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William Kristol's Rallying Cry: 'Keep Keith!'

Says NBC is off base in suspension of Olbermann

(Newser) - William Kristol may be on the opposite political spectrum as Keith Olbermann, but he thinks NBC overreacted in suspending him for donating to political candidates. "It’s an opinion show," he writes at the Weekly Standard . "If Olbermann wants to put his money where his mouth is,...

MSNBC Suspends Olbermann Over Donations

Host violated network rules with donations to Democrats

(Newser) - Is Keith Olbermann out of a job? The fiery host has been suspended indefinitely without pay, in the wake of the revelation that he donated money to three Democratic campaigns this year. (Background here .) "I became aware of Keith's political contributions late last night," said MSNBC President...

Olbermann Donated to 3 Democrats

'Countdown' host appears to breach NBC ethics rules

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann donated $2,400—the maximum individual contribution—apiece to three Democrats before Election Day, apparently breaking NBC rules, Politico reports. The MSNBC host, who has acknowledged the contributions, gave to two Arizona representatives the day one of them, Raul Grijalva, stopped by his show (the other was Gabrielle...

Fox News Crushes CNN, MSNBC on Election Night

It more than doubles nearest rival in prime time

(Newser) - Last night's big victory for the right extended to the cable airwaves: Nielsen ratings show Fox News obliterated CNN and MSNBC in prime time, reports the LA Times . Fox averaged 6.96 million viewers, while CNN got 2.42 million and MSNBC 1.94 million. Compared to the midterms in...

Matthews to Bachmann: Are You Hypnotized?

Best interview of the night?

(Newser) - Chris Matthews had an exciting/cringe-worthy interview with Michele Bachmann last night, in which he tried to hammer her on her past statement that she’d like to investigate Democrats for “un-American activities.” Matthews kept asking if she’d use the Republicans’ newfound subpoena power for such investigations, and...

Olbermann Yanks 'Worst Person' Segment

Hears Stewart's gripe, agrees to tone down the volume

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann might think Jon Stewart is a candidate for "Worst Person," but he's suspending the longtime segment in wake of the comedian's Rally to Restore Sanity anyway. After Stewart ripped MSNBC and Fox News equally for histrionics, Olbermann took a long look in the mirror and last...

Glenn Beck to MSNBC: Bend Over

Host gets in dig at the competition's 'lean forward' slogan

(Newser) - The right has been having a field day with MSNBC's new "Lean Forward" campaign, but Glenn Beck got in perhaps the best dig on it yet on his radio show. "By the way, MSNBC, why don't you just make your slogan 'Bend Over?'" he teased, in this clip...

I Stopped 'World-Wide Depression': Reid

GOP jumps on senator's gaffe

(Newser) - With his Senate seat at risk in a close battle with Sharron Angle, Harry Reid is taking flak for telling MSNBC that he was key to preventing a worldwide depression. “People have been hurting. And it doesn’t give them comfort or solace for me to tell them, you...

Why the 'War on Islam' Is All Wrong

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan makes his case after O'Reilly comment

(Newser) - After Bill O’Reilly sparked a furor on the View with his comment that “Muslims killed us on 9/11,” MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan made an impassioned distinction today between Muslims and a Saudi-funded sect that has gone under the public radar, Mediaite reports. “There’s a small group...

MSNBC Host Sorry for Steele 'Dancing Slave' Dig

'I've had to put up with that crap all my life,' Steele complains

(Newser) - MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell has apologized for his implication that Republican Party chief Michael Steele is a "slave" of the GOP. An angry Steele left a message complaining to Lawrence O'Donnell after he said on his program The Last Word earlier this week that Steele "is dancing as...

O'Donnell Calls Opponent 'Bearded Marxist'

He says it was a college joke

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell tried to deflect attention to her Democratic challenger last night in an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show. After laughing off her comments that she “dabbled into witchcraft," she said that Chris Coons had done some questionable things in his youth, too. “He made...

Jon Stewart: MSNBC Should Be More Like Fox
 Jon Stewart: 
 MSNBC Should 
 Be More Like Fox 
plus: meghan mccain!

Jon Stewart: MSNBC Should Be More Like Fox

'You pick your narrative, you stick with it,' he quips

(Newser) - MSNBC needs to take a page from Fox News's handbook, said Jon Stewart on last night's Daily Show . Stewart slammed the liberal network for its moderately critical coverage of Obama's Ohio speech. "Do you know nothing of your obligation to shape the news toward your desired electoral goal?" he...

Meet the GOP's 2016 Nominee
 Meet the GOP's 
 2016 Nominee 
Marc Ambinder

Meet the GOP's 2016 Nominee

Why Joe Scarborough is the perfect man for the job

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough insists he’s not running for president. He says he’s perfectly happy as MSNBC’s morning host, where, he argues, he has more influence than your average senator. But there’s a “studio apartment industry of conservatives” who think Scarborough is the man Republicans will need...

'I'm the Most Conservative Guy at a Liberal TV Network'

Scarborough of 'Morning Joe' is happy he survived

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough and his Morning Joe show on MSNBC get a whole lot of love in a flattering new profile in GQ . "He's the conservative liberals suddenly think is swell," writes Lisa Depaulo, and his show has "become the best and most buzzed-about political show on television....

Luke Russert Riles Rangel
 Luke Russert Riles Rangel 

Luke Russert Riles Rangel

Congressman berates him when asked about losing job

(Newser) - Charlie Rangel may be facing some serious ethics charges , but he's not about to discuss the possibility of losing his job. Luke Russert of MSNBC (son of Tim) found that out today when he asked Rangel if were worried, notes Mediabistro . Rangel dismissed it as a "dumb question,"...

Glenn Beck Takes Page From LiLo Handbook

Has a message for MSNBC...on his fingernails

(Newser) - Glenn Beck whipped out more than his chalkboards last night. During a segment in which he tied MSNBC's low ratings to its coverage of super relevant stories like jailbird Lindsay Lohan, Beck said, "Did you hear she wrote something on her fingernails? I saw it on MSNBC—hey MSNBC....

Larry King: Last of Cable's Nice Guys

CNN's aiming for viciousness

(Newser) - Without Larry King, CNN’s going to be a much nastier place. King was the last of cable news’ gentlemen, laments Tom Shales of the Washington Post . His show “got to be an increasingly lonely outpost of humane civility in a mephitic menagerie of hotheads, saber rattlers, cretins and...

Tea Partiers Call for Boycott of Chris Matthews

Activists call MSNBC host's documentary 'left-wing propaganda'

(Newser) - Tea Party activists are calling for an advertiser boycott of Chris Matthews in the wake of his scathing documentary Rise of the New Right, which they call a “left-wing propaganda hit piece.” The National Tea Party Foundation said Hardball’s advertisers “cannot continue their support of a...

Olbermann Rips Lefty Critics, Leaves Daily Kos

He was accused of criticizing Obama to boost ratings

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann is apparently done writing a diary for lefty site Daily Kos. In an angry post titled "Check, Please," Olbermann lashes back at one critic on the site in particular who accused him of criticizing President Obama's oil speech to boost ratings. He says "there's been...

Lawrence O'Donnell Gets MSNBC's 10PM Gig

Replaces Olbermann rerun

(Newser) - Longtime MSNBC talking head Lawrence O’Donnell is about to get his own show at 10pm, replacing the rerun of Keith Olbermann’s Countdown that’s been following Rachel Maddow. “I’ve had a part-time job at MSNBC for 14 years,” O’Donnell said in a statement. “...

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