
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Ethics Panel Charges Sanford With 37 Violations

Civil committee slams SC gov for travel expenses

(Newser) - South Carolina's ethics commission has hit Mark Sanford with 37 violations for using state funds for inappropriate travel expenses, including a trip to see his Argentine mistress. Besides the governor's South American trysts, Sanford also bought business-class tickets for state travel—South Carolina requires officials to fly cheaply—and, in...

Giuliani Plans Run for US Senate
Giuliani Plans Run for US Senate

Giuliani Plans Run for US Senate

He's also got his eye on a 2012 presidential bid, say insiders

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani will run for US Senate next year as a possible steppingstone to a presidential bid in 2012, sources tell the New York Daily News. Giuliani plans to challenge Kirsten Gillibrand for the remaining two years of Hillary Clinton’s term. He had been expected to run for governor...

Ill. Dems Rally Around Plan to Take Gitmo Prisoners

Quinn, Durbin say detainees at empty prison would create 3,000 jobs

(Newser) - Illinois' governor and senior senator spent yesterday feverishly trying to regain momentum on their plan to use a nearly empty maximum-security prison 150 miles from Chicago to house Gitmo detainees. With federal officials visiting Thomson Correctional Center today, local GOP lawmakers had gone on the offense Saturday, calling it a...

Hutchison Won't Resign Senate Seat

Will stay put to fight health care reform, cap and trade

(Newser) - Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison, who is challenging Texas Gov. Rick Perry for his job, is planning to keep her US Senate seat until after the state's March gubernatorial primary. Hutchison, a Republican, plans to tell Republican women in a speech in Galveston today that she is stepping down in 2010...

Spitzer to Give Ethics Lecture at Harvard

Former madam slams university's decision

(Newser) - A Harvard University ethics center is hosting a lecture by none other than Eliot Spitzer tomorrow. The disgraced governor will speak about when it's right for the government to intervene in the markets. Despite the intellectual theme, his former madam tells the Daily News that Spitzer is a "man...

5 Things to Watch in NJ
 5 Things to Watch in NJ 
election day

5 Things to Watch in NJ

Turnout is pivotal in race between Corzine, Christie

(Newser) - It remains a tight race for governor in New Jersey between Democrat Jon Corzine and Republican Chris Christie. Jonathan Martin of Politico offers five things to watch:
  • Turnout: If it's below 48% or so, that means trouble for Corzine. It's a sign he hasn't mobilized the Democratic base, particularly minorities,

NJ Gov Hopeful Runs Afoul of Monty Python
NJ Gov Hopeful Runs Afoul of Monty Python
election 2009

NJ Gov Hopeful Runs Afoul of Monty Python

Troupe threatens to sue Republican over pirated video footage

(Newser) - Republican Chris Christie holds a razor-thin lead over incumbent Jon Corzine in the New Jersey governor's race, and now he has five more potential opponents—the members of Monty Python, who are considering suing the former US Attorney for violating their copyright. An online ad the campaign swiftly yanked from...

Robo-Palin Gets Into Va. Gov's Race
 Robo-Palin Gets Into 
 Va. Gov's Race 
election 2009

Robo-Palin Gets Into Va. Gov's Race

We didn't know about robocalls: McDonnell campaign

(Newser) - Virginia voters are getting recorded advice from Sarah Palin on how to vote in tomorrow’s gubernatorial election. The former Alaska governor’s robocall doesn’t mention GOP candidate Bob McDonnell by name—he’s been loath to accept support from the polarizing figure—but the message appears clear, CNN...

Obama Stumps for Corzine
 Obama Stumps for Corzine  

Obama Stumps for Corzine

Calls NJ governor key to his own agenda

(Newser) - In a final campaign swing on behalf of the only governor seeking re-election this fall, President Obama today pitched Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine's bid as key to the White House's ability to make good on its political promises. "He's one of the best partners I have in the White...

Deeds Has No Shot in Virginia Governor's Race
Deeds Has No Shot in
Virginia Governor's Race
Nate Silver

Deeds Has No Shot in Virginia Governor's Race

GOP turnout likely to steamroll Democratic candidate

(Newser) - Democrat Creigh Deeds has “virtually no chance” in the Virginia governor's race next week against Republican Bob McDonnell, writes Nate Silver. Polls not only have McDonnell up 11 points or so, they show that Republicans are more likely to turn out despite being outnumbered among registered voters. In other...

NJ Gov's Ads Target Opponent's Waistline

Corzine spot says Christie 'threw his weight around'

(Newser) - Jon Corzine, the New Jersey governor locked in an ugly race for reelection, is calling his opponent a big fat liar—with the emphasis on "fat." A new attack ad shows hefty Republican challenger Chris Christie in super-slow motion, his flesh jiggling in multiple directions, while an announcer...

Don't Apologize, Meg, Voting Is Dumb
Don't Apologize, Meg, Voting
Is Dumb

Don't Apologize, Meg, Voting Is Dumb

Whitman's ballot wouldn't have made a difference anyway

(Newser) - Meg Whitman has taken heat for her, ahem, spotty voting record—the ex-CEO wasn’t even registered to vote until 2002—and, of course, she has apologized. But she shouldn’t have, writes Christopher Beam for Slate. Economists have long argued that, from an individual’s perspective, voting is irrational....

Whitman Skipped Voting Due to 'Family Demands'

But that's no excuse, admits former GOP favorite for Calif. gov race

(Newser) - Wanna-be California governor and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman says she skipped voting for 28 years because of her family and her hubby's work. "I was focused on raising a family, on my husband's career, and we moved many, many times," she told reporters. "It is no...

Biden Stunned Stimulus Is Working So Well

VP: 'If it doesn't work, I'm dead'

(Newser) - The $787 billion economic stimulus package is working better than expected, Joe Biden said yesterday in a conference call with state governors. “In my wildest dreams, I never thought it would work this well,” Biden said. “Thank you, thank you.” Biden held  the conference—which included...

NY Dems Asked White House to Intervene on Paterson

House members held multiple closed-door meetings with Emanuel

(Newser) - President Obama urged New York Gov. David Paterson not to run in next year's election only after members of Congress, nervous about the party's prospects with Paterson at the top of the ticket, lobbied Rahm Emanuel for help. The 2010 election features not only a race for governor but also...

Jenny Sanford to Pen 'Inspirational Memoir'

Ballantine Books won't disclose fee for May 2010 release

(Newser) - Jenny Sanford will write an “inspirational memoir” to be released by Random House next spring, CNN reports. The publisher is mum on how much the estranged wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford will get for her trouble. The fairer half of the couple has been fairly tight-lipped since...

White House Throws Weight Into State Races

Some Democrat's fret about administration's increasingly partisan direction

(Newser) - The Obama administration is becoming increasingly assertive in trying to influence state-level elections around the country, the New York Times reports. White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and other top political strategists have made it plain that they're willing to play hardball to strengthen the Democratic ticket where necessary—...

Blago Memoir: 'I Didn't Do Anything Wrong'

And he might move to New York, where no one has told him to 'F off' yet

(Newser) - When it comes to political memoirs, Rod Blagojevich’s The Governor: Finally, the Truth Behind the Political Scandal That Continues to Rock the Nation “is surely unsurpassed” in the areas of “febrile self-defensiveness and look-over-there deflections and deceptions,” writes David Remnick for the New Yorker. “No...

Paterson to Detractors: I'm Running

New York governor resists White House pressure

(Newser) - Gov. David Paterson isn't scrapping his plans to run for the office he inherited 18 months ago, despite growing pressure from Washington and intervention by the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has contacted the governor and the White House over his concern. "My plans for 2010 are to run for...

'Paris Hilton' Palin Perfect Politician for Internet Age

Resignation was genius move, writes Greg Beato

(Newser) - Politics is due for a shake-up of the kind the Internet gave to music and newspapers—and Sarah Palin looks like the only politician ready to deliver, Greg Beato writes in Reason. Palin's resignation makes her a true maverick, Beato writes. Just like Paris Hilton realized you don't need to...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>