Democratic presidential primaries

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Obama: I Will Be the Nominee
 Obama: I Will Be the Nominee 

Obama: I Will Be the Nominee

He praises Clinton during victory speech in Minnesota

(Newser) - Barack Obama tonight marked the end of an "historic journey" by declaring that "I will be the Democratic nominee." The nation's first black major-party nominee praised Hillary Clinton for her own history-making campaign and for her "unyielding desire to improve the lives of ordinary Americans" before...

Hillary: 'No Decisions Tonight'

She praises Obama but does not drop from the race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton congratulated Barack Obama tonight on a hard-fought campaign but did not concede the race, MSNBC reports. "I will be making no decisions tonight," she said to raucous applause from supporters. Speaking less than an hour after the major networks declared Obama the nominee, she encouraged the...

Clinton Wins South Dakota, But Victory Comes Too Late

She wins state primary after Obama clinches nomination

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has won the South Dakota primary, CNN reports, but the victory is a hollow one: It follows news that Barack Obama clinched the Democratic nomination. With 99% of returns in, Clinton led 55% to 44%. Exit polls showed that 60% of Clinton supporters would vote for Obama in...

Networks Call It: Obama Clinches

He becomes the first black candidate for a major party

(Newser) - Barack Obama clinched the Democratic nomination tonight to become the first black candidate for president on a major-party ticket. Obama reached the necessary number of delegates—2,118—as the polls closed in South Dakota at 9pm EST, CNN reports. AP reported earlier today that Obama had clinched, but media...

Bush v. Gore 's Lessons for 2008
 Bush v. Gore's Lessons for 2008 

Bush v. Gore's Lessons for 2008

2000 election mess colors Obama-Clinton contest

(Newser) - Memorial Day dates from the Civil War, but this week, thanks to HBO’s Recount, a different internecine conflict will be in the air: the 2000 election. The generally factual portrayal of the Florida snafu gets Hendrik Hertzberg of the New Yorker thinking about another hairsplitting debate over vote counting....

Obama Claims Delegate Majority; Wins in Oregon

He returns to Iowa, says 'change is coming to America'

(Newser) - Barack Obama said tonight that his campaign had reached a pivotal milestone by clinching a majority of the pledged delegates at stake in the Democratic primary, CNN reports. Addressing a rally in Iowa—the state that put his campaign on a winning path—Obama declared that victory is "within...

Hillary Vows to Press On
 Hillary Vows to Press On 

Hillary Vows to Press On

After win in Kentucky, she says she's more electable candidate

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton made clear she has no intention of dropping from the race in the wake of her resounding victory in Kentucky. She told supporters that more people have voted for her than for any candidate who's run for the Democratic nomination, CNN reports. "We've got to get this...

Barack Fails to Make Gains With White Voters in Ky.

Clinton wins 71% of the white vote in primary

(Newser) - Barack Obama showed little evidence that he's been able to make amends with white working-class voters, exit polls in Kentucky show. Whites make up about 90% of the state's electorate, and Clinton won 71% of their votes, including three-fourths of those who didn't complete college. In addition, only about 40%...

Clinton Romps in Kentucky
 Clinton Romps in Kentucky 

Clinton Romps in Kentucky

As expected, she beats Obama handily; Oregon later tonight

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton cruised to a lopsided victory in today's Kentucky primary, the Louisville Courier-Journal reports. Clinton won 65% to 30%, a margin of victory she called an "overwhelming vote of confidence." Despite the huge win, Barack Obama picked up enough support to clinch a majority of pledged delegates...

'Poor Hillary' Refrain Has Hillary-Like Staying Power

Voters, rivals and pundits have been tut-tutting for years, but Clinton marches on

(Newser) - There’s Hillary Clinton, writes Libby Copeland in the Washington Post, and then there’s “Poor Hillary.” Though Barack Obama destroyed her “inevitability,” she continues to quixotically pursue the Democratic nomination, touting the power of “grit” against arithmetic, and moving op-ed writers, news anchors and...

Edwards Endorses Obama
 Edwards Endorses Obama 

Edwards Endorses Obama

Move could help Democratic front-runner with working-class whites

(Newser) - John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama today, calling him the one person who can bring about the "one America" that will bridge the divide between rich and poor and rebuild the nation's "moral authority." Edwards, who dropped out of the race in January, joined Obama in Michigan for...

Clinton Still Defiant on Trail
 Clinton Still Defiant on Trail 

Clinton Still Defiant on Trail

She dismisses calls to step down as 'deja vu all over again'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton urged her supporters to stick by her today, telling a West Virginia audience that calls for her to step down are simply "deja vu all over again," the AP reports. Clinton also told USA Today that only she can deliver the broad base of voters, including...

Booed by Voters, Clinton Plows Ahead

Candidate endures heckling at West Virginia speech

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had on her game face in West Virginia yesterday, but the crowd at the hastily arranged rally wasn't helping her keep her faltering campaign alive amid a torrent of talk that it's time for her to drop out. The crowd booed her proposal for a gas tax holiday,...

Dems' (Next) Last Stop: Oregon
 Dems' (Next) Last Stop: Oregon 

Dems' (Next) Last Stop: Oregon

With highest delegate count remaining, May 20 primary sure to attract attention aplenty

(Newser) - Oregon’s primary, usually a non-event, is shaping up to get an unusual amount of attention this time around, the Oregonian reports. The state has 52 delegates at stake—huge among remaining contests—and is likely to be crucial for the Democrats in the fall as well. Says a state...

Confident Obama Looks Beyond Primaries

He predicts party will reunite for the general election

(Newser) - Barack Obama tonight portrayed himself as the likely Democratic candidate and predicted the party will reunite once the primaries end, CNN reports. Analysts saw the speech as a direct appeal to superdelegates, a kickoff to the general election. After his resounding victory in North Carolina, Obama rejected the notion that...

Hillary's Superdelegate Hunter Holds Firm

Ickes is determined to win nomination for Clinton

(Newser) - You can thank or blame one Democrat for the rise of superdelegates and demise of the party's winner-take-all primaries—but strategist Harold Ickes, who negotiated the primary system 20 years ago, is likely too busy to hear you. He's calling up superdelegates for Hillary Clinton, and using such a nasty...

'Change' Falls Flat With Hoosiers

Voters clinging to 'traditional values' could require Democrats to tweak approach

(Newser) - Despite the ubiquitous use of “change” as a rallying cry in the Democratic primaries, the New York Times notes, the candidates might want to reconsider using it ahead of Indiana's May 6 primary. Although they’re dissatisfied with the economic toll taken by the decline in manufacturing, voters generally...

Hillary Win Leaves Dems Unmoved, Barack Weaker
Hillary Win Leaves Dems Unmoved, Barack Weaker

Hillary Win Leaves Dems Unmoved, Barack Weaker

Pennsylvania primary changed nothing, party operatives agree

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's 10-point win in Pennsylvania leaves the Democratic Party in the same quandary it was in before the primary, writes Carolyn Lochhead in the San Francisco Chronicle, but with the pressure ratcheted up. While the race did not much improve Clinton's chances, it did expose Barack Obama's possible weaknesses...

Steadfast Coalition Delivers 55-45% Clinton Win
Steadfast Coalition Delivers 55-45%
Clinton Win

Steadfast Coalition Delivers 55-45% Clinton Win

Women, whites, working-class were key

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton conquered Pennsylvania with the same coalition that drove her to victory in Ohio: white women, blue-collar workers and older voters. And once again, voters who decided in the last days of the primary skewed heavily toward the New York senator, reports Politico. The only surprise in her 55-45%...

Indiana Pols Avoid Obama/ Clinton Decision

Host of factors makes five House Dems wary of May 6 endorsement

(Newser) - Indiana is poised to become a major battleground in the Democratic presidential race, but Indiana’s Democratic House representatives look like they’re ducking the firefight. Four of the five are in their first terms, seemingly unwilling to risk angering party brass or alienating voters. Indiana’s contest looks incredibly...

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