. Maarten yesterday, and why not? After all, he’d just realized a boyhood dream, sailing a 40-foot raft on a two-month journey across the Atlantic with the help of three of his friends—at the ripe young age of 85....

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