
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Upheaval Looms as White Majorities Fade

Voting districts morph as minority power grows

(Newser) - A sea change in American politics looms as white majorities are fading in a burgeoning number of voting districts across America. Nearly half of House members represent districts with at least 30% minority populations, double the rate in the 90s, and a fraction of what's bound to occur in the...

Dad: Palin Left Hawaii Because of Minorities

Too many Asians, Pacific Islanders, he says in new book

(Newser) - In a new book, Sarah Palin’s father says one reason she cut short her college career in Hawaii was because the heavy minority population made her uncomfortable—and not, as she writes in her book, because “perpetual sunshine isn’t necessarily conducive to serious academics.” Lefty sites...

Obama Rejects Criticism of Black Caucus

It's a 'mistake' to focus on 'particular ethnic segments,' he says

(Newser) - President Obama says he understands the frustrations of the Congressional Black Caucus, but thinks it would be a "mistake" for him to focus too exclusively on the plight of black Americans in the recession. "The most important thing I can do for the African-American community is the same...

In 2010, GOP Set to Shake White-Guy Image

Party has wealth of female and minority candidates on deck

(Newser) - The ongoing shake-up in the Republican Party may see a much more diverse set of GOP candidates up for election in 2010, Politico reports. Viable female and ethnic minority Republicans candidates will be seeking governor's jobs or Senate seats in states across the country, including California and Texas. The candidates,...

Record 40% of SAT Takers Now Minorities

(Newser) - Minority participation in the SAT is up to 40% in 2009, the highest level ever, the Washington Post reports. That's up 2 points since last year and a whopping 10 points since 1999. “More than ever, the SAT reflects the diversity of students in our nation's classrooms," says...

Census Shows Minorities' Role in Obama Victory

(Newser) - Increased turnout by minorities in last year's election helped Barack Obama take several swing states and advance in GOP strongholds, new data from the Census Bureau shows. Turnout was 64%, the same as the last presidential election—but a growing population means that 5 million more people voted in 2008...

Stimulus Cash Isn't Making It to Hard-Hit Minorities

African-Americans, Hispanics pummeled by recession

(Newser) - With unemployment at 14.7% among African Americans and 12.2% among Hispanics, the recession is hitting minority communities particularly hard. But as is often the case with so-called “colorblind” spending, stimulus funds, intended to be equal-opportunity, aren’t making it to these groups. The government must “start...

Petitioners to CVS: Free the Condoms!

Cites particular concern in poor and minority areas

(Newser) - A labor coalition is sponsoring a petition calling on CVS to stop locking up condoms, the Kansas City Star reports. More than 200 groups across the country have signed the appeal to stop the practice, which the mega-chain says is an anti-shoplifting measure but critics say scares off would-be shoppers....

Unrest Shines Light on Chinese Ethnic Fractures

'Monolithic myth' fades after riots

(Newser) - The government clings to the notion of a “harmonious” country, but China is home to 56 “official” ethnic groups and many unofficial divisions—which are widening as some push for “increased cultural nationalism and resistance to Beijing central control,” writes Dru Gladney in the Wall Street ...

Obama Will Try to Rig a Third Term: Limbaugh

Barack, like Honduran prez, just wants to 'rule' for as long as possible

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh says President Obama condemned the military coup against Honduran President Manuel Zelaya in order to “lay a foundation for not being a hypocrite when he tries to serve beyond 2016,” RealClearPolitics reports. The army moved against Zelaya when he tried to eliminate term limits—“basically...

Obama's Inclusive Message Extends to White House Walls

Call for art includes minority painters, abstract works

(Newser) - More change is coming to Washington, and this time it’s aesthetic. President Obama’s request for works from African-American, Hispanic, and female artists to adorn the White House walls stems from a desire to “round out the permanent collection” and “give new voices” to non-traditional or low-profile...

Foreclosure Crisis Wallops Minority Neighborhoods

Lenders accused of 'redlining' black neighborhoods for subprime loans

(Newser) - The national foreclosure crisis is battering minority neighborhoods with disproportionate force, the New York Times reports. Few areas in the New York region have been untouched by the crisis, but 85% of the worst-hit neighborhoods have a majority of black and Latino homeowners. Experts blame the trend on subprime lenders'...

Kemp Changed GOP Forever
 GOP Forever 

Kemp Changed GOP Forever

(Newser) - For Adam Clymer, writing in the New York Times, Jack Kemp won’t be remembered as just a Bills star and Buffalo congressman. He’ll be remembered as the player who boycotted a New Orleans game to protest segregation, and the politician who “moved the Republican Party to a...

A Tough Guy for Everyone
 A Tough Guy for Everyone 

A Tough Guy for Everyone

Why Wolverine has had such lasting appeal

(Newser) - Wolverine has endured. The character has two comic-book series, a new blockbuster movie, and his own exhibit at New York’s comic museum 35 years after being introduced as a sidekick. Why has Wolverine had such long lasting appeal? With a dark, mysterious past, and a “penchant for berserker...

Obama Brings Ethnic Media Into Loop
Obama Brings Ethnic Media
Into Loop

Obama Brings Ethnic Media Into Loop

Latino, black outlets see better access to White House

(Newser) - From phoning Hispanic radio hosts to appearing on Telemundo, President Obama has shown a willingness to connect with the Latino community many feel his predecessor lacked. And while Obama’s first print interview as president was with Black Enterprise magazine, the White House and ethnic media outlets are approaching this...

Housing Meltdown Not a Racial Issue
 Housing Meltdown
 Not a Racial Issue 

Housing Meltdown Not a Racial Issue

Conservative commentators have chosen the wrong scapegoat

(Newser) - Some conservative commentators have bypassed greedy Wall Street firms, reckless lenders, and a government asleep at the wheel to blame minorities for the credit crisis, Cynthia Tucker observes in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. This a misguided move for many reasons, she writes. For starters, the affirmative action lending programs they...

GOP Throws a Very White Party
 GOP Throws a Very White Party 

GOP Throws a Very White Party

Diversity not strong for GOP

(Newser) - Scan the faces in the Xcel Energy Center, and you’ll see a sea of white. This year’s Republican National Convention is the whitest on record, the Washington Post reports, with just 36 black delegates —out of 2,380. “It’s hard to look around and not...

Minorities Becoming Majority Across US

2007 census reveals dramatic trend

(Newser) - The white population has declined in more than half of US counties, marking a dramatic shift in America's human landscape, reports USA Today. The data from the 2007 census, released today, reveals a continuing trend of immigration and growth within minority populations, coupled with slow or no growth among many...

Minority Kids Sink at Swimming
 Minority Kids Sink at Swimming 

Minority Kids Sink at Swimming

Push on to get children in the swim

(Newser) - More than half of black and Latino children never learn to swim, according to the governing body of US competitive swimming, which is trying to encourage more minority involvement in the sport. Nearly 60% of black and Latino children can't swim—compared to a third of white kids—and they're...

Comic Artists Plan Black and White Protest

'Minority' strips not interchangeable, say fed-up cartoonists

(Newser) - Sick of seeing colleagues turned down by newspapers that already have their fill of cartoons depicting minorities, artists of color are planning a draw-in Sunday, the Washington Post reports. The minds behind strips like "Candorville," "Herb and Jamaal," and "Cafe con Leche" will wield their...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>