abortion rights

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Huckabee: Rapes Create Some Amazing People

He tries to make Todd Akin feel better

(Newser) - Rapes are "horrible," but sometimes they produce "extraordinary" people, one-time GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee told Missouri Rep. Todd Akin during his radio show yesterday . “Ethel Waters, for example, was the result of a forcible rape,” Huckabee said of the late singer. “I used...

GOP Rep: 'Legit Rape' Victims Don't Get Pregnant

Todd Akin now says he 'misspoke'

(Newser) - GOP Missouri Rep. Todd Akin now says he goofed when he insisted "legitimate rape" victims don't get pregnant. Akin, who is running for Senate against Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill, had said in an interview yesterday that some kind of biological mechanism protects "legitimate rape" victims from pregnancy,...

Judge Keeps Mississippi's Only Abortion Clinic Open

Case could be 'blueprint for abortion foes nationwide'

(Newser) - A federal judge has extended an injunction that is keeping Mississippi's sole abortion clinic open . The judge continued to block a state law requiring anybody performing abortions to have privileges to admit patients to a local hospital, the AP reports. State officials say the law is about safety, but...

Judge Temporarily Blocks Mississippi Anti-Abortion Law

Law would close state's last abortion clinic

(Newser) - A Mississippi law that could shut down the only abortion clinic in the state has been blocked by a federal judge, at least temporarily, reports the AP . State House Bill 1390 requires anyone who performs abortions at the clinic to be an obstetrician-gynecologist with local hospital privileges. But as those...

Saying 'Vagina' Should Totally Be Illegal

Michigan lawmaker proves need for new bill: Dahlia Lithwick

(Newser) - A Michigan lawmaker last week had the audacity to utter the word "vagina" on the House floor, prompting a ban on Rep. Lisa Brown talking at all. It's time to go a step further, writes Dahlia Lithwick at Slate : Let's make it illegal for women to utter...

Censured Rep Hits Back With Vagina Monologues

Playwright Eve Ensler coming for Vagina performance tomorrow

(Newser) - Hide your legislators—vaginas are coming to Michigan. After Rep. Lisa Brown was banned from speaking in the House of Representatives for using the word "vagina" in a debate about a new anti-abortion law, Brown and eight other female state legislators will protest by performing The Vagina Monologues on...

Abortion Rights Championed in Defense Bill

Insurance would cover troop abortions in cases of rape, incest in amendment

(Newser) - Abortion rights advocates suddenly seem to have a chance to win a battle—but, surprisingly, it's part of the Defense bill debate. Last month New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen quietly added an amendment to the massive annual Department of Defense bill that would permit military health insurance to...

Mississippi May Close Only Abortion Clinic

Bill would make facility's doctors ineligible to work there

(Newser) - Mississippi has just one abortion clinic, and a bill that's passed the state legislature would likely close it. All it needs now is a governor's signature, and Phil Bryant has said he'll provide it. Under the bill, doctors performing abortions in an "abortion facility" would have...

Oklahoma Abortion Law Struck Down

Strict ultrasound law unconstitutional: judge

(Newser) - An Oklahoma judge has struck down a state law requiring women seeking abortions to have ultrasounds. The district judge decided the law—which required doctors to put an image of the ultrasound in front of the woman and give her a detailed description of the fetus—was unconstitutional because it...

Bill Would Make Tennessee Name Abortion Doctors

Some worry providers could be targeted

(Newser) - A bill under consideration in Tennessee would reveal the names of doctors who perform abortions, and could even inadvertently identify women who undergo the procedure, activists worry. Abortion providers currently have to record information about each patient, which the state's Department of Health collects. The Life Defense Act of...

Virginia Senate Puts Fetus 'Personhood' Bill on Ice

Surprise 24-14 vote follows Capitol protests

(Newser) - Virginia's state Senate made a surprise about-face yesterday: In a 24-14 vote, lawmakers effectively placed the so-called "personhood" bill, which declared that a person's rights begin from the moment sperm meets egg, on ice for the rest of 2012. Earlier that day, the Senate Education and Health...

Virginia Backpedals as Abortion Debate Blows Up

Bob McDonnell waffles on signing; media piles on

(Newser) - Besieged by protests , national outcry among feminists, and even an SNL sketch , Virginia is quickly rethinking its pre-abortion ultrasound bill, with the House of Delegates yesterday again delaying a vote, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch . Gov. Bob McDonnell, who had initially promised to sign the measure if it reached his desk,...

'Radical' Girl Scouts Back Gays, Abortion: Indiana Rep.

Indiana's Bob Morris refusing to honor group on 100th anniversary

(Newser) - A Republican member of the Indiana House is refusing to honor the the Girl Scouts on its 100th birthday because the "radicalized" organization backs gays and abortions. Rep. Bob Morris ripped the Girl Scouts, which he considers the "tactical arm" of Planned Parenthood, for allowing transgendered children to...

Virginia House Delays Abortion Bill After Protest

Ultrasound would be required for women seeking abortion

(Newser) - The Virginia House of Delegates delayed a hotly contested anti-abortion bill today after hundreds of women protested silently outside, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports. The bill—which was about to pass—would mandate an ultrasound for every woman planning an abortion and give her the choice of viewing the fetus. But...

Oklahoma Senate Passes 'Personhood' Act

Says life begins at conception, but supporters say it doesn't ban abortion

(Newser) - The Oklahoma Senate has passed a controversial bill that declares that life begins at the moment of conception, in a landslide 34-8 vote. The Personhood Act passed yesterday after two hours of debate. It's unclear what effect the bill will have, however; its author says it's just a...

Former Komen VP Blasts 'Bully' Planned Parenthood

Karen Handel says Planned Parenthood broke agreement not to alert media

(Newser) - Former Susan G. Komen VP Karen Handel says the foundation had a "gentle ladies' agreement" with Planned Parenthood that neither would alert the press when Komen cut off funding , and that Planned Parenthood broke it. "What happened is nothing short of a disgrace," she tells the Daily...

Pro-Life Komen VP Pushed Defunding: Report

 Komen VP 
says source

Pro-Life Komen VP Pushed Defunding

Karen Handel painted move as non-political: insider

(Newser) - Susan G. Komen Foundation leaders have given several reasons for the charity's now-reversed cuts to Planned Parenthood funding —but here's one they didn't mention. Komen's VP for public policy, abortion-rights opponent Karen Handel, fueled the decision, an insider with the group tells the Huffington Post...

Santorum to Rape Victims: Save 'Horribly Made' Gift

'You have to make the best of a bad situation,' and have the baby, he says

(Newser) - He certainly has a way with words—and Rick Santorum is still getting ripped for some of them. Santorum last week urged rape victims to protect the "horribly created" pregnancies that may result as a "broken" gift from God. Rape victims who become pregnant should "make the...

Ann Keenan: The Abortion in Mitt Romney's Past
 The Abortion 
 in Mitt's Past 

The Abortion in Mitt's Past

Salon reveals details of relative's death

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has long had a reputation as a flip-flopper , and now Salon reveals the full story behind his well-known change of heart on abortion. In 1994, Romney declared in a Senate debate with Ted Kennedy that though he was personally against abortion, he believed it should be "safe...

Man Slams Ex for Aborting His Baby—Via Billboard

After his ex-girlfriend allegedly aborted their child, Greg Fultz got drastic

(Newser) - Hell hath no fury like this guy: Greg Fultz lashed out at his ex-girlfriend with a billboard featuring a picture of him holding the outline of an infant reading, "This Would Have Been A Picture Of My 2-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To Not KILL Our...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>