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MSNBC Hires Megan McCain
 MSNBC Hires Meghan McCain 

MSNBC Hires Meghan McCain

She made her debut yesterday

(Newser) - There's an new broadcast commentator in town. Get ready for the Republican voice and face of Meghan McCain on ... MSNBC . "I'm very excited," said McCain, 28, in her broadcast staff debut yesterday as she weighed in on the GOP field. "I didn’t know it...

Blacks Duped by Propaganda on Lefty 'Plantation': Pat Buchanan

Stands by Herman Cain, agrees African-Americans were 'brainwashed'

(Newser) - Pat Buchanan agrees with Herman Cain that African-Americans were “brainwashed” into being Democrats—in fact, they “bought a lot of liberal propaganda on the liberal plantation,” he told Martin Bashir on MSNBC yesterday. “I think the African-American community has embraced Great Society liberalism which has been...

Meet the Radio Preacher Who Backs Bachmann

But she keeps him at arm's length

(Newser) - Drug-addled-rocker-cum-evangelical-radio-host Bradlee Dean has won many conservative fans, the New York Times reports. One is apparently Michele Bachmann. She has spoken on Dean's show, but keeps the connection low-profile—perhaps because Dean has commented on executing gays, and says President Obama has done more harm to America than Osama...

GOP Rep: More Taxes Would Kill My $600K a Year

John Fleming attacks Obama deficit plan

(Newser) - Welcome to the tragic world of Rep. John Fleming: Sure, he pulled in $6.3 million last year from his Subway and UPS franchises, but "that's before you pay 500 employees, before you pay rent, you pay equipment, and food." After coughing up those expenses, the Louisiana...

Andrea Mitchell: I Have Breast Cancer

But MSNBC anchor says her prognosis is 'terrific'

(Newser) - MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell ended her show this afternoon with what she called a "personal note"—announcing that she has breast cancer but that she caught it early and has a "terrific prognosis," reports Mediaite . "I had planned to be hiking in Wyoming last week...

Schultz: Sorry About Misleading Perry Clip

MSNBC host accused Texas governor of racism for 'black cloud' remark

(Newser) - Ed Schultz sort-of apologized last night for airing a deceptively cut clip of Rick Perry. On Monday, Schultz showed a clip of Perry saying that a “big black cloud” was over America, condemning it as coded racism. “That black cloud Perry is talking about is President Barack Obama,...

Wash Down 'Satan Sandwich' With 'Demon Drink'

Emanuel Cleaver breaks down his colorful remark

(Newser) - Emanuel Cleaver made quite a stir the other day when he called the debt ceiling deal a “ sugar-coated Satan sandwich ,” but he’s sticking by the remark—and even elaborating on it. In an interview this morning on Morning Joe, the host playfully asked what was in the...

Al Sharpton Poised to Get MSNBC Show

Cenk Uygur leaves network, criticizes brass

(Newser) - The deal isn't official yet, but the New York Times and Los Angeles Times say Al Sharpton is all but certain to get his own show at 6pm EST on MSNBC. It doesn't come without a dose of drama, though. Sharpton won the job over the outspoken Cenk...

MSNBC Suspends Halperin for 'D**k' Remark

Commentator calls move 'totally appropriate'

(Newser) - MSNBC has suspended Mark Halperin indefinitely after he called President Obama a “dick” on Morning Joe. “Mark Halperin's comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the president, the White House, and all of our viewers,” the network said in a statement. “...

Olbermann Debut Loses to MSNBC, Beats CNN

Lawrence O'Donnell gets more viewers in key demographic

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann's new Countdown debut didn’t exactly come with a ratings blastoff. Current TV hasn’t announced the complete numbers for Monday's show, but it said the program managed 179,000 viewers in the all-important 25-to-54 demographic advertisers crave. Current is happy with the rating, but Mediaite...

Keith Olbermann Dishes About MSNBC Feud

And reveals who he's hired away from his former network

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann isn’t talking to Rachel Maddow, he’s pulling down a fortune at Current TV, and he’s plucked suspended MSNBC anchor David Shuster to be his fill-in host there. Those are just some of the revelations in a characteristically candid interview Olbermann gave the Hollywood Reporter . Some...

MSNBC Suspends Ed Schultz for 'Right-Wing Slut' Comment

Liberal host went after Laura Ingraham on his radio program

(Newser) - MSNBC will suspend liberal radio and TV host Ed Schultz for a week without pay for calling Laura Ingraham a "right-wing slut" on his radio show, reports Talking Points Memo . As noted by the Daily Caller , Schultz rolled out the epithet yesterday to lash out at Ingraham, who had...

New MSNBC Talking Head: Michael Steele

Former RNC chief looking forward to 'spirited' debate

(Newser) - The unemployment rate just went down a bit: Michael Steele, the former chair of the Republican National Committee who stepped down in January, has signed onto MSNBC as a regular commentator. Steele was rumored to be in talks with CNN and Fox, but has also made several guest appearances on...

On NBC News, Not a Peep About GE Tax Story

But reps say that has nothing to do with the fact that GE is parent company

(Newser) - The GE tax avoidance story was kind of a big one—so why wasn't it covered on NBC News when it broke on Friday ... or on Saturday or Sunday or Monday? Critics were quick to point out that GE is NBC's parent company, but representatives insist that had nothing to...

Latest Casualty of World's Upheaval: Media Budgets

From Libya to Japan, the money's running out

(Newser) - There’s been a lot of news around the world in 2011—too much, in fact, for some news organizations to handle. Japan, Libya, and Egypt have stretched already tight cable and broadcast news budgets to the breaking point, The Wrap reports. “We've already had a year's worth of...

Fox News, CNN, MSNBC Shed 13.7% of Viewers

Every cable news channel sees drop-off for first time in 12 years

(Newser) - CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News all lost viewers last year for the first time in at least 12 years, a study finds. A Pew journalism group found a combined 13.7% drop in viewership, the largest decline of any news sector, and all three networks fell for the first time...

Ron Paul: Education, Medical Care Aren't Rights

They are 'things that you have to earn'

(Newser) - Neither education nor medical care are rights, Rep. Ron Paul told MSNBC—they’re "things that you have to earn." Host Cenk Uygur asked Paul whether the government should give "a helping hand" to a hypothetical poor child in his district who couldn't afford tuition, to which...

Bill Clinton, aka 'President of the World'

Chris Matthews' glowing TV special focuses on years since office

(Newser) - To most of us, he's "the former president," "Bill Clinton," or maybe "Bubba." But to Chris Matthews on this Presidents' Day, Clinton is President of the World, the name of his much ballyhooed, frenetic TV special airing tonight at 10pm. Taking a look at...

Keith Olbermann Moving to Current TV
 Keith Olbermann 
 Moving to Current TV 

Keith Olbermann Moving to Current TV

Former Countdown host announces his next move

(Newser) - It's official: Keith Olbermann is headed to Current TV. The announcement on the Current TV website calls the former MSNBC host a "great provocateur" and says he'll bring his "slashing wit, analytical eye, and distinctive commentary" to a nightly primetime news and commentary show. Olbermann will also be...

For Best Egypt Coverage in US, Stick to CNN

MSNBC, Fox resort to left-right political screamfests

(Newser) - For American TV viewers looking to keep tabs on Egypt, there's really no contest, writes Allesandra Stanley in the New York Times : Keep it on CNN. Rivals MSNBC and Fox are giving lots of air time to the subject, but their coverage tends to degenerate into predictable left-right battle lines....

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