in vitro fertilization

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Lesbians Sue NJ Over Fertility Treatment Mandate

Only women who've proven infertility via '2 years of unprotected intercourse' covered

(Newser) - When Erin and Marianne Krupa decided they wanted to start a family five years ago, they moved from North Carolina to New Jersey in search of a less conservative environment. Little did they know they were about to hit upon a state insurance mandate from 2001 that they say specifically...

How to Get Pregnant at 50 Without IVF

'Snowflake moms' find drastically better odds, lower costs via embryo adoption

(Newser) - After multiple failed pregnancies, Maria Lancaster miscarried again when she was 46. At age 47, however, she finally gave birth to a daughter, though her pregnancy did not come through in vitro fertilization, or egg or sperm donation. Rather, Lancaster is a "snowflake mom," Ozy reports, having adopted...

First-Time Mom Gives Birth at Age 70

Indian woman and her husband, 79, used IVF

(Newser) - An Indian woman says her life is now complete, at the age of 70, because she's finally given birth to her first baby. Daljinder Kaur and her 79-year-old husband have been married 46 years and had nearly given up on having a child, Kaur says. But they saw an...

Chrissy Teigen's Latest Twitter Fight Involves Embryos

Pregnant supermodel puts haters in their place on Twitter

(Newser) - Turns out a lot of people don't understand how IVF works, a fact Chrissy Teigen recently learned after explaining to People why she and husband John Legend chose to implant a female embryo for her first pregnancy. As Mary Elizabeth Williams points out on Salon , Twitter exploded after the...

Meet World&#39;s 1st IVF Puppies
 Meet World's 1st IVF Puppies 

Meet World's 1st IVF Puppies

7 Cornell mutts hailed as 'huge breakthrough' that eluded scientists for 40 years

(Newser) - A surrogate hound gave birth to seven half-pound puppies on July 10, an everyday occurrence save that the squirmy furballs were the first dogs ever conceived in a test tube. "We each took a puppy and rubbed it with a little towel and when it started to squiggle and...

Trans Teen Freezes Eggs So He Can Be a Father

Cole Carman, 18, says he knows he wants to be a dad some day

(Newser) - An 18-year-old San Francisco-area transgender teen may be the first to have had eggs harvested prior to transition. Having decided last year to go from Nicole to Cole Carman, the teen decided to harvest his eggs first so it would be easier to have his own biological children down the...

Woman Denied the Chance to Carry Her Grandchild

Court rules UK mother can't use dead daughter's eggs

(Newser) - When a UK woman was diagnosed with bowel cancer at age 23, her parents say there was one thing she wanted if she didn't survive: to have her mom carry her babies . But the High Court in London has dashed that dream after ruling that the fertilized eggs of...

Dolce & Gabbana: Boycotting Us Is 'Medieval'

Italian designers talk to CNN

(Newser) - Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are continuing their explanation tour after calling kids born via IVF " synthetic ." In an interview today, Dolce told CNN that though he does "believe in the traditional family," he doesn't judge those who use IVF. His fashion designer partner Gabbana,...

Woman Born Without Womb Has Twins

Hayley Haynes, 28, has IVF after growing womb

(Newser) - A London woman born with no womb has undergone a near-miraculous medical process and given birth to healthy twin girls, the Telegraph reports. Hayley Haynes, 28, was devastated at 19 to learn she had no Fallopian tubes, ovaries, or womb, thanks to a condition known as androgen insensitivity syndrome (which...

Woman, 56, Dies Week After Having Longed-For Twins

Lisa Swinton McLaughlin thought pain was related to her cesarean section

(Newser) - In her 56 years, Lisa Swinton McLaughlin racked up more accomplishments than most who live decades longer manage to do: A Creighton University law school grad, she worked for 13 years as a Nebraska special assistant attorney general—before heading to medical school and ultimately becoming executive medical officer with...

'Robot Sperm' Slow but Accurate

Tiny robots could be used for IVF, researchers say

(Newser) - Technophobes may be alarmed to learn that new sperm-like robots could soon be performing many activities—including fertilizing human eggs. Researchers say the tiny bots, dubbed "MagnetoSperm," were inspired by the shape and movement of sperm cells and can "swim" to their target with incredible accuracy, LiveScience...

This 46-Year-Old Woman's Baby Set a Record

Belinda Slaughter gave birth via IVF, using her own fresh eggs

(Newser) - A 46-year-old Florida woman became a new mom to a healthy baby boy last year via IVF—and though it's not unheard of for a woman to deliver a baby at her age, what's medically remarkable is that Belinda Slaughter didn't use frozen or donated embryos, but...

FDA May Allow Babies With 3 Parents

Observers cite concerns about 'designer babies'

(Newser) - An advisory panel to the FDA is investigating the merits of a technique dubbed "three-parent IVF," a method opponents worry could lead to so-called "designer babies," the Washington Post reports. The method in question aims to help mothers who carry risky DNA mutations—causing blindness or...

IVF Births Hit Record High
 IVF Births Hit Record High 

IVF Births Hit Record High

Procedure now accounts for 1.5% of US births

(Newser) - Around 30 years after America's first "test tube baby" was born, enough IVF babies were born in the US in 2012 to fill a medium-sized town, according to a new report from the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology. The organization says its 379 member clinics performed a total...

Ovary-less Woman's Pregnancy Hailed as a First

Frozen ovarian tissue grafted onto abdominal wall, produced 2 eggs

(Newser) - A world-first procedure offers new hope to women seeking to get pregnant after losing their ovaries. For the first time, ovarian tissue transplanted to a woman's abdomen has led to a successful pregnancy. A woman in Australia identified as Vali had both her ovaries removed while being treated for...

Woman Has Baby Using Embryo Frozen 18 Years

Kelly Burke makes history with embryo adoption, birth

(Newser) - Kelly Burke, now 45, struggled with infertility before deciding to adopt an embryo in order to have a child—and not just any embryo, but one frozen 18 years ago. A couple in Oregon who went through IVF to have twins in 1994 (themselves using donated eggs) had decided to...

Jason Patric Fights for More Rights for Sperm Donors

Jason Patric fighting for a relationship with his son

(Newser) - If Jason Patric has his way, sperm donors in California could find themselves with more legal rights regarding their biological children. The Lost Boys actor appeared before the Assembly Judiciary Committee yesterday to ask lawmakers to approve a bill that would expand paternal rights for fathers in IVF conceptions. The...

&#39;Father of IVF&#39; Dead at 87

 'Father of IVF' 
 Dead at 87 

'Father of IVF' Dead at 87

Sir Robert Edwards passes away at home

(Newser) - Sir Robert Edwards, the British professor who has been called "the father of IVF," died today at age 87. Edwards developed in vitro fertilization with another doctor, and in 1978, the first "test tube baby" was born. That baby, Louise Brown, now says she thought of Edwards...

Maine Woman Gives Birth to Own Grandson

Served as surrogate for daughter, who has heart condition

(Newser) - Madden Hebert came into the world quite normally a couple of weeks ago—if you skip over the fact that it was his grandmother who gave birth to him. No, it's not a supermarket tabloid special, it's from the more mundane Maine Sunday Telegram , which reports that Madden'...

Best Season for IVF: Spring
 Best Season for IVF: Spring 
study says

Best Season for IVF: Spring

Temps, daylight hours may affect fertility rates

(Newser) - Infertile couples considering in vitro fertilization might do well to develop a little spring fever, suggests a new study out of Brazil. It found that's the season in which fertilization rates are at their highest, reports the Wall Street Journal . Researchers reviewed the fertilization rates of 1,932 women...

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