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Conficker Worm Date Passes Quietly—So Far

Experts warn megavirus could still pose a serious threat

(Newser) - The Conficker worm came to life on its April 1 trigger date but failed to cause any major incidents—so far, Infoworld reports. Fears that the internet itself might be affected have yet to materialize, though experts warn that the malware—estimated to be lying in wait in 10 million...

Chinese Cyber Spies Hit Dalai Lama, Foreign Offices

Some blame China for attacks on 1,300 computers

(Newser) - A  massive cyber spying effort launched from China has infiltrated the computers of hundreds of government agencies and private offices around the globe, including four connected to the Dalai Lama, the New York Times reports. Asked by the spiritual leader's office to investigate evidence of a breach, Canadian researchers discovered...

Worm Set to Unleash Massive April Fool's Prank

Malware experts race against time to limit the program's damage

(Newser) - Malware experts are racing to find the authors of the Conficker C worm and limit the damage it seems poised to do beginning April Fool’s Day, CNN reports. Conficker C, the bug’s third iteration since late 2008, has infected between 5 and 10 million computers but so far...

Visa, Mastercard Warn of New Data Breach

Alerts issued after malware infects another payment processor

(Newser) - Mastercard and Visa have alerted financial institutions about another serious data breach at a payment processor, Wired reports. The breach, like the massive fraud unveiled at Heartland Payment Systems last month, is believed to have occurred through malicious software. The credit card issuers are refusing to name the processor involved...

Google Flags Entire Internet as Malware


(Newser) - Anyone searching on Google for a short stretch early this morning got a rude awakening. Every result on the search giant turned up the warning, "This site may harm your computer,” ZDNet reports, and firewalls on personal PCs blocked them accordingly. Google blames the glitch—from 6:30am...

New Virus' Worst Punch May Be Yet to Come

(Newser) - The devious worm that has infected up to 9 million personal computers worldwide may be just the first stage of a malicious attack, the New York Times reports. The so-called Conficker or Downadup virus, which exploits a Microsoft Windows vulnerability, pulls infected computers into systems called botnets that can be...

Credit Card Processor Bares Massive Hacker Breach

Sophisticated hackers nab vast amounts credit card data

(Newser) - A credit card payment processor has disclosed a data breach that experts believe could be the biggest ever and may be putting millions of consumers at risk of ripoffs, the Washington Post reports. Heartland Payment Systems, which handles 100 million transactions from 250,000 businesses every month, believes malicious software...

Computer Experts: The Bad Guys Are Winning

Security researchers outflanked by well-funded cybercriminals

(Newser) - There's a war on for your computer and the bad guys are winning, the New York Times reports. Malware that stealthily hijacks a computer to send more malware is spreading like wildfire, and efforts to battle the constantly evolving threat often amount to little more than a game of online...

Spammers Bounce Back After Host Shutdown

Zombie spam-sending computers reactivated from foreign ISPs

(Newser) - Spammers are surging back onto the Internet again, 2 weeks after being dealt a body blow by a server shutdown, CNET News reports. Spam volumes dived 80% after the California-based McColo hosting firm was pulled offline. They remained flat until a few days ago but have now risen to around...

Malware Hijacks Obama Emails
 Malware Hijacks Obama Emails 

Malware Hijacks Obama Emails

Spammers launch massive 'Obama Trojan' malware campaign to capitalize on victory

(Newser) - Malicious hijackers have hitched a ride on the Barack Obama bandwagon, ChannelWeb reports. "Obama Trojan" emails offer a link to an amazing Obama speech or election results, but when the link is opened, it infects computers with malware that sends the user's personal data to a command center and...

Virus Helps Violate 500K Bank, Credit Accounts

Infects computers through 'drive-by downloads"

(Newser) - A computer virus has stolen log-in information for over 500,000 bank accounts and credit and debit cards. The Sinowal Trojan virus has infected computers around the world through “drive-by downloads” that install it without users' knowledge when they visit Web sites running the virus code. Individuals can best...

Fake Pop-Ups Dupe Most Users, Study Says
Fake Pop-Ups Dupe
Most Users, Study Says

Fake Pop-Ups Dupe Most Users, Study Says

(Newser) - Malware makers love to create fake error-message popups, but surely those are obvious ploys that no one falls for, right? Wrong, Ars Technica reports. Psychology researchers recently tested a group of college students with a series of fake popups, each laden with what should have been warning signs. The students...

Planted on Networks, Phony Download Infects 500K PCs

Malware masquerading as media file seen widely on sharing sites like Limewire

(Newser) - Almost 500,000 people have unintentionally downloaded an adware bundle from file-sharing networks in the past week, security firm McAfee says, with ugly consequences. Disguised as a music file or popular movies, the phony file is circulating on the eDonkey and Limewire networks. It asks users to install a codec...

Yahoo Partners With McAfee to Make Search Safer

Security upgrade part of wider trend in protecting computers from Web's ills

(Newser) - Yahoo search will now label risky sites, including spyware and virus hosts and spammers, thanks to an exclusive deal with McAfee SiteAdvisor, the companies said today. It also will omit sites entirely that attack visiting computers, reports CNet. Yahoo sees millions of clicks through to some such sites daily, a...

Malware Threats Skyrocketed in 2007

Symantec mulling new security approach

(Newser) - Last year saw an explosion in malware threats that has Symantec considering a new approach to Internet security—“whitelisting” legitimate computer code rather than blacklisting known threats. Of 1.1 million threats the company has discovered in over 25 years, it uncovered almost two-thirds of them in 2007, Computerworld ...

Free Tool Offers Web Security
Free Tool Offers Web Security

Free Tool Offers Web Security

Former Microsoft employees run startup Haute Secure

(Newser) - A new free system designed to protect Web surfers from dangerous code is taking on the software security giants, reports the Wall Street Journal. Developers say Haute Secure, the brainchild of ex-Microsoft security experts, blocks Web pages embedded with malicious code. The public can download the program free, and companies...

Vicious Bugs Lurk in Digital Photo Frames

Cute photos can be latest back-door way to destroy files

(Newser) - Digital photo frames of the kids on shelves across America are cute and trendy—but they can hide computer heartbreak, warns the San Francisco Chronicle. Destructive bugs can lurk in the software and wipe out entire files as photos are being downloaded. "It was the nastiest virus I've ever...

Malware Is Outpacing Anti-Virus Apps

But they're still the best defense; PC World lists most effective

(Newser) - Malware is trumping anti-virus apps these days, and even using them to stay ahead of security teams. A recent test by PC World reported that security suites spotted only one in four infiltrators because "the bad guys have the element of surprise," one McAfee expert said. "Bad...

PC Virus Using Bhutto Rumors to Spread

Online search for assassination details returns malicious code

(Newser) - Hackers are adapting a recently released Trojan virus to exploit curiosity surrounding the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, Ars Technica reports. Many sites claiming to contain exclusive information or even video footage of the attack itself are hiding malicious embedded files. Once visited, the files allow for the download of additional...

Pro Hackers Take Bite At Apple
Pro Hackers Take Bite At Apple

Pro Hackers Take Bite At Apple

'Zlob gang' launches malware Mac attacks

(Newser) - Apple computer users are being threatened by malicious hackers, according to computer security experts. The Financial Times reports security researchers have discovered an increase in the number of malicious programs in recent months that are specifically designed to attack Apple computers. The threat puts a question mark on Apple's reputation...

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