Jeb Bush

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Jeb Bush on 2012: 'I Am Not Running'
 Jeb Bush on 2012: 
 'I Am Not Running' 
HE'S NO 45

Jeb Bush on 2012: 'I Am Not Running'

Gives Obama some rare praise on education reform

(Newser) - Jeb Bush was asked about his 2012 ambitions yesterday, and he replied in the starkest possible terms. “I am not running for president,” he told a reporter for WHAS11 in Kentucky. The remark seems pretty offhand, but it’s getting national attention, because of recent chatter about a...

Jeb Bush for President

 Jeb Bush 
 for President 

Jeb Bush for President

Republicans are foolish to ignore him

(Newser) - Republicans keep lining up the usual suspects as presidential candidates and foolishly ignore "the candidate hiding in plain sight"—Jeb Bush. So says Joshua Green, who disputes the conventional wisdom that Bush can't possibly win because he shares the same last name as his brother. "For one...

Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012
Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Potential nominee: John McCain (yes, that John McCain)

(Newser) - Republicans, are you ready to repeat the McCain-Obama showdown? No? Well, the National Republican Senatorial Committee figured it ought to check, just to be sure. The NRSC, which you would think would be busy working on 2010 Senate campaigns, sent a questionnaire to its supporters asking which presidential candidate they’...

Jeb Bush: 'Childish' Obama Picking on George

He thinks president is 'Hubert Humphrey on steroids'

(Newser) - Ex-presidents are supposed to remain above the fray, so it’s up to Jeb Bush to defend his brother’s administration from the Obama White House—and he’s eager to do it, ripping Obama in an interview with the New York Times today. “He apparently likes to act...

Meghan McCain Differs With Dad, Hates Arizona Law

Count Out Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, too

(Newser) - John McCain may think Arizona cops can enforce the immigration law without racial profiling, as he told CBS today, but daughter Meghan isn't so sure. Like her dad, she blames the federal government for not securing the border, but unlike him, she says this law is the wrong remedy. "...

Jeb Bush: Sarah Palin Not 'Intellectual' Enough

'I don't know what her deal is,' ex-governor says

(Newser) - Jeb Bush doesn’t think too highly of Sarah Palin. Asked how he felt about Alaska’s ex-governor in a recent Newsmax interview, Bush replied that Palin was a “natural” with a lot of “charisma.” But to be a good candidate for higher office, she’ll need...

Hillary Compares Nigeria Democracy to Florida 2000

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton told an audience of Nigerians yesterday that while their country's democracy is deeply flawed, the Florida presidential race recount shows America's isn't perfect either, the Guardian reports. "Our democracy is still evolving," Clinton said. "We had some problems in some of our presidential elections. In...

Calling Obama Socialist 'Won't Stick:' Jeb Bush

(Newser) - Jeb Bush has a pretty dim view of President Obama, but he wouldn’t go so far as to call him names. When Tucker Carlson asks the former Florida governor if Obama is “a socialist” in an interview for Esquire, Bush demurs. “I don't know,” he responds....

GOP Torn on 2012 Frontrunner
 GOP Torn on 2012 Frontrunner 

GOP Torn on 2012 Frontrunner

(Newser) - A frontrunner has yet to emerge among Republican candidates for the 2012 presidential election, according to a new CNN poll. Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, and Mitt Romney are currently tied as the most popular potential candidate, each winning roughly 21% of support among those surveyed. They're trailed by Newt Gingrich...

Cheney: Jeb Would Be a Fine President

Another Bush in White House? Fine idea, says former VP

(Newser) - Dick Cheney isn't happy that he and George W. Bush aren't running the world anymore, so he'll settle for the next best thing—stick Jeb Bush in the White House. “I think he's a good man," Cheney told Neil Cavuto of Fox. "I'd probably support him...

Jeb Sees GOP as Reform Party

 Jeb Sees GOP 
 as Reform Party 

Jeb Sees GOP as Reform Party

(Newser) - Jeb Bush cringes at the idea of running for office again, but that doesn’t mean he lacks bold vision for the Republican Party, writes Fred Barnes in the Wall Street Journal. Bush thinks the GOP should morph into a reform party, starting with the states. “A real effort...

Poppy Bush Bids WH Adieu, Hopes Jeb Will Make His Run

Dubya 'emotional' as family leaves 2nd time

(Newser) - The Bush family may be saying goodbye to the presidency yet again, but the family patriarch isn't letting go of his hopes to see another of his sons ensconced at the White House someday, Politico reports. “Maybe Jeb’ll do something," said President George HW Bush, during an...

GOP Faces Uphill Battle for Senate in 2010
GOP Faces Uphill Battle for Senate in 2010

GOP Faces Uphill Battle for Senate in 2010

Wave of retirees in competitive states leaves party open

(Newser) - The 2010 election isn’t looking any better than the past two for Senate Republicans, CNN reports. When two-term Ohio Sen. George Voinovich threw in the towel yesterday, he became the fourth Republican incumbent to step down and leave a potentially competitive race. Democrats have lost only Hillary Clinton and...

Jeb Bush Rules Out Senate Run in 2010

(Newser) - Jeb Bush put an end to feverish political speculation today and announced that he will not seek Mel Martinez’s Florida Senate seat in 2010, the Chicago Tribune reports. The former Florida governor was widely reported to be considering a run—even his father had publicly encouraged the idea. “...

A Third Bush in the White House?
A Third Bush
in the White

A Third Bush in the White House?

Poppy Bush wants Jeb to head to Senate, Oval Office eventually

(Newser) - Even as one son packs his bags to leave the White House, former President Bush is waxing poetic about seeing another move in one day. And since "right now is probably a bad time" with Americans Bushed out, HW suggests Jeb Bush would make "an outstanding senator."...

Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris
Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris
Talk Show Roundup

Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris

Durbin says no, Reid open to talking, and Burris a no-show

(Newser) - Roland Burris dominated the Sunday morning tongue-wagging, though the would-be senator himself was a no-show, reports the Hill. Elsewhere, mixed messages on whether to seat him:
  • Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin said on This Week that the Senate has no plans to seat Roland Burris. Burris was scheduled to appear alongside

Jeb Bush Leans Toward Senate Run in Florida

Ex-governor getting strong support

(Newser) - All signs are pointing toward a Jeb Bush run for the Senate in Florida, Politico reports. Nothing’s settled, say those close to him, but the former governor has been working the phones since Sen. Mel Martinez announced he wouldn’t run again in 2010. "Everything indicates that he's...

Dubya: Jeb Would Be 'Awesome' Senator

President touts brother's fitness for Fla. seat

(Newser) - President Bush gave his little brother a glowing job recommendation, telling RealClearPolitics the former Florida governor would make “an awesome US senator.” Among those who stand to benefit if Jeb Bush runs to replace retiring Republican Mel Martinez in 2010, per Dubya: The GOP, Florida, and the country....

Jeb Bush Eyes Florida Senate Seat

Former governor may run in 2010

(Newser) - Jeb Bush may be about to pump new life into his family's political dynasty by running for the Florida Senate in 2010. The president's baby brother and former Florida governor is mulling a grab for the seat which will be vacated by Republican Mel Martinez, who has decided not to...

Rumors From Vatican: Bush May Convert

Sit-down with pope sparks talk that prez could turn Catholic

(Newser) - President Bush visited Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican yesterday, sparking rumors that the president may convert to Catholicism, the Telegraph reports. They spoke in a garden where the pontiff prays daily, not in the library where Benedict greets most world leaders. “What an honor!” said Bush, who...

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