abortion rights

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Obama Poised to Swiftly Reverse Bush Abortion Policy

Rule bans federal funding of organizations that provide abortion counseling

(Newser) - Barack Obama will likely revoke a controversial Bush administration rule on abortion within days of taking office, sources tell CNN. The policy, dubbed the "global gag rule" by critics, denies all US funding to family-planning services around the world that promote abortion or make any mention of abortion while...

Gays Leave the Closet, Abortion Moves Back In
Gays Leave the Closet, Abortion Moves Back In

Gays Leave the Closet, Abortion Moves Back In

1 in 3 women has had one, but so privately even friends don't know

(Newser) - With Connecticut last week becoming the third state to allow same-sex couples to marry, a group once very much stigmatized becomes more and more mainstream, writes Ellen Goodman in the Boston Globe. But even as homosexuals step out of the closet, women who’ve had abortions are stepping in. While...

If Roe Goes, States May Ban Cross-Border Abortions

Right states prepped to label abortion a criminal act

(Newser) - If John McCain wins and puts conservatives on the Supreme Court, not only could Roe v. Wade go down—states may prohibit women from crossing state lines for abortions, Linda Hirshman writes in the Washington Post. Past rulings and Constitutional interpretations don't clearly support such laws, but times have changed...

Palin Resurrects the Culture Wars

Watchers agree they never left, but require an event, like Palin's candidacy, to reemerge

(Newser) - The culture wars are heating up again, thanks to Sarah Palin’s staunch opposition to abortion and demonstrated fondness for firearms, Politico reports. Social issues have been largely absent from the campaign so far, with both candidates preferring to focus on the war and the economy. But Palin’s own...

Is Palin a Woman's Woman?
 Is Palin a Woman's Woman? 

Is Palin a Woman's Woman?

Women divided over conservative female veep pick's stand on women's issues

(Newser) - John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate is drawing a mixed reaction from the female swing voters his campaign is desperate to woo, reports the New York Times. Some conservative women who have been lukewarm about a McCain presidency are energized by the pick, whereas many...

VP Hopefuls Shift Positions, Hairdos

Opinions change on abortion, gays, stylists

(Newser) - Recipients of the VP vetting process are shifting their positions (and their stylists), Politico reports. Here are some examples:
  • Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has ditched a less-than-leaderly mullet, opting instead for a short hairstyle.
  • Florida's Charlie Crist has spun 180 degrees into the offshore drilling camp, matching John McCain’s

Anti-Abortion Groups Use Grand Juries on Foes

New/old weapon springs from 19th-century statute

(Newser) - Anti-abortion activists in Kansas are using an obscure 19th-century statute to convene grand juries to hear evidence against abortion-performing doctors, the New York Times reports. In several states, citizens who collect enough signatures can circumvent prosecutors and order their own investigation of an alleged crime. A Kansas doctor, for example,...

Anti-Obama Evangelical Writes Pro-Obama Book

Stephen Mansfield thinks Obama may sway young Christians, though he himself will vote against him

(Newser) - Stephen Mansfield expects to cast his ballot against Barack Obama in November. But that hasn’t stopped him from writing an admiring book about the candidate's religious profile—The Faith of Barack Obama—which argues that the candidate may well steal young evangelical voters away from John McCain. McCain is...

'Obamacon' Denied Communion
'Obamacon' Denied Communion

'Obamacon' Denied Communion

Snub raises questions about politically active Catholics' options

(Newser) - The question of whether pro-choice Catholic politicians should take Communion is a familiar one in election years, but in 2008 it has a new twist. A Repubilcan abortion opponent, onetime Reagan administration official, and private citizen who supports Barack Obama was denied Communion in April. EJ Dionne of the Washington ...

Abortion Digs on VP Hopeful Sebelius Are Ridiculous

But nice try, right wing

(Newser) - Right-wingers may be gleefully lampooning Kathleen Sebelius as a money-launderer for an abortion doc, Tim Rutten writes in the Los Angeles Times, but one could make the equally ridiculous case that by writing about it Robert Novak is an Opus Dei operative plotting a national overthrow. Abortion couldn't hurt the...

Late-Term Abortion Ban Overruled in Va.

Federal appeals court strikes down law prohibiting procedure

(Newser) - A federal appeals court struck down Virginia’s ban on a late-term abortion procedure, ruling that the law burdened a woman’s right to choose, Reuters reports. Although the Supreme Court upheld a similar federal law last year, the appeals court ruled that Virginia's ban went further because it provided...

McCain Veers Right on Supreme Court
McCain Veers Right on Supreme Court

McCain Veers Right on Supreme Court

Toobin decodes references in recent 'sneak' speech

(Newser) - If you aren’t a conservative activist, John McCain didn’t have you in mind when he recently laid out his position on judicial appointments: The speech was “a dog whistle for the right,” Jeffrey Toobin writes in the New Yorker, in a piece that decodes references meant...

Pro-Choicers Feel Backlash for Backing Obama

Analysts say timing could alienate donors

(Newser) - NARAL’s state affiliates are blasting the abortion-rights group’s decision to back Barack Obama, fearing the move could alienate donors loyal to Hillary Clinton. “It’s created a firestorm,” said the president of the group’s New York branch. “Everyone was mystified.” That includes Obama...

NARAL Endorses Obama; Clinton Camp 'Surprised'

Abortion-rights group, long behind Hillary, says it's time to go with the winner

(Newser) - NARAL tapped Barack Obama today, an endorsement that a top Hillary Clinton aide called “surprising.” The abortion-rights group said Obama is the candidate “we believe will secure the Democratic nomination”—and said it hoped to start healing a rift between black voters and white female activists...

Anti-Abortion Allies Give Pro-Choice Obama an Edge

Pennsylvania's Casey, Indiana's Roemer help with social conservatives

(Newser) - For a man once labeled “the most pro-abortion candidate ever,” Barack Obama has enjoyed a lift among social conservatives with support from Bob Casey and Tim Roemer—even if the fit is imperfect, the Washington Post reports. Casey, the first-term Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, says Obama “has...

Casey Nod Perfectly Timed, Placed
 Casey Nod Perfectly 
 Timed, Placed  

Casey Nod Perfectly Timed, Placed

Endorsement could help Obama among conservative Pennsylvania men

(Newser) - The endorsement of Sen. Bob Casey will give Barack Obama aid right where he needs it, Shailagh Murray notes in the Washington Post—among Pennsylvania’s lower-income white men. So-called “Casey Democrats”—anti-abortion, pro-gun social conservatives—are the kind of voters Obama must prove he can sway April...

Pundits Ponder Democrats' Next Move
Pundits Ponder Democrats'
Next Move

Pundits Ponder Democrats' Next Move

Second thoughts abound as potential end game looms

(Newser) - It’s primary day in Maryland, Virginia, and DC, and opinions vary on which Democratic hopeful truly holds the lead. Here are four outlooks:
  • Barack Obama is surging past Hillary Clinton in this month's races, but their "long and increasingly bitter struggle" may hurt the party's chances in November,

Abortion Foes See Young Join the Fight

Anti- Roe leaders recruit new generation of opponents

(Newser) - Many of Roe v. Wade’s most passionate opponents weren't even born when the ruling came down 35 years ago. Abortion opponents have excelled at turning young people into crusaders, the LA Times reports, through anti-abortion summer camps and even political internships. “You look at pictures of marches, and...

Giuliani Goes for Broke in Fla.
Giuliani Goes
for Broke
in Fla.

Giuliani Goes for Broke in Fla.

In run-up to must-win primary, GOP hopeful maxes out time, money

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has put every penny toward victory in Florida, hoping to build a dam that rising waters can’t breach. Come Jan. 29, says his campaign chairman, “we'll be the smartest guys in America or the dumbest guys in America.” Giuliani’s been to Florida nearly 30...

US Abortions Down 25% Since 1990 High
US Abortions Down 25%
Since 1990 High

US Abortions Down 25% Since 1990 High

More women using the Pill; both sides of debate claim victory

(Newser) - About 1.2 million abortions were performed in the US in 2005, a 25% drop from the practice’s 1990 heyday, new data show. About 1 in 5 pregnancies ended in abortion in '05—the most recent year with data available—compared to 1 in 3 in the 1980s, the...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>