Jeb Bush

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Barbara Bush to Jeb: You Can Run, 'I Changed My Mind'

She sets the record straight

(Newser) - Remember a while back when Barbara Bush, pontificating about a Jeb 2016 candidacy, declared that there had already been "enough Bushes" in the White House? Well so does Team Jeb, apparently. And just to be safe, they got the Bush matriarch on board last night in a jokey set-up,...

Jeb Bush Posts SS Numbers of 12K Floridians

Former governor made up to 330K emails public in the name of 'transparency'

(Newser) - It hasn't been a good week for the man who calls himself the "eGovernor." First former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush accepted the resignation of PAC CTO Ethan Czahor after a series of offensive tweets by Czahor were uncovered. Now he's under fire for revealing personal info—...

Jeb Bush Aide Quits Over Offensive Tweets

New CTO's thoughts on 'sluts' embarrass Jeb's PAC

(Newser) - If the chief technology officer Jeb Bush's PAC hired this week had been savvy enough to clean up his social media history sooner, he would probably still be in the job. Instead, co-founder Ethan Czahor resigned yesterday after offensive tweets going back as far as 2009 surfaced,...

Jeb Bush: Yes, I Smoked Pot at Andover

Boston Globe profiles his 'troubled' four years at prep school

(Newser) - It's been a big day for Jeb Bush. First, Mitt Romney dropped out of the 2016 race, clearing the way for establishment GOP donors to focus for now on Bush and Chris Christie, reports the Wall Street Journal . And then the Boston Globe posted a profile of Bush's...

Jeb Bush Resigns From All His Boards

'Next natural step' toward a 2016 run, says spokesperson

(Newser) - One more sign that when Jeb Bush says he is "actively exploring" a presidential run in 2016, it means the formal announcement is just a matter of time: He has resigned from all his boards and continues to "shed business interests" ahead of a primary fight, reports the...

Jeb Bush: I'm 'Actively Exploring' a 2016 Run

It's the most definitive signal so far that he plans to run

(Newser) - Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush today took his most definitive step yet toward running for president, announcing plans to "actively explore" a campaign and form a new political operation allowing him to raise money for like-minded Republicans. In a holiday message posted on Bush's Facebook page and Twitter...

Top GOP Donors Focus Early on 3 Names

NYT says Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Mitt Romney are focus of talks

(Newser) - If you had to name the Democratic candidate in 2016, one name that ends in Clinton quickly comes to mind. But for Republicans? The Washington Post recently counted up no fewer than 23 potential candidates. Which might explain why the New York Times reports that the GOP's top donors...

Dubya on Jeb 2016: 50-50 Odds

Former governor 'wrestling with the decision,' says former prez

(Newser) - Former President George W. Bush is giving even odds about whether another Bush will try to occupy the White House. Brother Jeb, a former Florida governor, is "wrestling with the decision" of running for the Republican nomination in 2016, George W. Bush says. "I think it's 50-50,...

Jeb Bush Might Defy Mom for 2016 Run

Former Fla. governor sending mixed signals

(Newser) - Jeb Bush could be fundraising, taking part in debates, and traveling around the country just for the heck of it—or the former Florida governor could actually be planning a 2016 presidential run. There have been increasing whispers about that long-anticipated 2016 Bush-Hillary Clinton battle as Jeb's advisers are...

Clay Aiken Leads NC Race by Insanely Thin Margin

Meanwhile, establishment candidate crushes NC Tea Party candidate

(Newser) - Voters got their first chance to weigh in on Clay Aiken's political career yesterday, and it wasn't exactly a rousing success. Aiken currently holds an incredibly slim lead over his Democratic primary opponent in North Carolina's 2nd District, with 40.83% of the vote to Keith Crisco'...

Jeb Bush, GOP Hopefuls to Woo Casino Mogul

Sheldon Adelson played major role in the 2012 race

(Newser) - Jeb Bush and a handful of other GOP presidential hopefuls are heading to Las Vegas later this week to court big bucks—mostly from the pocket of casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, the LA Times reports. Bush will be featured speaker at the Republican Jewish Coalition (for donors offering $25,000...

Cruz: Fire Sebelius Over ObamaCare
 Cruz: Fire 
 Sebelius Over 


Cruz: Fire Sebelius Over ObamaCare

McCain thinks it's been a 'fiasco,' Pelosi sees room for improvement

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is less than impressed with ObamaCare's bumpy rollout, and would like Kathleen Sebelius' head to roll as a result, Politico reports. "Absolutely, she should resign. Why? Because the program she has implemented, ObamaCare, is a disaster. It’s not working, it’s hurting people all across...

How 2016 Could be Clinton Vs. Bush
 How 2016 Could Be 
 Clinton vs. Bush 

How 2016 Could Be Clinton vs. Bush

Frank Bruni: Jeb Bush could be the GOP's dark horse in 2016

(Newser) - Forget your Rand Pauls, your Ted Cruzes, and your Chris Christies—the Republican party's best hope in 2016 could very well be Jeb Bush, argues Frank Bruni in the New York Times . "Lying low in the subtropics of Florida, [Bush] has something they don’t," writes Bruni:...

Palin on Syria: 'Let Allah Sort It Out'

Says US should wait until it has a commander in chief 'who knows what he's doing'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin offered her thoughts on the question of US military intervention in Syria at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference today. The full quote, as per ABC News :
  • "Militarily, where is our commander in chief? We're talking now more new interventions. I say until we know what

Jeb Bush: 'Immigrants Are More Fertile'

He explains how they can help with population decline

(Newser) - Jeb Bush may regret letting this slip out. While talking about the need for immigration reform at a Washington conference today, the former Florida governor put forth that immigrants can help solve the problem of America's declining worker population ... because they're more fertile. Politico has the quote:
  • "

George W: I Hope Jeb Runs
 George W: I Hope Jeb Runs 

George W: I Hope Jeb Runs

Former president would like to make it three Bushes in White House

(Newser) - It wasn't an endorsement exactly, but George W. Bush tells Parade magazine that he'd love to see brother Jeb try to become the third Bush in the White House. "That’s for Jeb to figure out, you know what I mean?" he said, laughing. "I would...

Jeb Bush: It&#39;s Immigration Reform, Stupid
 Jeb Bush: 
 It's Immigration 
 Reform, Stupid 


Jeb Bush: It's Immigration Reform, Stupid

Also, it's too early to consider 2016

(Newser) - Jeb Bush is still busily making the rounds and the case for immigration reform today, telling Face the Nation that "if we can get immigration right, imagine, there's possibilities of cats and dogs living with one another in other policy areas as well." Calling it a "...

Is Jeb Bush's Foundation Really a 2016 Team?

The 2016 'evidence' just keeps on coming

(Newser) - Jeb Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education is, on paper, devoted to education reform—but it's also chock-full of former political operatives, communications staffers, and other types who could easily be turned into a campaign team, BuzzFeed reports, adding fuel to the rumors Bush is considering a run...

Jeb Bush Pens Book, Disagrees With It

Now he backs a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants

(Newser) - Jeb Bush's new book is out today, but it seems his opinions have already changed. In the book—which, to be fair, he says was written last year—he says illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay but be unable to "obtain the fruits of citizenship." "...

Hillary More Popular Than Obama

 More Popular 
 Than Obama 
Quinnipiac poll

Hillary More Popular Than Obama

... and everyone else in politics for that matter, says Quinnipiac

(Newser) - A new survey by Quinnipiac University is hopeful news for those pulling for Hillary Clinton in 2016. It shows her to be the nation's most popular politician, with a 61-34 favorable/unfavorable rating. That beats President Obama (51-46), Joe Biden (46-41), and John Kerry (43-33). The numbers fall short of...

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