heating oil

8 Stories

Alaskan Towns Low on Fuel as Ice Delays Delivery

Villages face shortage of heating oil

(Newser) - A harsh winter is taking a heavy toll on fuel supplies in Alaska. Two villages in the midst of 45-below temperatures have almost run out of heating oil, forcing a Noatak town store to ration borrowed supplies, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The village of Kobuk has turned to a...

Northeast Cuts Heating Aid for Poor

Thousands could suffer

(Newser) - Thousands of people in the Northeast could be left in the cold this winter, as the federal government cuts heating aid to the poor. Congress is considering cutting more than $1 billion from last year's $4.7 billion Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program budget, which helped almost 9...

Artists, Hipsters Go Without Winter Heat

For some holdouts, 50° is toasty

(Newser) - Living with the heat off—if they even have heat—is a way of life for some Northerners who get through the winter on a combination of ingenuity and insulation. Their motives are often curious. Take the New York artist who appreciates the acoustics of his loft so much he...

Venezuela Yanks Free Fuel for Poor Americans

Plunging price of oil forces Chavez to freeze fuel aid program

(Newser) - Venezuela has halted its gifts of free fuel to America's poor, the New York Times reports. The controversial foreign aid project supplied heating oil to 200,000 low-income households in 23 states and on Indian reservations, but the plunge in the price of oil has hit Venezuela hard and President...

Winter Oil Heating Costs to Fall
 Winter Oil Heating
Costs to Fall

Winter Oil Heating Costs to Fall

Demand and energy prices continue to fall

(Newser) - The cost of heating an American home with oil this winter will fall 13%, according to government price forecasts released yesterday. The average heating bill for a typical winter for oil customers will be just under $1,700, reports USA Today. But those who use natural gas for heating—who...

As Oil Costs Bubble, Alternative Heating Gets Hot

With home heating oil prices rising, natural gas looks like a better deal

(Newser) - Northeasterners expecting the price of heating oil to hit $4.35 a gallon are creating an avalanche of new business for heating and cooling contractors as they increasingly look to convert from oil heat to natural gas, reports the Wall Street Journal. A conversion to natural gas heat can cost...

Shutoffs Loom as Heating Costs Spiral
Shutoffs Loom as Heating
Costs Spiral

Shutoffs Loom as Heating Costs Spiral

With record number behind on bills, federal grants fall short

(Newser) - As heating-fuel costs climb, millions of Americans are behind on electric and gas bills—and a record number will face a shutoff over the next 2 months, the New York Times reports. A federal grant program to help beleaguered consumers keep the heat on covers just 35% of a winter's...

Bundle Up — Heating Costs Rising This Winter

Rising crude futures could signal cold winter for heating-oil users

(Newser) - Skyrocketing crude prices are sending shivers through American homeowners, who enter winter facing the highest heating oil prices in history. The average oil-heated household will spend $1,785 to keep warm this winter, the Washington Post reports, up 22% from last year. Natural gas users will see a 10% percent...

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