
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Batman Marketing in Limbo
Batman Marketing in Limbo

Batman Marketing in Limbo

Ledger's death forces Warner Bros. to reconsider viral campaign

(Newser) - Heath Ledger’s untimely death is a major problem for Batman—or, more accurately, his marketing people. Warner Bros. has built an entire advertising campaign for the upcoming Dark Knight installment around Ledger’s Joker performance, a tactic that’s now fairly awkward, the Wall Street Journal reports. Fans have...

Gotta Have My (Barbie) MP3
Gotta Have My (Barbie) MP3

Gotta Have My (Barbie) MP3

Ever more kids use digital music players—and advertisers catch on

(Newser) - Digital music players are hot—even with the lunchbox set: A recent study shows 31% of 6 to 10-year-olds use them. This means a whole new market for kid-themed players, accessories, music and video, reports Advertising Age. Indeed, players aimed at children have proliferated in the past two years. “...

Homemade Ad Tops Best List
Homemade Ad Tops Best List

Homemade Ad Tops Best List

Doritos plug was marketing home run

(Newser) - The best ad of 2007 cost 12 bucks to make. The winner of the Doritos Super Bowl commercial contest took best ad honors in USA Today's poll of ad pros and couch potatoes. And that wasn't even the most authentic or irreverent item on the list. The winners are:
  • Best

Pollution Fight Gains Star Power
Pollution Fight Gains Star Power

Pollution Fight Gains Star Power

Ex-lawmaker consults on eco-friendly marketing for Amtrak, LA Metro

(Newser) - It's a push for green living, but with a uniquely Hollywood twist. The powerful William Morris talent agency has joined forces with stodgy government entities such as Amtrak and LA's public transportation system to push the eco-friendly benefits of mass transit. Advertising Age profiles the work in Hollywood of Kevin...

Dude, You're Losing an Account
Dude, You're Losing an Account

Dude, You're Losing an Account

Dell hires WPP to form one ad agency replacing the work of 800

(Newser) - Computer giant Dell has chosen WPP to handle all of its global advertising and marketing - bringing to one agency $4.5 billion worth of billings that had been spread among an astonishing 800 agencies world wide. The Wall Street Journal reports Dell and WPP will strike a unique partnership...

Products, Not People, to Star in NBC Drama

Marketers could buy key storyline slots under 'DVR-proof' ad strategy

(Newser) - TiVo-weary advertisers might be able to buy their brands starring roles in an NBC drama, Advertising Age reports. A show based on Matt Beaumont’s novel E centers on a fictional ad firm’s work with two real-life companies. The real-life-company slots, estimated near $500,000 each, will buy some...

Soon, Advertisers Will Get You Too
Soon, Advertisers Will Get You Too

Soon, Advertisers Will Get You Too

DVR pioneer Tivo sells demographic data

(Newser) - With cable companies crowding the TV recording industry it once lorded over, TiVo has found a new revenue stream – selling advertisers info about commercial skippers. Already purveyors of minute-by-minute ratings for shows, TiVo will now offer demographic details to hungry advertisers, the Wall Street Journal reports. “I want...

The Genius Who Gave Us the Toothpick

A brief history of America's favorite tiny stick

(Newser) - Americans might still be whittling their own toothpicks, if not for the marketing genius and borderline con-artistry of Charles Forster, writes Henry Petroski, author of a new book on toothpick history, in Slate. Forster swore to make a fortune mass-producing the pointy sticks, but had trouble finding buyers. So he...

More Docs Just Say No to Pharma Reps

Barrage of visits, free samples may cloud prescribing practices

(Newser) - More doctors, hospitals, and medical schools are limiting or barring visits from drug-company reps as the calls become more frequent and concerns grow that they may influence prescribing. An organization of doctors who pledge not to welcome pharma reps has only 800 members, but institutional players—including some states—are...

Insurer Opens (Virtual) Island Getaway

Another corporate marketing scheme pops up on Second Life

(Newser) - Cruising over to Insurance Island might not sound like the most fun thing to do with your virtual life, but Assicurazioni Generali SpA is dedicated to being the rare corporate Second Life island that works, offering a car chase game, and manning the island with real employees. The 176-year old...

Bank Gives Shy Thais Condoms
Bank Gives Shy Thais Condoms

Bank Gives Shy Thais Condoms

Thailand bank fights aids with free hand outs

(Newser) - Some unusual withdrawals will be taking place later this month as Thailand's Kasikorn Bank begins giving away free condoms, branded with the bank's logo, at its 600 branches.  Called "Condoms for Confidence," the campaign to combat the spread of AIDS  seeks to alleviate embarrassment felt by many...

Advertisers Eye Your Cell Phone
Advertisers Eye Your Cell Phone

Advertisers Eye Your Cell Phone

Bluetooth-enabled billboards to offer downloads if you get too close

(Newser) - If you’ve dreamed of having ads beamed right to your cell phone, a slew of new Bluetooth-enabled products might make you drowsy. Get close enough to one of these billboards or displays, and it’ll ask you to accept a download—a video, song, or coupon. Given cell phones'...

Singer's YouTube Tale Hits False Note

Digby already had record deal when she was 'discovered' online

(Newser) - It's supposed to be one of those YouTube success stories: Marié Digby becomes an overnight sensation by racking up hits and scores a record deal as a result. But in reality the deal preceded the videos. Her rise to fame has highlighted both the desperation of corporations to latch onto...

Dads Move in on Baby Market
Dads Move in
on Baby Market

Dads Move in on Baby Market

As fathers get more hands-on, baby gear is getting less female

(Newser) - As fathers continue to take a more active role in raising their children, the market for baby gear has become less mom-centric, the New York Times reports. And it's not all fishing vests with hidden diaper changing pads. Recent dad-born inventions include computerized baby timers and a nipple adapter that...

FTC Subpoenas Food Giants on Marketing to Kids

Congress wants data on childhood obesity

(Newser) - The FTC dealt out 44 subpoenas yesterday to food companies, including McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and Kraft, seeking information on how much they spent on advertising to kids. The businesses have until November 1 to comply for a report the FTC is preparing for Congress on marketing practices and child obesity.

TV Networks Twitter About New Service

Marketing execs turn to popular messenger to spread their message

(Newser) - TV networks, always on the prowl for new marketing ploys, are tapping into Twitter.  Using the popular 140-word-or-less free instant messaging service, fans can receive (very) short updates and promotions from their favorite shows by text message or email. The twitter-sphere is still relatively small—there were only 370,...

Fox, CBS Block Condom Ad
Fox, CBS Block Condom Ad

Fox, CBS Block Condom Ad

Trojan pushes responsibility, but networks opt to pull out

(Newser) - Trojan says it's conceived of a new ad to promote condom use—but has hit a big rubber wall at two of the four major networks. Fox and CBS turned away the "Evolve" spot, set to premiere tonight, in which anthropomorphic pigs fail to tempt the interest of a...

Kellogg Will Ease Off Ads Aimed at Kids

Cereal giant plans voluntary nutrition, marketing changes

(Newser) - Averting a threatened lawsuit, Kellogg will reformulate its cereals and snack foods to make them more nutritious—or keep them as is and stop targeting advertising at children under 12. The plan affects about half of the company's offerings, meaning that fans of Pop-Tarts and Rice Krispies may be getting...

Disney Goes Native in New Markets
Disney Goes Native in New Markets

Disney Goes Native in New Markets

No more force-feeding US product in India, China, Latin America

(Newser) - The Walt Disney Co., failing in its efforts to sell American product in foreign markets, is retooling its overseas strategy to partner with local players.  With an eye on five enormous markets—India, China, Latin America, Russia, and South Korea—the entertainment icon is abandoning its go-it-alone approach to...

Small Labels Are the New Fashion Stars

Trendy, casual designers are edging out the stalwarts

(Newser) - Women of all ages are springing for trendier clothes from newer labels, and the fashion industry is scrambling to keep up, the Wall Street Journal reports. The fastest growing segment of the industry is small risk-taking labels that have elevated casual pieces like jeans, t-shirts and  cotton dresses to edgy...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>