smoking cessation

Stories 41 - 43 | << Prev 

Anti-Smoking Poster Boy Still Lights Up

'I'm afraid to quit' despite amputation, heart attacks, stroke

(Newser) - New Yorkers have grown to know Skip Legault's face well from anti-smoking ads in the subway and on TV over the past few weeks. A smoker since he was eight, Legault has lost a leg to blood clots, suffered two heart attacks in his twenties, and had a debilitating stroke....

Healthy Steps Add 14 Years to Your Life

Exercise, don't smoke, go easy on drinking, and eat your veggies

(Newser) - Doing all those things you know you should be doing already can add 14 years to your life, a new study says. People who exercise, don't smoke, limit drinking, and eat fruits and vegetables lead longer lives by that amount, LiveScience reports. The European study is said to be the...

Firms Help Workers Kick Butts
Firms Help Workers Kick Butts

Firms Help Workers Kick Butts

Seeking savings, employers offer programs, incentives

(Newser) - Smoking, everybody's favorite target, is now drawing fire from employers looking to cut medical costs by helping workers kick the habit, the New York Times reports. Employers gain significantly when employees quit, because a typical smoker racks up $16,000 in additional lifetime medical costs and saps productivity with smoking...

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