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Motorcycles Cruising Between Cars May Soon Be Legal in First State

Lane-splitting bill would make California first to formalize practice

(Newser) - Lane-splitting—where motorcycles pass other cars in traffic by cruising in between—might soon be legal in at least one state: California. The state's Assembly unanimously passed a bill Thursday giving the California Highway Patrol authority to create guidelines for the practice, reports the Los Angeles Times . The bill,...

The 10 Worst US Cities for Drivers

Washington, Detroit top the list

(Newser) - Be sure to take the bus when visiting the nation's capital. That's the takeaway from WalletHub's ranking of the worst US cities for drivers, based on gas prices, hours spent in traffic, crash deaths, car thefts, parking fees, and more in the country's 100 biggest cities....

Neighborhood Rots Amid Fight Over Bridge to Canada

Billionaire Manuel Moroun wants to tear them down

(Newser) - A Canadian neighborhood is rotting away in a dispute over who gets to control bridge traffic into the US—elected officials or a Detroit billionaire, the New York Times reports. The complex battle involves the Ambassador Bridge, which links Detroit to Windsor and is the only private road bridge between...

Cops Ticket Man After He Posts Video on How to Beat Traffic

'Can they do that?' guy asks. Police response: 'Yep'

(Newser) - Michael Dalton found a shortcut in his Colorado neighborhood that helps beat congestion and avoids a nearby highway, so he posted it on Facebook in an attempt to help his neighbors, WCMH reports. Just two problems: The shortcut involves driving through private property, which earned Dalton criticism from some viewers...

The 10 Worst US Cities for Traffic

LA takes the top spot, followed by Washington

(Newser) - There's a good reason to feel better about your commute—unless you live in one of these 10 US cities. Car services company INRIX is out with a list of the worst US cities for traffic, based on how many hours the average commuter spent in the car in...

Brussels' New Traffic Nightmare: Hungry Mice

Rodents in Brussels don't give 2 hoots about traffic congestion, apparently

(Newser) - Decaying road tunnels have left Brussels in a perpetual state of traffic chaos, but repairs are apparently on hold due to what CityLab deems possibly "the world's worst excuse for poor infrastructure": hungry rodents. Because the transportation department was housed 25 years ago in a hotel (apparently when...

These Are the 10 Worst Traffic Bottlenecks in the US

And yes, a lot of them are in Los Angeles

(Newser) - Face it, with the holidays approaching we're all going to be stuck in traffic for at least a little bit. But we won't have it nearly as bad as the poor saps trying to get through the following 10 bottlenecks, which were deemed the worst in the country...

Cyclists Fighting Stop Signs in San Francisco

'It feels like the Wild West'

(Newser) - How would you feel about being able to legally roll through a stop sign while riding a bike? Your answer to that question probably depends on whether you're a cyclist or a driver. The New York Times reports San Francisco is considering a controversial ordinance that would allow bicycles...

This Is What Paris Looks Like Without Cars

Symbolic act aims to cut pollution in big cities

(Newser) - Pretty but noisy Paris, its gracious Old World buildings blackened by exhaust fumes, is going car-less for a day. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo presided over Sunday's "day without cars," two months before the city hosts the global summit on climate change. The symbolic initiative is aimed at...

You Threw Away $960 Sitting in Traffic Last Year

Average American driver spent 42 hours bumper-to-bumper

(Newser) - If you're stuck in traffic for a few minutes today, look on the bright side: Those few minutes are nothing compared to the 42 hours the average rush-hour commuter spent in traffic last year—or the 6.9 billion hours American drivers squandered while bumper-to-bumper—at a cost of...

Traffic Light Has Been Red for Nearly 30 Years

Also that color: the red tape requiring it remain that way in Germany

(Newser) - A traffic light in Dresden, Germany, has been red for nearly 30 years now, and city officials say that won't change anytime soon. The light sits at the corner of Ziegelstraße street, and drivers have only one choice when they come to it—to turn "right on...

One-Way Streets Can Actually Be More Dangerous

The roads may provide a haven for crime: researchers

(Newser) - Turns out one-way streets may make neighborhoods more dangerous—and in some cases, it's not because of the traffic itself. Researchers who have studied cities across the country are pointing to a possible risk of higher crime on one-way streets with two lanes, as compared to two-way streets. For...

Tunnel to Be Built Under Nativity Site?

Traffic-clogged Bethlehem eyes passage beneath Nativity Church

(Newser) - O' little town of Bethlehem is dealing with a problem that typically plagues big cities: traffic. Though it claims just 28,000 residents, its small streets make for a traffic nightmare, and the lanes around Nativity Church, which marks the spot where tradition says Jesus was born, are no exception....

Woman Sues Boss Over Rush-Hour Traffic
Woman Sues Boss Over
Rush-Hour Traffic

Woman Sues Boss Over Rush-Hour Traffic

She claims it made her anxious to the point of disability

(Newser) - Rush-hour traffic is a pain, but can it qualify you for a disability? A New Jersey woman is trying to make her case in court against a former employer, reports the Courier-Post . Andrea DeGerolamo worked for Fulton Financial in 2012 when, according to her lawsuit, she "began to feel...

Christie: I'm 'Outraged' at Traffic Allegations

Denies knowledge, says aides will be held responsible for causing gridlock to punish rival

(Newser) - Chris Christie has responded to today's amazing allegations that his aides deliberately caused massive traffic jams on the world's busiest bridge to punish a political rival: The New Jersey governor insists that he had nothing to do with it and suggests that heads will roll, reports Politico . The...

Christie Aides' Emails Tied to Traffic Scandal

'Time for some traffic in Fort Lee,' said one after mayor refused to endorse him

(Newser) - Starting Sept. 9—the first day of school—a pair of closed lanes between a New Jersey city and the George Washington Bridge to New York caused massive traffic problems for several days. Officials have said the closures were part of a traffic study, but emails and text messages, newly...

Optical Illusion to Slow Down Florida Drivers

Closer road lines may get drivers to brake in pilot program

(Newser) - If you can't get drivers to slow down on their own, why not trick them into it? That's the idea behind a pilot program in Florida that will give drivers the illusion they're driving faster than they are. How exactly? With road "hash marks" painted gradually...

Fed Up With LA Traffic, CEO Gives $50K to Speed Work

Elon Musk says he'll provide even more of his own money if it will help

(Newser) - Surprise, surprise: Los Angeles again ranked as the city with the worst traffic congestion in America in an annual survey out this week, reports Reuters . Here's a sign of how bad things are, from the LA Times : Entrepreneur Elon Musk —he of Tesla, PayPal, and SpaceX—has forked...

Growing Up Near Traffic Boosts Kids' Cancer Risk

Study indicates that kids suffer from living near exhaust

(Newser) - Living near traffic may be even worse for kids than previously believed, a new study suggests. California researchers ranked parts of the state based on their exhaust-related pollution, studied their populations, and found that kids from the more polluted areas were at a greater risk for certain childhood cancers, including...

Los Angeles First Big City to Synchronize All Traffic Lights

But whether it will make a big dent in gridlock is unclear

(Newser) - Somewhere in a bunker underneath downtown Los Angeles works a guy named Edward Yu, traffic god. Yu runs the software that controls all 4,500 traffic lights in the city, explains the New York Times , and this is noteworthy because LA has become the first major metro area to sync...

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