House Judiciary Committee

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Rove Pushed for Firing of US Attorney in NM

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee released documents today that Democrats say put Karl Rove and former Bush counsel Harriet Miers at the center of the US attorney firing scandal, Politico reports. “Karl Rove and his cohorts at the Bush White House were the driving force behind several of these firings,...

Dems 'Would Love to Have Me Barbecued': Rove

Former Bush aide will testify on attorney firings, governor's prosecution

(Newser) - Karl Rove is looking forward to testifying before the House Judiciary Committee concerning his alleged role in the sacking of several federal prosecutors, Fox News reports. But beware the “show trial,” Rove said, as “some Democrats would love to have me barbecued.” Rove will also be...

Rove, Miers to Testify on Attorney Firings

(Newser) - Karl Rove and Harriet Miers have agreed to testify before Congress about the controversial firing of US attorneys, CBS reports. The former Bush aides' testimony will not be public, though that could happen in the future, notes the Public Record. Congress is investigating whether the Bush administration fired the attorneys...

Conyers Raps Obama Surgeon General Pick

Gupta 'lacks the requisite experience,' congressman charges

(Newser) - Barack Obama's apparent choice for surgeon general, Sanjay Gupta, is drawing fire from within his own party, ABC News reports. John Conyers of Michigan, the House Judiciary Committee chair, sent a letter to his fellow legislators today encouraging them to join him in protesting the nomination of the CNN fixture...

Lawmakers Make Much of Karl Rove's Empty Seat

Rove defies subpoena, gets snarky 'chair treatment'

(Newser) - Karl Rove ignored a subpoena ordering him to appear before a House committee probing alleged abuses of power in the Justice Department yesterday—and the committee didn't let that get in their way. Lawmakers printed a name card for Rove, pointed a mike at an empty chair, fetched a cool...

McClellan to Testify on Plamegate Claims

Lawmakers will ask if Bush, Cheney told ex-spokesman to lie

(Newser) - Scott McClellan agreed today to testify about Dick Cheney's role in leaking the name of a CIA agent, the AP reports. In a hearing next week, House lawmakers are expected to ask him about his claim that Cheney and President Bush told him to "exonerate Scooter Libby" as White...

House Panel Subpoenas Karl Rove
House Panel Subpoenas
Karl Rove

House Panel Subpoenas Karl Rove

Lawmakers want to know if attorneys were fired over politics

(Newser) - A House panel slapped Karl Rove with a subpoena today to compel his testimony on the White House's role in the firing of federal attorneys and the prosecution of Democratic Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, the Chicago Tribune reports. Rove, due to appear July 10, refused requests to speak voluntarily to...

Showdown Looms Over Cheney Staffer

VP battling House subpoena for key aide on interrogation policy

(Newser) - Whether a key Dick Cheney aide can be forced to testify is at the heart of a pending blow-up between Congress and the White House over a probe into interrogation techniques, Reuters reports. The House Judiciary Committee plans to subpoena Cheney's chief of staff, David Addington—but the vice president...

Judge Springs Gov. Linked to 'Political Prosecution'

Expected to testify at House probe on political cases

(Newser) - The former governor of Alabama, serving seven years for bribery in a case critics claim was engineered by the White House, has been ordered released pending appeal. Don Siegelman will now be free to testify at congressional hearings on politically motivated prosecutions, reports CNN. Siegelman's supporters charge that he was...

Dems Slam Ashcroft for 'Backroom' $52M Contract

Ex-AG denies charges in House hearing

(Newser) - John Ashcroft angrily denied congressional Democrats' allegations today that a lucrative no-bid contract the Justice Department awarded him represents a conflict of interest, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. Democrats characterized the contract as a “backroom sweetheart deal” because Ashcroft's ex-subordinates selected his firm to monitor a medical supply company...

House Sues Bush Aides Over Subpoenas

Lawsuit calls on Miers, Bolton to talk about fired prosecutors

(Newser) - Lawmakers sued two top Bush aides today to make them testify about the sacking of federal prosecutors in 2006. The House Judiciary Committee suit seeks to enforce subpoenas against White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten and former Bush counsel Harriet Miers, who have refused to testify or supply subpoenaed...

Impeach Cheney Resolution Hits House Floor

Kucinich bill sent off to committee, not fast enough for some Dems

(Newser) - Dennis Kucinich's dogged campaign to impeach Dick Cheney had its moment in the spotlight today, when Kucinich brought his bill to to the House floor and, with an unexpected assist from Republicans hoping to embarrass the majority party, it was nearly opened for debate. GOP members voted to allow debate...

Senate Brokers Truce With Bush on Domestic Spying

Includes immunity for phone companies

(Newser) - Senate Democrats and Republicans have brokered a deal on legislation regarding the White House domestic spying and wiretapping program—including a highly controversial grant of immunity to telecommunication companies that co-operated with warrantless wiretaps. The deal marks a victory for the White House because Democrats had to kill a House...

House to Examine NFL Disability
House to Examine NFL Disability

House to Examine NFL Disability

(Newser) - The disability system for NFL players will receive additional scrutiny now that a House committee with "serious questions" about it has commissioned a Congressional Research Service study, the Baltimore Sun reports. The committee wants to find "why only a small percentage of former players receive disability benefits in...

FBI Chief's Testimony Contradicts Gonzales

Democrats demand perjury probe

(Newser) - Pressure mounted on Alberto Gonzales yesterday as FBI director Robert Mueller directly contradicted the attorney general in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. Mueller and Gonzales gave dramatically different accounts about  whether the Justice department's secret eavesdropping program was the subject of the now-legendary nighttime confrontation at the hospital bedside...

Sheehan Arrested in Impeachment Protest

Anti-war mom will run against Pelosi

(Newser) - Antiwar mom Cindy Sheehan was arrested yesterday after overstaying her welcome in Rep. John Conyer's office on Capitol Hill. She was there to urge Conyers to impeach President Bush over his conduct of the war in Iraq, and to announce that she will run for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San...

House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote
House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote

House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote

Executive privilege battle looms in US attorney firings probe

(Newser) - Congress is speeding toward a constitutional collision with the White House over the US attorney firings, the Washington Post reports. The House Judiciary Committee votes tomorrow on contempt citations against current chief of staff Joshua Bolten and ex-counsel Harriet Miers. President Bush has said he will challenge any attempt to...

Bush Chief of Staff May Face Contempt Charge

House panel rejects privilege claim

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten may face contempt charges over the administration's refusal  to turn over subpoenened documents. A House panel yesterday voted 7-3 to reject the White House contention that the documents—sought in the probe of the dismissals of US attorneys—are covered by executive privilege,...

Radio Should Pay to Play, Artists Argue

Music industry wants to start collecting AM, FM royalties

(Newser) - It's time AM and FM radio broadcasters started paying for the music they play, a group of music industry types has decided. They're lobbying Congress to amend the federal law that has exempted terrestrial radio from paying artists' royalties for nearly a century, Business Week reports.  

Elle Woods, Is That You?
Elle Woods,
Is That You?

Elle Woods, Is That You?

Slate 's legal correspondent is tougher on Dems than they were on Goodling

(Newser) - Monica Goodling cleared a very low bar in her Congressional testimony yesterday, Slate's Dahlia Lithwick argues, and she can thank the Democrats who questioned her for making her look good. The majority members of the House Judiciary Committee, "in expecting to question the Great Exploding Idiot Barbie," Lithwick...

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