
Stories 21 - 33 | << Prev 

Kraft, Mars, Cadbury Hit by Chinese Tainting Scandal

Melamine concerns prompt recall, probe

(Newser) - Kraft and Mars are investigating claims by the Indonesian government that products including Oreos, M&Ms, and Snickers imported from China are tainted with melamine, PerthNow reports. The company notes that the products tested melamine-free elsewhere in Asia, and suggests that they could be counterfeit. Still, the firms are supporting...

China Pulls Tainted Candy
 China Pulls Tainted Candy 

China Pulls Tainted Candy

Sales of candy made with contaminated milk halted as crisis spreads

(Newser) - Dozens of countries are hopping to get China-made White Rabbit candy off store shelves after the milk-based treat was found to contain melamine, the BBC reports. The company has halted sales worldwide, and issued warnings about candy remaining in stores. The chemical has also been found to have sickened two...

Wet Nurses Milk China's Tainted Formula Crisis

As babies fall ill, the rich turn to a stranger's arms, rented breast

(Newser) - Many Chinese mothers are returning to breastfeeding as infant formula sickens thousands of babies, reports the Wall Street Journal, but in a growing number of wealthy families the breasts are rented. The ancient practice of wet nursing has been reborn, but with a capitalist bent: "Many people look down...

China: Tainted Formula Hits 13K Babies

(Newser) - The number of Chinese babies hospitalized with kidney problems after drinking contaminated milk formula has skyrocketed to 13,000, the country's health ministry said today —more than double previous estimates of 6,000. Four children have died so far, AFP reports, in the outbreak blamed on melamine, the same...

Chinese Recall Milk as Tainting Scandal Spreads

Melamine found in 10% of milk from top dairies; massive recalls begin

(Newser) - Milk from some of China's biggest dairies has been found to contain poisonous melamine, prompting authorities to clear shelves of dairy products, in addition to the earlier recall of tainted infant formula, the BBC reports. A watchdog group found the banned chemical in 10% of samples from three dairies, including...

Made in China: Toxic Baby Formula

Dangerous food may be in some US markets

(Newser) - Baby formula made in China has been found to contain melamine, the same toxic substance that contaminated pet food and poisoned thousands of US dogs and cats last year. None of the formula is in the general US food supply—but some may be on the shelves in American Asian...

Wal-Mart Owns Up to Melamine in Dog Treats

Company quietly pulled products as it waited for further testing

(Newser) - Two Chinese brands of dog treats sold at Wal-Mart contain a toxic chemical, the discount giant confirms. Customer complaints about the products prompted the company to quietly pull them from its shelves last month as it waited for further tests. The results confirmed the presence of melamine, the chemical at...

China Shutters Scores of Food Factories

Crackdown spreads to plants using industrial chemicals in edibles

(Newser) - The Chinese government has closed 180 factories that were using dangerous and illegal ingredients, such as formaldehyde, in food products. The relatively large number of plants casts serious doubt on Beijing's insistence that the recent rash of tainted products originated with a small number of sources, the AP reports: A...

Second Toxin Found in Lethal Pet Food

Cyanuric acid plus melamine could be fatal combination

(Newser) - Add cyanuric acid to the list of industrial chemicals found in the contaminated pet food that killed thousands of dogs and cats. Like melamine, it was used by Chinese animal feed producers  to fake higher protein content in their wheat and rice products, the New York Times reports.

Melamine Death Toll Passes 8,000 Pets

FDA says health risk for humans unlikely

(Newser) - More than 8,000 deaths of cats and dogs that may be linked to melamine-tainted food have been reported to the FDA in the two months since the pet food recall. The statistics come as the FDA tries to assure Americans that the tainted protein concentrates, also fed to hogs...

China Detains Pet Food Contaminator

Beijing cracks down on source of melamine-tainted gluten

(Newser) - Chinese authorities have jailed the head of a company accused of selling pet food makers  the melamine-contaminated gluten that's killed thousands of cats and dogs. The detention of Mao Lijun suggests Beijing is eager to cooperate with the FDA investigators currently on its turf, after initially disavowing any gluten sales...

FDA Names Food Safety Czar After Chicken Scare

Democrats seek other roads to effective FDA

(Newser) - The FDA appointed a food safety czar yesterday, as the news that 3 million chickens had been fed melamine-tainted feed exacerbated growing public anxiety about food safety. The FDA said the chickens weren't recalled because most of them would have been sold by now, and the melamine was too diluted...

Chinese Add Melamine to Animal Feed
Chinese Add Melamine to Animal Feed

Chinese Add Melamine to Animal Feed

Filler that tainted pet food is commonly used as fake protein

(Newser) - The compound that tainted pet food and is being blamed for hundreds of pet illnesses and deaths is a commonly used additive in animal feed in China, reports the New York Times. The coal derivative melamine, used in plastics and fertilizers, is nitrogen-rich, which triggers tests for protein content.

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